17 books for « van houdt t »Edit

‎Jeanine De Landtsheer, Fabio Della Schiava, Toon Van Houdt (eds)‎

Reference : 65121

‎Dulces ante omnia Musae. Essays on Neo-Latin Poetry in Honour of Dirk Sacr ‎

‎, Brepols, 2021 Hardback, 724 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:15 b/w, 2 col., 4 tables b/w., Language(s):English, German, French. ISBN 9782503590776.‎

‎Summary Dulces ante omnia Musae. Essays on Neo-Latin Poetry in Honour of Dirk Sacr is the very first collection of articles ever to be published about the fascinating phenomenon of Neo-Latin verse composition from its very beginning in Italian Renaissance humanism until its modest but important revival in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries - and even beyond. The editors have attracted both young and promising scholars and internationally recognized authorities to write specific case studies which will shed light on the rich diversity of scholarly approaches currently prevailing in the field of Neo-Latin poetical studies, as well as highlight both continuities and discontinuities in the writing and publishing of Latin verses from the fifteenth until the twenty-first centuries. This volume is dedicated to Dirk Sacr , professor emeritus of Neo-Latin at KU Leuven who, apart from writing numerous articles on Neo-Latin poets from Italy and the Low Countries in early modern times, has contributed more than anyone else in exploring the vast territory, until recently largely neglected and uncharted, of modern and late modern Latin verse compositions. TABLE OF CONTENTS Dedicatio (Joseph Tusiani) Introduction (Jeanine De Landtsheer, Fabio Della Schiava & Toon Van Houdt) Promulsis poetica Sappho Latina (Tuomo Pekkanen) Cicero ad colloquium evocatus (Michael von Albrecht) Chapter 1. Classical Models Nostram tota urbs est ante fenestram. The Satiric Persona in Julius Caesar Scaliger's Otium (Shari Boodts) Bernardino Partenio's Carmen saeculare and His Imitation of Horace (Marc Laureys) Iusta facit versus haec indignatio nostra. Adapting Latin Verse Satire in Early Modern Livonia (Kristi Viiding) Catullus' Phaselus ille and Justus Lipsius's Dog Melissa (Jeanine De Landtsheer) Arat oder Cicero? Die Erg nzungen zu Ciceros bersetzung im Syntagma Arateorum des Hugo Grotius (1600) (Reinhold F. Glei) A Poor and Proud Schoolteacher: Alfredo Bartoli's Primus Horatii Magister (1937) (Christian Laes) Prandium poeticum primum Quinque haiku Theoderici in honorem composita (Remco Regtuit) Via Appia. Ad Theodoricum Sacr (Michiel Verweij) Chapter 2. Italian Humanist Poetry Quid non cogat amor? Carlo Gonzaga and Lyda's Love Story in Filelfo's Sphortias (Jeroen De Keyser) Two Enigmatic Epigrams in Berlin, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, ms. Lat. quarto 469 (Ide Fran ois) Poesia goliardica pavese. Maffeo Vegio e la Prosopopea del secchio (Fabio Della Schiava) Po sie et politique dans deux Carmina d'Ercole Strozzi (B atrice Charlet-Mesdijan) Basilius Zanchius, Poemata 5.1. Eine poetische Trauerklage auf Giovanni Pontano (Heinz Hofmann) Le eruzioni dell'Etna nella poesia latina dei moderni (Giuseppe Marcellino) Prandium poeticum secundum In laudem sancti Ambrosii (Fidelis Raedle) Grammatica (Fidelis Raedle) Chapter 3. Humanist Poetry from the Low Countries Neo-Latin Poetry in the Album amicorum of Hubert Audejans (Gilbert Tournoy) ?A Refined and Fragrant Garland?. A Poem by Philip Rubens in Honour of Justus Lipsius's Seneca (Jan Papy & Jeanine