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‎Eddy Louchez, Dries Vanysacker (eds)‎

Reference : 63180

‎F r d' sse walon. tudes d'histoire en l'honneur du professeur Luc Courtois‎

‎, Brepols, 2023 Paperback, 340 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:11 b/w, 1 maps b/w, Language(s):French, English. ISBN 9782503601830.‎

‎Summary Vingt-quatre contributions portant sur toutes les p riodes historiques et sur des th matiques ch res au jeune m rite: l'histoire de la th ologie et du christianisme, l'histoire de la Wallonie, l'histoire de l'Universit catholique de Louvain, la bande dessin e et la litt rature de jeunesse en tant que sources historiques. TABLE OF CONTENTS Pr face Eddy LOUCHEZ & Dries VANYSACKER R GIS BURNET Comment r diger une notice sur (Saint) Luc ? Quelques pistes pour le DHGE JEAN-MARIE AUWERS Erat et piscis Christus. Le symbolisme du poisson chez Pierre Chrysologue FREDERIK KEYGNAERT Ademar of Chabannes on the Power to Bind and Loose JEAN-MARIE YANTE L'exportation du savoir-faire sid rurgique wallon (XIVe-XVIIe si cles) JEAN-PIERRE DELVILLE Corneille Jansenius d'Hulst, ex g te Louvain et v que de Gand (1510-1576) MATHIJS LAMBERIGTS Do Future Priests Need an Active Knowledge of Latin? The Debate in the Preparatory Commission for Studies and Universities ANDR HAQUIN Les Journ es ?cum niques de Chevetogne (1991 et 1992) et les glises orientales catholiques LIEVE GEVERS et LOUIS VOS L' piscopat belge et le mouvement flamand GENEVI VE WARLAND L' tat ind pendant du Congo au miroir de la Revue G n rale et de la Revue de Belgique, 1870-1914 BERNARD JOASSART Albert Houtin vu par les bollandistes JAN DE VOLDER A noble peace mediation. Countess de Merode and Cardinal Mercier EMMANUEL DEBRUYNE Cet esprit de sacrifice qui fait le bon soldat . L'engagement du clerg catholique dans la guerre de l'ombre en pays occup (1914-1918) DRIES VANYSACKER Roger Aubert et son r seau italien pendant les ann es 1950-1960 JEAN-DOMINIQUE DURAND Jacques Maritain. Une philosophie d'inspiration chr tienne de la Nation et de l'Europe YVES CHIRON Solesmes et l'int grisme 1946-1975 VINCENT PETIT L'abb Isenbart (1926-1985), confesseur de Bastien-Thiry. Mystique et politique chez un cur de campagne EDDY LOUCHEZ Aussit t je leur ai donn quelques bonnes calottes . L on Balter, oblat de Marie Immacul e wallon, en tant que principal d' coles indiennes au Canada dans la premi re moiti du XXe si cle PHILIPPE DENIS Les m tamorphoses de la congr gation des Dominicaines Missionnaires de Namur PAUL SERVAIS L'h ritage de Vincent Lebbe au XXIe si cle PHILIPPE CHANSON Litt rature et peinture en Ha ti : au souffle du politique, de l'indig nisme et du religieux, une mergence conjointe entre pays r v et paysages r els FRAN OISE ROSART ET GUY ZELIS Maurice Bellet (1923-2018), conteur d'histoires pour la jeunesse (1948-1962) PHILIPPE MARTIN Les schtroumpfs et le livre PHILIPPE DELISLE Yves Chaland, passeur de la BD franco-belge classique au d but des ann es 1980 JEAN PIROTTE pilogue : Luc Courtois ou de l'amiti comme chemin de progression dans la connaissance Table des contributeurs Index des personnages historiques (Eddy Louchez) Tabula Gratulatoria‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR99.00 (€99.00 )

‎P. Delsaerdt, H. Schwall, D. Vanysacker, J.-P. Delville (eds.)‎

Reference : 31362

‎Quintessence of Lives, Intellectual Biographies in the Low Countries presented to Jan Roegiers‎

