Louvain, Publications Universitaires de Louvain 1972 xlix + 381pp., 25cm., br.orig., non coupé, très bel état, dans la série "Université de Louvain. Recueil de travaux d'histoire et de philologie" 4e série fasc.47, K84843
Louvain, Publications Universitaires de Louvain 1972 xlix + 381pp., 25cm., dans la série "Université de Louvain. Recueil de travaux d'histoire et de philologie" 4e série fasc.47, jolie reliure solide en toile brune, titre doré au dos, 3 cachets au verso de la page de titre texte frais, bon état, K116122
Leuven/ Paris, Nauwelaerts/ Béatrice-Nauwelaerts 1965 315pp., 24cm., br.orig., dans la série "Interuniversitair centrum voor hedendaagse geschiedenis. Bijdragen. Centre Interuniversitaire d'histoire contemporaine. Cahiers" volume 36, bel état, B80186
ANTWERP JESUIT DOMUS PROFESSA - [ ] Clara Maria Theresia vander VORST ( dedicatee ) - Jesuit Emblemata :
Reference : 51629
".: Antwerpen, 1705, manuscript on vellum, manuscript title page + (14) nn pp with printed text + 11 full page emblematic paintings + (3)nn pp (music score with interlinear text of a song, on paper). Bound in contemporary red velvet with traces of white silk ties. Endpapers in brocade ( double headed eagle surrounded by animals ( dogs, cerfs, birds). Binding with some wear at extremities, interior stainless. Very finely preserved. The title page is written in red and black ink, with calligraphical ornamentations,. The emblematical gouaches are all painted within a different large roccoco frame and depict typical Jesuit allegorical emblemata. E.g. the opening gouache shows a formal garden with on the left a rising sun and on the right a classical building which bears the letters I.H.S. Bibliography: This manuscript with its printed text on vellum and the 11 paintings is mentioned in De Backer-Sommervogel. (Vol. I col. 458. Item 133). He lists under the same heading an ordinary copy printed on paper (without ills.) by Petrus Jacobs in 1705. Our manuscript contains also this year 1705 in Roman letter in the final wish on pp(24). So we can attribute the printed text to Petrus Jacobs, active in Antwerp around 1705 ( see Olthoff pp.50). We can until now not identify the author of the text, nor the artist of the paintings. The manuscript figures in the ''Corpus Librorum Emblematum. The Jesuit series Part One '' ( authors Peter Daly & G.R.Dimler) on pp. 7 where they mention an auction catalogue of 1869, Ghendt, J. De Meyer, lot 420. (see Blogie 174) On the fly leaf is mentioned an earlier auction (1854), library of Everaert de Geelhauts, also in Ghendt (Blogie 128). (Jesuit;emblemata;vellum;original;gouache;)."
Bruxelles, Bruylant, 1989. 16 x 24, 400 pp., broché, très bon état.
Ecole des sciences criminologiques Léon Cornil (Faculté de droit à l'Université Libre de Bruxelles).
".: 2. Leuven, Paris, Editions Nauwelaerts, 1965, in-8°, 24 x 16 cm, sewn, orig. wrapper, 315 pp, index. Publication No.36 in the series; Cahiers (du) Centre Interuniversitaire d'Histoire Contemporaine."