Harlem, Les Heritieres Loosjes, 1886. With orig. printed frontwrapper to vol. XX. In ""Archives Néerlandaises des Science Exactes et Naturelles."", Tome XX., 3. issue. Pp. 171-302 (=3. issue). Van't Hoff's paper: pp. 239-302. Clean and fine.
First appearance of an importent paper in which Van't Hoff ""showed from quantitative experiments on osmosis that dilute solutions of cane sugar obey the laws of Boyle, Gay-Lussac, and particularly leading to an extension of Avogadros law. He here announced the laws which bears his name and which apply to ideal solutions ""solutions which are diluted to such an extent that they are comparable to ideal gases."" Einstein in 1905 and later made importent applications of these laws.""Thus van't Hoff was able to prove that the laws of thermodynamics are valid not only for gases but also for dilute solutuions. His pressure law gave general validity to the electrolytic theory of Arrhenius,,,consequently van't Hoff became an adherent of the theory of electrolytic dissociation.""(DSB XIII, p. 579. In 1901 Van't Hoff was the first to receive the Nobel Prize for chemistry.
Braunschweig, Vieweg und Sohn, 1898-1900. Contemp. hcloth. Gilt lettering to spine. A small stamp on halftitle and first page. XI,252;X,148;""X,136 pp., textillustrations. Internally clean and fine.
First edition of Van't Hoff's - the founder of stereochemistry - importent """"Vorlesungen"""". He was the first to receive the Nobel Prize in chemistry (1901) for his work on chemical solutions.""""Chemistry is idepted to van't Hoff for his funamental contributions to the unification of chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, and physical measurements. He was instrumental in founding physical chemistry as an independent discipline.""""(DSB XIII, p. 580).
Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1897. Contemp. hcalf., raised bands, gilt spine. Spine a bit worn. Stamps on titlepage. IV,95 pp., textillustrations. Internally clean and fine.
First edition of Van't Hoff's - the founder of stereochemistry - importent work on double salts in which he outlines the theoretical and practical treatment of the formation, separation, and conversion of many double salts, especially the tartrates of sodium, ammonium, and potassium. - . He was the first to receive the Nobel Prize in chemistry (1901) for his work on chemical solutions.""Chemistry is idepted to van't Hoff for his funamental contributions to the unification of chemical kinetics, thermodynamics, and physical measurements. He was instrumental in founding physical chemistry as an independent discipline.""(DSB XIII, p. 580).
Braunschweig, Vieweg und Sohn, 1877 u. 1894. Leipzig und Wien, Franz Deuticke, 1892. 8vo. Bound in one well-preserved contemp. hcloth with gilt lettering to spine. X,(2),53 pp. + XII,147 pp. + VIII,128 pp. Halftitle and titlepage to the first work with some brownspots in upper right corners. A few scattered brownspots and a few underlinings, otherwise internally fine and clean. From the library of Hans Rupe (with his exlibris on inside frontcover). Rupe became extraordinary professor for organic chemistry at the University of Basel. In 1912 , he was promoted to ordinary professor for organic chemistry.
First German edition (in the adaptation of Wislicenus) of van't Hoff's epoch making work ""La chimie dans l'espace"", published 1875 (a French expanded translation of his dissertation of 1874), and in which he established the fact that optically active substances contain at least one ""asymmetric"" carbon atom, that is, a carbon atom linked with four different kinds of atoms or radicals. Together here with the second, much expanded version and also WITH THE FIRST GERMAN EDITION OF OF ""Dix Années..."", which includes nearly three times as much material as the first edition (""La Chimie dans l'Espace""). ""His revolutionary ideas on the theory of the asymmetric carbon atom did not attract the attention of chemists, however, until Wislicenus asked van’t Hoff’s permission for a German translation by one of his pupils, Felix Herrmann.""(DSB).""In 1874, at the age of twenty-two, and with his Ph.D., as yet a few months in the future, he published a startling paper on the structure of organic compounds. Chemists had been puzzling for more than half a centurt over the fact that some organic compounds were optically active while others were not. As long ago as Biot there had been suggestion that this was due to some sort of assymetry, but the nature and location of that asymmetry remained a mystery. Pasteur had located the asymmetry in crystals, but that did not help with respect to the optical activity of subsatnces in soolution.Van't Hoff suggested that the symmetry exisyted in the molecules themselves. He drew four valences of the carbon atom (each represented as a short line or ""bond""), not two-dimensionally toward the four angles of a square, as Couper had done, but three-dimensionally toward the four angles of a tetrahedron. When the tetrahedral arrangement was considered, matters cleared up..."" (Asimov's Biographical Encyclopedia..).Van't Hoff was the first to receive the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1901.Parkinson ""Breakthroughs"", 1874 C.