‎, Brepols, 2010 The Quintessence of Lives Intellectual Biographies in the Low Countries presented to Jan Roegiers XXXVII 513 p., 160 x 245 mm, Languages: English,Paperback. ISBN 9782503532103.‎

‎What is the essence of a life? Which elements merit selection by a biographer? Which should be discreetly left out? To what extent can an intellectual?s thoughts and actions be captured in schemes and structures, without distorting or reducing the richness of a multifarious personality? These are the questions which underlie the contributions to the volume The Quintessence of Lives: Intellectual Biographies in the Low Countries presented to Jan Roegiers. More than twenty-five historians have written intellectual biographies of figures who created a ?second life? for themselves on paper. All persons discussed are firmly rooted in the intellectual life of the Low Countries and were active there between the sixteenth and the twentieth century. The volume is offered on the occasion of the retirement of Prof. Dr. Jan Roegiers as full professor at the K.U.Leuven. As head librarian and archivist, also in charge of the university?s art collections, Jan Roegiers played a pivotal role in collecting, preserving and making available the documentary and artistic inheritance of the University of Leuven. His main interest is in the intellectual and ecclesiastical history of the Low Countries in the Modern period, but his curiosity also made him venture far beyond the boundaries of the research group in which he was active as professor ordinarius. Whatever the topic, all his texts show how much he valued the craftmanship of historiography, his great consideration for the wider context which codetermines the acts and writings of committed intellectuals, and his relish for erudition. These same features are variously reflected in the biographical contributions in this volume. They illustrate how social and cultural trends in the surrounding environment affect the actual course of action chosen by individuals who helped shape the intellectual life of our region. Academically trained lay people and clerics, as well as academics from many disciplines are to be encountered here. The authors look at how they react to the Zeitgeist, how they often go against the current and leave their mark on a whole era; or how individuals who enjoyed the same education eventually go opposite ways and proclaim conflicting views. The book will be published in the series Bibliotheque de la Revue d?histoire ecclesiastique, in recognition of the important part Jan Roegiers has played these many years as director of this international academic journal, which has recently started a formal cooperation with Brepols Publishers. The contributions, mainly in English and French, but also in German and Dutch are written by Erik Aerts, Bruno Boute, Rob Brusten and friends, Luc Courtois, Pierre Delsaerdt, Jean-Pierre Delville, Wim Francois, Willem Frijhoff, Lieve Gevers, Craig Harline, Guido Hendrix, Marion Huibrechts, Staf Janssens, Eddy Louchez, Jeroen Nilis, Ernest Persoons, Eddy Put, Toon Quaghebeur, Ludo Simons, Violet Soen, Gilbert Tournoy, Michel van Meerbeeck, Dries Vanysacker, Johan Verberckmoes, Tom Verschaffel, Dries Welkenhuyzen, and Kaat Wils.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR84.99 (€84.99 )

‎Jean-Marie Auwers, Dries Vanysacker (eds)‎

Reference : 65522

‎Pulchritudo tam antiqua et tam nova. Studies in History of Christianity in Honour of Mathijs Lamberigts/ tudes d'histoire du christianisme en l'honneur de M. Lamberigts‎

‎, Brepols, 2020 Paperback, 368 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:30 b/w, 1 col., Languages: Latin, French. ISBN 9782503582337.‎

