Gandavi, Annoot-Braeckman 1843 [12] + xi + 133pp.+ frontispice, 32cm., Latijnse tekst, handgenummerd exemplaar: nr.27, in de reeks "Recuiel de chroniques, chartes et autres documents concernant l'histoire et les antiquités de la Flandre occidentale, publié par la Société d'Emulation de Bruges. Première série: Chroniques des monastères de Flandre", met de hand gesigneerd door voorzitter en ssecretaris, gecart. uitgeversband (rug verstevigd), wat roestplekjes en enkele vage plekken, goed, zeldzaam, B99628
".: 11. Gent, C. Annoot-Braeckman, 1867, lg in-8°, two parts in one volume, (6) nn pp + viii + 277 ; (6)nn pp + 284 pp, modern half calf, gilt decorated and raised back. Original wrapper preserved. Publ. in the series Maetschappy der Vlaemsche Bibliophilen, 3e Serie, Nr 10. Printed in 100 numbered copies, this is copy 22 signed by the secretaty Blommaert. About the author we only know he lived at Ieper in1583. A continuation, unknown at the time of publication of these two parts, was discovered by G. A. F. Van Oudenhove in 1968, according to a handwritten note by himself in our copy, he donated it to Ghendt university library. His ex-libris stamp is on the first blank page. Nice copy."