P., Hermann, 1898/1900, 3 VOLUMES in 8, brochés, couvertures imprimées, brochés, couvertures imprimées, (dos cassés et renforcés, couvertures défraîchies avec manque de papier, cachets de bibliothèque, rousseurs -- Bon état intérieur), T.1 : (2), 263pp., T.2 : (2), 162pp., T.3 : 1 PORTRAIT DE VAN'T HOFF, (2), 2pp., 170pp., figures dans le texte
---- PREMIERE EDITION FRANCAISE ---- "Chemistry is indebted to VAN'T HOFF for his fundamental contributions to the unification of chemical kinetics, thermodynamics and physical measurements. He was instrumental in founding physical chemistry as an independent discipline". (DSB XIII p. 580) ---- Partington IV**5140/5141/o7de/CAV.E6
Stockholm, Kongl. Boktryckeriet, 1886. 4to. Orig. blank wrappers with printed title on top of frontwrapper. Wrapper a bit frayed. In: ""Kongl. Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar"" Bd. 21, No. 17. Separately printed. 58 pp.
First printing of this importent paper in the history of chemistry in which van't Hoff showed that dilute solutions follow the same mathematical properties describing gases.Hoff was awarded the first Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1901 for his discovery of the laws of chemical dynamics and osmotic pressure in solutions.
Flammarion, 2005. Format 14x22 cm, broche, 186 pages. Bon etat, petites traces d'usage sur un livre d'occasion.
Francisco van der Hoff est le fondateur du commerce equitable.
Gauthier - Villars 1938 collection les classiques de la découverte scientifique. Paris. in12. 1938. Broché. 165 pages. Bon Etat intérieur propre
, Utrecht/Antwerpen, Het Spectrum 1980, 111pp. geïllustreerd, gecart.band met stofwikkel, V19417
Paris, 1892, in-8, 163pp, reliure demi-chagrin, Très bel exemplaire! 163pp
2002 Editions JC Lattès. 2002. 1 vol in-8, broché. 285 pages
Bon état
".: 's-Gravenhage, Martinus Nijhoff, 1947, lg in-4°, viii + 127 pp, index, 25 pl. h/t, half linen. The authors were archivists at the ""Algemeen Rijksarchief"". Text in Dutch, with a summary in English. Fine copy."
Leipzig, Akadem. Verlagsgesellschaft, 1912, in-4°, XX + 374 S. + 8 Falttafeln, unbeschnitten, Bibliotheksstempel, Original-Broschüre, etwas beschädigt am Rand.
Erste Sammelausgabe von 52 Veröffentlichungen des berühmten niederländischen Chemikers Jacob Henri van't Hoff, Professor für Chemie in Berlin, geschrieben in Zusammmenarbeit mit Kollegen wie W. Meyerhoffer, J. d'Ans, E.F. Armstrong, H. Barschall, O. Biach, W.C. Blasdale, G. Bruni, D. Chiaraviglio, F.G. Cottrell, H.M. Dawson, R.B. Denison, F.G. Donnan, T. Estreicher-Rozbiersky, H. von Euler-Chelpin, A. O'Farelly, F. Farup, N. Grassi, W. Hinrichsen, G. Just, N. Kassatkin, F.B. Kenrick, L. Lichtenstein, H. Sachs, A.P. Saunders, Norman Smith, G.L. Voerman, F. Weichert, Percy Williams, Harold Wilson.Die beide Herausgebers in ihrem Vorwort über diese Sammelausgabe der van't Hoffschen Abhandlungen: “Die im Buchhandel erschienenen Sonderabdrucke sind längst vergriffen, denn die Nachfrage war eine sehr grosse. Van't Hoff hat zwar einen Auszug seiner Arbeiten in zwei Heften 1905 und 1909 unter der Bezeichnung «Zur Bildung der ozeanischen Salzablagerungen» veröffentlicht, aber dieser Auszug stellt keinen völligen Ersatz der Originalabhandlungen dar.”Van't Hoff, der Begründer der Lehrgebäude über die Bildung der deutschen Kalisalzlagerstätten, hat als Erster den Nobel Preis für Chemie erhalten (1901).Dictionary of Scientific Biography XIII/575-581, particularly 580-581; Poggendorff IV/1553-1554; Cohen, Jacobus Henricus van't Hoff, sein Leben und Wirken.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Edition Souris Verte. Superbe offset en hommage à Spirou, intitulé " Les Robots attaquent ", au format 80 x 60 cm. Tirage à 500 exemplaires numérotés et signés par Van Hoff. Coins avec légère trace de pliure, sinon superbe état. Edition originale. Expédiée sous rouleau.