‎Summary This volume contains twenty-two articles that colleagues and friends of Mathijs Lamberigts, Dean of the Faculty of Theology at KULeuven and Director of the Revue d'histoire eccl siastique - Louvain Journal Church History, offer him for his 65th birthday. These articles cover all periods in the history of Christianity, from the apocrypha on Saint Matthew to contemporary Christianity, and focus on themes dear to the dedicatee (Pelagianism, Julian of Eclan, Christianity in Flanders, the Louvain' tradition, the Second Vatican Council). Ce volume rassemble vingt-deux articles que des coll gues et amis de Mathijs Lamberigts, qui fut doyen de la facult de th ologie de la KULeuven et directeur de la Revue d'histoire eccl siastique, lui offrent pour ses 65 ans. Ces articles couvrent toutes les p riodes de l'histoire du christianisme, depuis les apocryphes sur saint Matthieu jusqu'au christianisme contemporain, et privil gient les th mes chers au d dicataire (le p lagianisme, Julien d' clane, le christianisme en Flandre, la tradition louvaniste, le concile Vatican II). TABLE OF CONTENTS R gis Burnet, Les missions de Matthieu : trajet d'un vang liste baroudeur Johan Leemans, The Use of the Diatribe in the Sermons of Asterius of Amaseia Jean-Marie Auwers & Michel Cozic, Julien d' clane, lecteur du Cantique des cantiques Lieve Watteeuw, The Illuminated Parchment Mitre of Bishop Jacques de Vitry (c. 1165-1240) Paul Bertrand, L'action d'Hugues de Saint-Cher, l gat en terre d'Empire (1251-1253). Diplomatie et diplomatique eccl siastiques Jean-Pierre Delville, L onard de Vinci, lecteur de la Bible Ralph Dekoninck, Une k nose de l'image. De la peinture d'autel la sculpture cultuelle de la premi re modernit dans les anciens Pays-Bas Rob Faesen, In actione contemplativus - An Ideal of the Devotio Moderna and Some Antecedents in Spiritual Authors from the Low Countries Violet Soen, Borderland Bishops in Cambrai, Noblemen Defending the Frontiers of Faith in the Age of the Council of Trent Wouter Druw , The Relationship between Secular and Ecclesiastical Authorities in the Consultations of Pontifical Law by Joannes Wamesius (1524-1590) Jan De Maeyer & Kristien Suenens, Religion, Gender and Identity. Female religious and material culture in the nineteenth century Herman Teule, From Aleppo to Khosrova: Paul Bedjan and his Compendium conciliorum oecumenicorum undecim Dries Vanysacker, What ecclesiastical Archives can contribute to Social History: Religious Testimonies on Italian Soldiers in Belgium during the First World War? Luc Courtois, La derni re bataille de l'archi piscopat du cardinal Mercier? L'accession de Paulin Ladeuze l' piscopat (1925-1929) Jean Pirotte, Fragrances n o-p lagiennes au milieu du 20e si cle. Le culte de la nature dans le scoutisme catholique belge Jan De Volder, Nostra Aetate's "Slumbering Existence"? - An Assessment of the Interfaith Dialogue During the Pontificate of Pope Paul VI Lieve Gevers, Vatican II en perspective. La Flandre catholique et la r volution des ann es soixante Eddy Louchez, Ad Gentes et les Missionnaires Oblats de Marie Immacul e, de l'esp rance l'assimilation Jean-Pascal Gay, Global Thils? Un th ologien du 20e s. et la traduction de ses oeuvres Jean-Dominique Durand, Le cardinal Giuseppe Siri entre Occident et communisme Philippe Denis, The correspondance of Denis Hurley, archbishop of Durban, as a historical source Frederik Keygnaert, The Abolishment of the Local Interdict in the Revised Code of Canon Law (1983)‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )

‎P. Delsaerdt, H. Schwall, D. Vanysacker, J.-P. Delville (eds.);‎

Reference : 34886

‎Quintessence of Lives. Intellectual Biographies in the Low Countries presented to Jan Roegiers,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2010 Paperback, XXXVII+513 p., 160 x 245 mm ISBN 9782503532103.‎

