Various authors (DEKKER A.M.M., KLUYSKENS J., NAUWELAERTS M.A., KAISER L.M., and others)
Reference : G80209
Leuven/ The Hague, University Press/ Martinus Nijhoff 1974 vi + 441pp., softcover, 24cm., fine condition, [Contains; DEKKER A.M.M.: Three unknown "Cantilenae martinianae" by Georgius Macropedius: a contribution to the study of the Utrecht Carmina Scholastica (pp.188-227), KLUYSKENS J.: Justus Lipsius (1547-1606) and the Jesuits, with four unpublished letters (pp.244-270), NAUWELAERTS M.A.: La correspondance de Simon Verepaeus 1522-1598 (pp.271-340), KAISER L.M.: Thirteen early American Latin Elegies: a critical edition (pp.346-381), etc ], G80209