Vasiliev V. M. Marie muro. Songs of the Mari people collected by V.M. Vasiliev. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vasilev V. M. Mari muro. Pesni naroda mari sobrannye V. M. Vasilevym.. Kazan. Narcotics of Nationalities. 1919. 95 p. SKUalbc41e96f88385d14e.
Vasiliev A. Fashion History. Beach Fashion. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vasilev A. Istoriya mody. Plyazhnaya moda.. Vasiliev A. Fashion History. Beach Fashion. In Russian SKUalb63ba97b6ef32589d.
Vasiliev Alexander. Russian interior in old photos. Mini In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vasilev Aleksandr. Russkiy interer v starinnykh fotografiyakh. Mini. M. Slovo / SLOVO 2010. 440 p. SKUalbdb4c30afa37ff422.
Vasiliev V. Notes on the second issue of Chinese textbooks. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vasilev V. Primechaniya na vtoroy vypusk kitayskoy khrestomatii.. St. Petersburg print by A. Grigoryeva 1884. 123 s. SKUalbd084ce93da8b432f.
Vasiliev B.G. Monumental painting of the Old Ladoga of the twelfth century. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vasilev B.G. Monumentalnaya zhivopis Staroy Ladogi XII veka.. St. Petersburg Slavia 2014 560s. SKUalbbb5d3245b4576208.
Laskin G. Vasiliev A. A. Irakli (Byzantine state in the first half of the 7th . Tyre Room 5 Moscow Publishing House V. Sekachev 2012 608p. SKUalbbbdb74d0d214c8a3.
Vasiliev Alexander. European Fashion. Three Centuries In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vasilev Aleksandr. Evropeyskaya moda. Tri veka. WORD. SLOVO 2006 440 pp. SKUalb4e2d488ee2d70789.
Vasiliev V. et al. Oil in Tatarstan and Bashkiria Oil fields in the second Baku (Ural-Volzhsky oil district). In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vasilev V. i dr. Neft v Tatarstane i Bashkirii Neftyanye mestorozhdeniya vtorogo Baku (Uralo-Volzhskiy neftyanoy rayon). Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).With the stamp Secret. Moscow State Institute of Petroleum and Fuel Literature 1948. 437 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb98dc2273a000699c
Vasiliev V.I. et al. Multilevel control of dynamic objects. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vasilev V.I. i dr. Mnogourovnevoe upravlenie dinamicheskimi obektami.. M. Science 1987. SKUalb6b7b0c074d0cba62.
Vasiliev A.A. Exchange speculation. Theory and practice In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vasilev A.A. Birzhevaya spekulyatsiya. Teoriya i praktika Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).St. Petersburg type. N.Y. Ehrlich 1912. IV + 168 pages We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb965a65f04a7fa39c
Atlas. Engineer V. A. Vasiliev. Atlas of Russian commercial ports. Set in two issues. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Atlas. Inzhener V. A. Vasilev. Atlas russkikh kommercheskikh portov. Komplekt v dvukh vypuskakh. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).Under the editorship of V. E. Timonov A. B. Miller: Issue I-II. Ministry of Communication Roads. Provisional Commission on the Arrangement of Commercial Ports St. Petersburg. Cartographic Institution of A. Ilyin. Typography of E. Goppe. 1892-1893. I 7l. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb48a22a1543dad138
Vasiliev I. S. Instruction on documentation and reporting of exploration parties. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vasilev I.S. Instruktsiya po dokumentatsii i otchetnosti razvedochnykh partiy.. Issue I. Documentation and reporting of column drilling. Leningrad Edition of the Geological Committee. 1927. 94 p. SKUalb6824f6da556b3828.
Vasiliev P.A. Mashensky S.N. Ship as a bird. Watchships of projects 1135 1135M 11353 11352 In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vasilev P.A. Mashenskiy S.N. Korabl kak ptitsa. Storozhevye korabli proektov 1135 1135M 11353 11352. Ships of the Soviet Navy M. War Book 2009 104 p. SKUalb6dcdd44e9cffd6a5.
Vasiliev Andrey. Castle on the Raven Mountain. Black spring. Wind sows. Time for rockings. Place under the sun. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vasilev Andrey. Zamok na voroney gore. Chernaya vesna. Seyateli vetra. Vremya rokirovok. Mesto pod solntsem.. A Fantastic M Alpha Book 2015-2018. SKUalb756231b599e0ba30.
Vasiliev A. Without retouching. Soviet style In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vasilev A. Bez retushi. Sovetskiy stil. M. WORD 2021. 384 p. SKUalb839727e755aaac95.
Vasiliev A. On the hunt. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vasilev A. Na okhote.. M 1952. Stories about hunting choir. SKUalb979927235c9a4eab.
Vasiliev N.P. The Second Duma. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vasilev N.P. Vtoraya Duma.. St. Petersburg Typography by A.S. Suvorin. 96 p. 21.5x14.5 sm. SKUalb985b48adb18aeb99.
Vasiliev P. On Lenins Jewish ancestors. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vasilev P. O evreyskikh predkakh Lenina.. Buenos Aires Our Country 1964. 16 pp. SKUalb9ac99b2616fca827.
Vasiliev V.G. Kiryushina M.T. Menshikov N.A. Two years in the tundra. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vasilev V.G. Kiryushina M.T. Menshikov N.A. Dva goda v tundre.. Series: The Polar Library. Publishing House of the Main Sea Route 1935. 216 p. SKUalb9e4189379b8eec44.
Vasiliev A. What is the Fatherland? In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vasilev A. Chto takoe otechestvo.. Social and Political Library Series # 5 Berlin Ladyzhnikov 1918. 60 p. SKUalbafab889aec158cf8.
Vasiliev A. Without retouching. Soviet style. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vasilev A. Bez retushi. Sovetskiy stil.. M. Slovo / Slovenia 2021. 384 p. SKUalbb4ac31bb0dd090fe.
Vasiliev Alexander. Beauty in Exile. The catwalk queens In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vasilev Aleksandr. Krasota v izgnanii.Korolevy podiuma. Word of 2008. SKUalbb48f2d6c010c9b1c.
Vasiliev V. K. (Professor). Design of steam-powered ship units. Part I. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vasilev V. K. (Professor). Proektirovanie parosilovykh sudovykh ustanovok. Chast I.. Editor A.A. Moiseyev. Leningrad. State Union Shipbuilding Publishing House. 1940. 312 p. SKUalb0f7b7ab9856c8bb4.
Vasiliev Ark. Janson A.K. Ancient Pskov. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Vasilev Ark. Yanson A.K. Drevniy Pskov.. Historical Essay and Guide. 1929. Committee for the Popularization of Art Publications. 4 137 p.: il. 1 l. Frontyspies 1 sq. sheet of map (Pskovs plan). SKUalb15c1baddb4d0efee.
Bezotosny V. Vasiliev A. The Patriotic War of 1812 and the Liberation March of the Russian Army of 1813-1814: An Encyclopedia in 3 Volumes. Volumes 1-3 In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Bezotosnyy V. Vasilev A. Otechestvennaya voyna 1812 goda i osvoboditelnyy pokhod russkoy armii 1813-1814 godov: Entsiklopediya v 3 tomakh. Toma 1-3 Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).The encyclopedia contains more than 3 800 articles reflecting the most important military-historical and diplomatic events of the 1812 epoch presenting the plans of the parties battles and battles the type of troops the composition of armies and military formations international treaties the main institutions and state agencies historiographic problems and the main groups of sources uniforms decorations and military regalia monuments. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb27fdb0591c336260