.: 3. Oostende, PMMK Museum, 1988, in-folio, 78 pp, with the colour plates loosely inserted ( as published), printed publisher's boards with printed dust wrapper and transparent protection wrapper. Printed in green and red. Texts in Italian and Dutch. Impressive bibliophile exhibition catalogue. published by the Ostend museum of modern art ( the P.M.M.K) recently renamed MuZee. The exhibition was devoted to 4 Italian artists. Unfortunately one loose leaf with the biographical data of Sandro Chio is missing.
, Oostende, PMMK, 1988, Groot formaat,425 X 310 mm, ingelijmd in geillustreerd karton onder papier-plastic-omslag, 83pp., losse platen in kleur ingevoegd.
Tweetalige editie It/Nl. Gerealiseerd naar aanleiding van de gelijknamige tentoonstelling. Boek is in prima staat.
Artiscope, Bruxelles, 1997. In-4, broché sous couverture illustrée en couleur, Still Lives, A. B. Oliva - Planches - William Sweetlove of het gevarried talent/W. S. ou le talent complexe, W. Van den Bussche - Texte, Guy Gilsoul - Planches - One Man Exhibitions - Group Exhibitions - Awards - List ...
Avec quelques figures en noir in texte et 17 planches en couleur en hors-texte.Catalogue en anglais, italien, néerlandais et français. --- Plus d'informations sur le site archivesdunord.com
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