Van Dyke (Knox) and Castranova (Vincent), eds. - William H. Pailes and Philip R. Miles - Michael A. Van Scott - William D. Welch - R. Burrell, C. Van Dyke - M.B. Goetz and Richard A. Proctor - Isaac Ginsburg and Ruth Borinski - Toshio Tomita and S. Kanegasaki - Howard Faden
Reference : 75340
CRC Press Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1987 Book condition, Etat : Très Bon hardcover, editor's full blue and red clothes printed binding grand In-8 1 vol. - 211 pages
few black and white text-figures 1st edition Contents, Chapitres : Preface, Contributors, Contents, x, Text, 201 pages - Section I. Cellular applications, Macrophage chemiluminescence : William H. Pailes and Philip R. Miles : Chemiluminescence from macrophages and monocytes - Michael A. Van Scott, Philip R. Miles and Vincent Castranova : Respiratory burst activity in rat alveolar macrophages : Particle-stimulated oxygen consumption independent of superoxide anion release - Section II. Cellular applications, granulocyte chemiluminescence : William D. Welch : Use of chemiluminescence technique to assess drug-granulocyte interactions - Ernst Peterhaus : Virus and antibody-induced chemiluminescence - Knox Van Dyke, R. Burrell, C. Van Dyke and Vincent Castranova : Luminol-dependent chemiluminescence from human granulocytes activated by immune complexes with and without complement - M.B. Goetz and Richard A. Proctor : Effect of endotoxins on neutrophil oxidative metabolism and chemiluminescence - Isaac Ginsburg and Ruth Borinski : Cocktails of soluble ligands and bacteria opsonized with cationic or anionic polyelectrolytes trigger intense chemiluminescence and superoxide production by leukocytes - Knox Van Dyke and Vincent Castranova : Effects of platelet activating factor in membrane potential and respiratory burst activity of human granulocytes - Toshio Tomita and S. Kanegasaki : Requirement of physical impact for induction of efficient responses of phagocytes to bacteria and other particles - Howard Faden : Luminol-dependent whole blood chemiluminescence assay - Index fine copy, no markings