De Landtsheer) A Taste of Honey: Daniel Heinsius's Lusus ad apiculas for Justus Lipsius (Harm-Jan van Dam) The First Lyrical Choral Ode of Heinsius's Herodes infanticida (1632) and the Classics (Jan Bloemendal) A Plea for Rehabilitation. Nicolas Heinsius's Funeral Poem on Hugo Grotius (Henk Nellen) Autumn 1643 - a Smooth Shift of Generations? Poems by Caspar Barlaeus and Caspar Kinschotius on a Portrait of Jacobus Maestertius (Marcus de Schepper) Prandium poeticum tertium Carmen de duobus Theodericis (Curtius Smolak) Chapter 4. Humanist Poetry Outside Italy and the Low Countries Private Poetry: An Unknown certamen of Conrad Celtis and Its Context (Farkas G bor Kiss) Musen, die Parthenicae des Baptista Mantuanus und Bibelparaphrase in der Musithias des Johannes Tuberinus (Walther Ludwig) Le choix des m tres dans les Epigrammata d'Agrippa d'Aubign (Gen ve, BPU, ms. Tronchin 158) (Jean-Louis Charlet) La fama como poeta de Antonio Agust n (1517-1586) con un estudio de los d sticos Iurisconsultos non esse alienos a Musis ad Ioannem fratrem (Juan Francisco Alcina Rovira) Liminary Poems in the First Volume of Jer nimo de Almonacir's Commentaria in Canticum canticorum Salomonis (Joaqu n Pascual Barea) Spes mea Christus: Elizabeth Jane Weston's Religious Poetry (Brenda M. Hosington) Mozarts erstes Opernlibretto. Rufinus Widl OSB: Apollo et Hyacinthus (Wilfried Stroh) Prandium poeticum quartum Dircaea Carmina (David Money) Chapter 5. Jesuit Poetry Sidronius Hosschius, po te de l'hypotypose (Colette Nativel) L' pode 15 de Jacob Balde, entre vision picturale et peinture visionnaire (Ralph Dekoninck & Aline Smeesters) Heroism in the Horatian Lyric Tradition: A Turning Point in Jakob Balde's Poetics (Stefan Tilg) From School Exercise and Affixio to Devotional Emblem Book: The Latin Poems of Typus mundi (1627) (Toon Van Houdt & Marc Van Vaeck) Die Metamorphoses Styriae (Graz, 1722) des Ludwig Debiel SJ (Florian Schaffenrath) Subterranean Subtexts: Allegory and the Jesuit Suppression in Land var's Rusticatio Mexicana (Bologna, 1782) (Yasmin Haskell) Prandium poeticum quintum In laudem Theoderici Sacr rude gloriose donati (Fidelis Raedle) Valedictio (Fidelis Raedle) Chapter 6. Latin Poetry from the Late Eighteenth Century Onwards Augusteische Klassik und katholische Werbung. Zu Gedichten C lestin Leuthners O.S.B. (Ode 15, Elegia 3) (Kurt Smolak) James Parke's Ars piscatoria, or The Art of Fishing, according to an Early Nineteenth-Century Cambridge Poet (Ingrid A. R. De Smet) Des po mes manuscrits de coll giens sur le sacre de Charles X en 1825 (Romain Jalabert) Musae Pompeianae. The Reception of Pompeii and Herculaneum in Neo-Latin Literature (19th-20th Centuries) (Nicholas De Sutter) A Schoolboy's Exercises. Joseph Alfred Bradney's Latin Compositions at Harrow (1877) (Tom Deneire) Joseph Tusiani nel Certamen Hoeufftianum 1959 (Emilio Bandiera) Prandium poeticum sextum Praetereuntis vitae testimonia (Maurus Pisini) Crustula Verba gratulatoria (Sigrides C. Albert) Laudes et grates (Victorius Ciarrocchi) Ut Selestadienses olim Erasmum celebraverunt, ita nunc Argentoratenses Theodoricum celebrare volunt (Gerardus Freyburger & Anna Maria Chevallier) In laudem Theoderici Sacr (Milena Minkova) Colloquium Elysium (Giancarlo Rossi) Theodoricus (Robertus Spataro) De Theoderico Sacr (Terentius Tunberg) Index manuscriptorum Index nominum Illustrations Tabula gratulatoria‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR120.00 (€120.00 )