‎What is the essence of a life? Which elements merit selection by a biographer? Which should be discreetly left out? To what extent can an intellectual?s thoughts and actions be captured in schemes and structures, without distorting or reducing the richness of a multifarious personality? These are the questions which underlie the contributions to the volume The Quintessence of Lives: Intellectual Biographies in the Low Countries presented to Jan Roegiers. More than twenty-five historians have written intellectual biographies of figures who created a ?second life? for themselves on paper. All persons discussed are firmly rooted in the intellectual life of the Low Countries and were active there between the sixteenth and the twentieth century. The volume is offered on the occasion of the retirement of Prof. Dr. Jan Roegiers as full professor at the K.U.Leuven. As head librarian and archivist, also in charge of the university?s art collections, Jan Roegiers played a pivotal role in collecting, preserving and making available the documentary and artistic inheritance of the University of Leuven. His main interest is in the intellectual and ecclesiastical history of the Low Countries in the Modern period, but his curiosity also made him venture far beyond the boundaries of the research group in which he was active as professor ordinarius. Whatever the topic, all his texts show how much he valued the craftmanship of historiography, his great consideration for the wider context which codetermines the acts and writings of committed intellectuals, and his relish for erudition. These same features are variously reflected in the biographical contributions in this volume. They illustrate how social and cultural trends in the surrounding environment affect the actual course of action chosen by individuals who helped shape the intellectual life of our region. Academically trained lay people and clerics, as well as academics from many disciplines are to be encountered here. The authors look at how they react to the Zeitgeist, how they often go against the current and leave their mark on a whole era; or how individuals who enjoyed the same education eventually go opposite ways and proclaim conflicting views. The book will be published in the series Bibliotheque de la Revue d?histoire ecclesiastique, in recognition of the important part Jan Roegiers has played these many years as director of this international academic journal, which has recently started a formal cooperation with Brepols Publishers. The contributions, mainly in English and French, but also in German and Dutch are written by Erik Aerts, Bruno Boute, Rob Brusten and friends, Luc Courtois, Pierre Delsaerdt, Jean-Pierre Delville, Wim Francois, Willem Frijhoff, Lieve Gevers, Craig Harline, Guido Hendrix, Marion Huibrechts, Staf Janssens, Eddy Louchez, Jeroen Nilis, Ernest Persoons, Eddy Put, Toon Quaghebeur, Ludo Simons, Violet Soen, Gilbert Tournoy, Michel van Meerbeeck, Dries Vanysacker, Johan Verberckmoes, Tom Verschaffel, Dries Welkenhuyzen, and Kaat Wils. Languages: English.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR93.50 (€93.50 )

‎Dries Vanysacker‎

Reference : 019519


‎Hekserij in Brugge, de magische leefwereld van een stadsbevolking 16de- 17de eeuw‎

‎Brugge 1988 genootschap voor geschiedenis Soft cover 1° Edition ‎

‎Hekserij in Brugge, de magische leefwereld van een stadsbevolking 16de- 17de eeuw 240 x 160 mm, 203 pp, z/w geïllustreerd, zeer goede staat‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎VANYSACKER Dries, DELSAERDT Pierre, DELVILLE Jean-Pierre & SCHWALL Hedwig (eds.)‎

Reference : B78311


‎The Quintessence of lives. Intellectual biographies in the Low Countries presented to Jan Roegiers‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols 2010 xxxvii + 513pp., also contains bibliography of Jan Roegiers, 25cm., softcover, dustwrapper, fine condition, [most of the contributions are in English and French], in the series "Bibliothèque de la Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique" vol.91, B78311‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR70.00 (€70.00 )


Reference : B89275


‎Repertorium van Antwerpse boekenveilingen 1750-1800‎

‎Antwerpen, Ufsia 1999 119pp., 25cm., gebroch., mooie staat, overdruk uit "De Gulden Passer" (1997), B89275‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )


Reference : R94309


‎The Garampi correspondence. A chronological list of the private correspondence of cardinal Giuseppe Garampi (1741-1792)‎

‎Leuven, Bibliotheek van de faculteit godgeleerdheid 1997 xxiii + 429pp., 24cm., softcover, in the series "Instrumenta Theologica" vol.19, very good, R94309‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )

‎VANYSACKER Dries - Pierre DELSAERDT - Jean-Pierre Delville - Hedwig SCHWALL ( editors ) :‎

Reference : 57144

‎The Quintessence of Lives. Intellectual Biographies in the Low Countries presented to Jan Roegiers. (Festschrift ) .‎

‎".: Turnhout, Brepols , 2010, in-80, xxxvii + 513 pp, ills., stiff paper wrapper. Essays in Dutch, French or English. Publ. in the series ""Bibliothèque de la Revue d'Histoire ecclésiastique"", fascicule 91. Festschrift .."‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR75.00 (€75.00 )
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