Site Internet : Http://librairie-victor-sevilla.fr.Vente exclusivement par correspondance. Le libraire ne reçoit, exceptionnellement que sur rendez-vous. Il est préférable de téléphoner avant tout déplacement.Forfait de port pour un livre 7 €, sauf si épaisseur supérieure à 3 cm ou valeur supérieure ou égale à 100 €, dans ce cas expédition obligatoire au tarif Colissimo en vigueur. A partir de 2 livres envoi en colissimo obligatoire. Port à la charge de l'acheteur pour le reste du monde.Les Chèques ne sont plus acceptés.Pour destinations extra-planétaire s'adresser à la NASA.Membre du Syndicat Lusitanien Amateurs Morues
Paris, A. Hermann, 1898-1900, in-8, 3 parties en 1 volume grand de (4), 263, (1) pages, puis (4), 162, (2) pages, et portrait, (2), II, 170 pages, demi-basane brique de l'époque, dos lisse portant titre et nom d'auteur, tranches mouchetées, signet, Première édition française de ces leçons de Van't Hoff, traduites de l'allemand par Arthur Corvisy, divisées en trois parties : la dynamique chimique, la statique chimique et les relations entre les propriétés et la composition. Van't Hoff fut prix Nobel de Chimie en 1901 pour sa découverte des lois de la dynamique chimique. Il participa aussi grandement au développement de la stéréochimie et de la thermochimie pour lesquelles il établit des lois et relations, aujourd'hui, devenues classiques. Malgré quelques rousseurs, bon exemplaire, portant le cachet de la station de chimie végétale de Meudon 3 parties en 1 volume grand
Braunschweig, Friedrich Vieweg, 1901 - 1903. 8vo. In contemporary half cloth with gilt lettering to spine. Previous owner's name to half title and sunning to spine. Internally fine and clean. XI, (1), 251, X, 150, X, 155pp.
Second edition of Hoff's lectures.""His [Hoff] lectures appeared in Vorlesungen über theoretische und physikalische Chemie (1898-1900), which was translated into many languages. With Wilhelm Ostwald, he was a cofounder of the Zeitschrift für physikalische chemie, the first issue of which appeared in February 1887."" (DSB).
Lausanne-Amsterdam, Sequoia, Elsevier 1966 In-folio 56,5 x 35 cm. Reliure éditeur fauve sous étui carton à l’identique, dos lisse orné de fers dorés, pièces de titre cuir rouge et noir, armoiries dorées sur le premier plat, non paginé 200 pp., 55 illustrations, soit 1 page de titre en couleur, 23 illustrations en couleurs en double page, 2 illustrations en noir et blanc et 29 autres illustrations en couleurs. Très bon exemplaire.
Texte en néerlandais. Fac-similé de la publication originale, Amsterdam, 1652, en possession de la fondation "Museum Enschedé - Haarlem", imprimé sur vergé teinté de Hollande, 145gr., des papeteries royales fils de Van Gelder N.V. d'Amsterdam. Très bon état d’occasion
't HOFF , Antonia Pieternella van ( 1907 - 1960 ) - Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen ( editor ) :
Reference : 42176
.: 2. Rotterdam, Museum Boymans-Van Beuningen , s.d. ( na 1968), in-8°, 136 pp. waarvan 38 pp. met illustraties. Genaaid, orig. omslag.
Maritiem Museum Prins Hendrik 18,5 x 26,5 Rotterdam 1956 Plaquette, couverture cartonnée, agrafée, 10 p. et deux planches in fine, dont la deuxième dépliante, représentant des panoramas de Constantinople du début du XVIIe siècle. Couverture et intérieur un peu jaunis, petite déchirure sur la couverture mais bon et solide exemplaire.(C59) Livre
Leipzig, Wilhelm Engelmann, 1900, in-8vo, 105 S., mit 7 Figuren im Text, Stempel auf Titelbl., Ex-Bibl. Ex., Original-Pappband.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1891. 12°. VI (2) 128 S. 20 S. (Clarendon Press Series). Orig.-Leinenband (berieben und bestossen).
Erste Ausgabe.- Im Falz gebrochen sowie fester Vorsatz fleckig.
Souris verte productions. 1999. Affiche au format 60 x 80 cm, tirée à 500 exemplaires, signée et numérotée. A l'état de neuf. Autre exemplaire, ni signé ni numéroté mais aussi à l'état de neuf à moité prix - si elle vous tente, écrivez-nous !