‎VAN VAECK, Marc en VAN HOUDT, Toon; ‎

Reference : 17472


‎, Leuven, Peeters, 1996, Pictorial softcover, 205 x 295mm., 101pp., b/w illustrated.‎

‎In good condition.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : 10267

‎Leonardus Lessius over lening, intrest en woeker.‎

‎Brussel, Paleis der Academien, 1998 Gebrocheerd, originele uitgeversomslag, 18x26cm, 226 p. ISBN 9789065696724.‎

‎Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van Belgie. Klasse der Menswetenschappen, n? 162.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR46.00 (€46.00 )

‎T. Van Houdt (ed.);‎

Reference : 39049

‎Antonius a Burgundia Linguae vitia et remedia (Antwerp, 1631), ‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 1999 Hardback, 166 p., 160 x 235 mm. ISBN 9782503507743.‎

‎This first modern reprint of Antonius a Burgundia?s neat and concise emblem book is based on the copy in the Royal Library Albert I at Brussels, and focuses on the vices of the tongue: abuse, equivocation, insults, detraction, blasphemy, lying, perjury, and calumny. This first modern reprint of Antonius a Burgundia's neat and concise emblem book Lingua vitae et remedia is based on the copy in the Royal Library Albert I at Brussels. The book focusses on one extremely important issue: the vices of the tongue-abuse, equivocation, insults, detraction, blasphemy, lying, perjury and calumny. It was issued almost simultaneously in Latin and Dutch with the vices of speech, the second offers remedies for such defects. In a wide-ranging introduction Van Houdt discusses the cultural and literary context of the book and the issues it raises, setting it in the intellectual framework which shaped its pedagogical principles and ethical ideas. The catalogue of sins and remediescan be traced back to theological and humanistic sources, among which Erasmus'diatribe Lingua holds a special place.The appendix includes collated variants, an index of Latin mottoes with an English translation, a list of pictorial motifs, and an index of themes. Languages : English.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR71.50 (€71.50 )

‎Magda Van Houdt‎

Reference : 50712

‎Mijn Serigraaf Peter Bekaert in kleur.‎

‎, Van Houdt., 2008 Gebonden, Hardcover, 208 pagina's met prachtige illustraties.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR65.00 (€65.00 )


Reference : E83775


‎Leonardus Lessius over lening, intrest en woeker. 'De iustitia et iure' lib.2, cap.20. Editie, vertaling en commentaar‎

‎Brussel, Paleis der Academiën 1998 xlvii + 266pp., 26cm., gebroch. (rug licht verkleurd), goede staat, in de reeks "Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der Letteren" nr.162 (Jg.60, 1998), E83775‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )


Reference : B88886


‎One in a thousand. Ephemeral emblems in the Mechelen 'Seminarium Archiepiscopale' in honour of its president Petrus Dens (1765)‎

‎Leuven, Peeters 1996 vi + 101pp.with illustrations, in-4, softcover, good condition, B88886‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR23.00 (€23.00 )

‎VAN HOUDT T. e.a.‎

Reference : B71032


‎Tussen woeker en weldadigheid. Leonardus Lessius over de Bergen van Barmhartigheid‎

‎Leuven, Acco 1992 142pp.geïll., 21cm., enkele roestvlekjes op bladsneden, tekst en binnenwerk in mooie staat, ISBN 90-334-2663-3, B71032‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : B58338


‎Leonardus Lessius: traditie en vernieuwing‎

‎Antwerpen, Lessius Hogeschool 2005 174pp.met ills., 24cm., mooie staat, B58338‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎PARTOENS Gert & ROSKAM Geert & VAN HOUDT Toon (eds.)‎

