Hermitage, Sint Petersburg., mercaterfonds - fondsmercator, 2011 Paperback with flaps, 300x240mm, 144p, 70 colour illustrations, Dutch (NL) edition . ISBN 9789061533498.
Het begin van de negentiende eeuw was een turbulente tijd: de eeuwenlange zekerheden van het Ancien Regime waren nog maar net van de kaart geveegd door de Franse Revolutie en heel Europa kreeg al meteen te maken met de Napoleontische Oorlogen. Er kwamen nieuwe sociale klassen naar voren: de burgerij en de arbeiders. Liberalisme en de Industriele revolutie breken door. Met andere woorden, de hele maatschappij was in sneltreinvaart aan het veranderen. Deze overgang was niet in het minst te voelen in de artistieke wereld. Als reactie op het rationele van de 18e eeuwse verlichting ontstond er een tegenbeweging die nadruk wou leggen op het gevoel, op de mystiek van het verleden, de passie en hartstochten: de Romantiek. Deze reactie is in heel Europa voelbaar maar toch omvat de huidige canon van romantische schilders slechts een handvol namen als William Turner, John Constable, Theodore Gericault of Eugene Delacroix. De volledige romantische schilderkunst uit de Lage Landen is echter langzaam verdwenen uit het collectieve geheugen. De kunstenaars van deze weinig gekende romantische schilderschool muntten uit in techniek en vervaardigden pittoreske en sublieme pareltjes. Werken van Barend Cornelis Koekkoek, Andreas Schelfhout, David de Noter, Fredrik Marinus Kruseman, Jacob Abels, Basile de Loose, Petrus van Schendel zullen in Een Romantische Kijk te zien zijn. De tentoonstelling en de catalogus worden opgebouwd rond vijf thema's of genres: de genrestukken, de architectuurstukken, de landschap, de marine en de nocturnes.
Hermitage, Sint Petersburg., mercaterfonds - fondsmercator, 2011 Paperback with flaps, 300x240mm, 144p, 70 colour illustrations, English (ENG) edition . ISBN 9789061533511.
The early nineteenth century was a momentous time: the French Revolution had swept away the secular certainties of the Ancien Regime, and the Napoleonic wars shook all of Europe to its foundations. New social strata the bourgeoisie and the working class began to emerge. Liberalism and the Industrial Revolution took centre stage. In short, society was evolving at a breakneck pace. These changes were particularly spectacular in the artistic world. In reaction to the rationality of the Enlightenment, Romanticism stressed the importance of emotion, passion and mysticism. Although the Romantic movement arose everywhere across Europe, today its pictorial form is often reduced to a handful of names, such as William Turner, John Constable, Theodore Gericault and Eugene Delacroix. Dutch Romantic painting was progressively eliminated from collective memory. And yet, artists from this little-known school of painting who excelled in technique left small masterpieces behind them, vivid and sublime. Both the exhibition and catalogue for Through the Romanticist's Eyes are structured around five themes or genres: summer and winter landscapes, seascapes, urban scenes, still lifes and portraits. Through them, we are able to discover the works of Barend Cornelis Koekkoek, Andreas Schelfhout, David de Noter, Fredrik Marinus Kruseman, Jacob Abels, Basile de Loose and Petrus van Schendel.
Hermitage, Sint Petersburg., mercaterfonds - fondsmercator, 2011 Paperback with flaps, 300x240mm, 144p, 70 colour illustrations,Deutsch (DE) edition . ISBN 9789061533528.
The early nineteenth century was a momentous time: the French Revolution had swept away the secular certainties of the Ancien Regime, and the Napoleonic wars shook all of Europe to its foundations. New social strata the bourgeoisie and the working class began to emerge. Liberalism and the Industrial Revolution took centre stage. In short, society was evolving at a breakneck pace. These changes were particularly spectacular in the artistic world. In reaction to the rationality of the Enlightenment, Romanticism stressed the importance of emotion, passion and mysticism. Although the Romantic movement arose everywhere across Europe, today its pictorial form is often reduced to a handful of names, such as William Turner, John Constable, Theodore Gericault and Eugene Delacroix. Dutch Romantic painting was progressively eliminated from collective memory. And yet, artists from this little-known school of painting who excelled in technique left small masterpieces behind them, vivid and sublime. Both the exhibition and catalogue for Through the Romanticist's Eyes are structured around five themes or genres: summer and winter landscapes, seascapes, urban scenes, still lifes and portraits. Through them, we are able to discover the works of Barend Cornelis Koekkoek, Andreas Schelfhout, David de Noter, Fredrik Marinus Kruseman, Jacob Abels, Basile de Loose and Petrus van Schendel.
Hermitage, Sint Petersburg., mercaterfonds - fondsmercator, 2011 Paperback with flaps, 300x240mm, 144p, 70 colour illustrations, FRENCH (FR) edition . ISBN 978906153349813.
Au cours de l'ete 2011, M le Musee de Louvain presente l'exposition itinerante "Un Regard Romantique" et le Fonds Mercator publie le catalogue qui l'accompagne. Un ensemble de quelque 70 tableaux compose un panorama unique de la peinture romantique du 19e siecle en Belgique et aux Pays-Bas. L'automne dernier, cette exposition a deja ete accueillie au Musee d'Etat de l'Ermitage a Saint-Petersbourg sous le titre "Through the Romanticists Eyes".