Reference : F66885


‎Virtutis imago: studies on the conceptualisation and transformation of an ancient ideal‎

‎Louvain, Peeters 2004 ix + 586pp., 24cm., in the series "Collection d'études classique" vol.19, softcover, VG, [contributions in English, German and French]‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )

‎VAN HOUDT Toon, PAPY Jan, TOURNOY Gilbert & MATHEEUSSEN Constant (eds.)‎

Reference : T74591


‎Self-presentation and social identification. The rethoric and pragmatics of letter writing in early modern times‎

‎Leuven, Leuven University Press 2002 vi + 478pp. with illustrations, 24cm., in the series "Supplementa humanistica Lovaniensia" volume 18, softcover, new condition, [contributions in English, French, German and Italian], T74591‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎SCHEFOLD Bertram, BAECK Louis, VAN HOUDT Toon & GORDON Barry‎

Reference : J101392


‎Leonardus Lessius' De Iustitia et Iure. Vademecum zu einem Klassiker der spätscholastischen Wirtschaftsanalyse‎

‎Düsseldorf, Verlag Wirtschaft und Finanzen 1999 159pp., 35cm., publisher's hardcover, ISBN 3-87881-137-3, good condition, [contains 5 contributions on Lessius], J101392‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR65.00 (€65.00 )

‎VAECK Marc van - Toon VAN HOUDT :‎

Reference : 19387

‎One in a thousand. Ephemeral Emblems in the Mechelen Seminarium Archiepiscopale in Honour of its President Petrus Dens (1765).‎

‎.: Leuven, Peeters, 1996, 30 x 21, 100 pp, orig.wrapper, 15 b/w ills, 23 b/w plates, bibliography, published on occasion of an exhibition. (Study on a manuscript emblem book of the Mechelen Seminary).‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR36.00 (€36.00 )

‎VAN HOUDT Toon - Leonardus LESSIUS :‎

Reference : 41315

‎Leonardus Lessius over lening, intrest en woeker. De iustitia et iure, lib. 2, cap. 20 . Editie, vertaling en commentaar.‎

‎.: Brussel, Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België, ( treatise of the Royal Belgian Acadamy ) , 1998, in-8°, 26 x 18 cm, 266 pp , index, bibliography, sewn, original stiff wrapper, published as treatise no. 162 of the Royal Academy. Text in Dutch, with a short summary in English. Boek in het Nederlands. The Latin text with a translation into Dutch of Lessius' ideas on intrest, loans and usury as expressed in his book '' De iustitia et jure '' , with commentary.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎VAECK Marc van - Toon VAN HOUDT :‎

Reference : 47768

‎One in a thousand. Ephemeral Emblems in the Mechelen Seminarium Archiepiscopale in Honour of its President Petrus Dens (1765).‎

‎.: Leuven, Peeters, 1996, 30 x 21, 100 pp, orig.wrapper, 15 b/w ills, 23 b/w plates, bibliography, published on occasion of an exhibition. (Study on a manuscript emblem book of the Mechelen Seminary).‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR32.00 (€32.00 )

‎VAECK Marc van - Toon VAN HOUDT :‎

Reference : 56231

‎One in a thousand. Ephemeral Emblems in the Mechelen Seminarium Archiepiscopale in Honour of its President Petrus Dens (1765).‎

‎.: Leuven, Peeters, 1996, 30 x 21, 100 pp, orig.wrapper, 15 b/w ills, 23 b/w plates, bibliography, published on occasion of an exhibition. (Study on a manuscript emblem book of the Mechelen Seminary).‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR32.00 (€32.00 )


Reference : 40328

‎Leonardus Lessius , Traditie en Venieuwing.‎

‎.: 2. Antwerpen, vzw Maria-Elisabeth Belpaire, 2005, in-8°, 174 pp, sewn, orig. stiff wrapper. (frontwrapper with a crease). Text in Dutch, boek in het Nederlands.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR24.43 (€24.43 )
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