Tarsicius van Bavel ; Bernard Bruning ; Genevieve Defrance ; translation : Catherine Warnant
Reference : 17557
, Mercatorfonds, 2007 Hardcover, 320 pages, FR., 330 x 255 x 35 mm, jaquette, a tres bon etat, ill. en couleur / n/b ISBN 9789061537328.
Augustin d'Hippone tait une personnalit polyvalente : intellectuel et mystique, rudit et p re d' glise, v que d'une ville portuaire prosp re et moine, philosophe et penseur biblique. Des crits tels que La Cit divine ou Confessions font partie de la litt rature mondiale depuis des si cles. Pour la premi re fois, quelqu'un a beaucoup crit sur lui-m me, pla ant l'homme lui-m me au centre de l'histoire. Augustin est l'homme au c?ur br lant. Cette tradition iconographique est le fil conducteur de cet ouvrage, tude approfondie et magnifiquement illustr e de l'homme et de sa pens e. Augustin a laiss le feu de l'amour non seulement dans sa R gle de Vie, qui a t utilis e par de nombreux religieux, ou dans l'originalit de ses innombrables crits, qui sont encore tudi s assid ment ce jour, mais aussi dans la puissance de son travail dans le glise d'Afrique du Nord. En plus d' tre un penseur polyvalent et prudent, il tait aussi un v que remarquable, qui, selon le sens d'episkopos, s'occupait vraiment de son peuple. Avec les contributions de Tarsicius J. Van Bavel, Bernard Bruning, J. Kevin Coyle, Martine Dulaey, Allan Fitzgerald, Carol Harrison, Mathijs Lamberigts, Serge Lancel, George Lawless, Maria G. Mara, Robert A. Markus, Thomas F. Martin, Cornelius Mayer, Donato Ogliari, Miguel A. Orcasitas, Robert F. Prevost, J. Rist, Martijn Schrama, Larissa C. Seelbach, Matthias Smalbrugge, Roland J. Teske et Rowan Williams.
Bruxelles, Mercatorfonds, 2007, Hardcover with dust jacket, 32.5 x 24.5 cm., 320pp., 250 colour illustrations.ENGLISH ISBN 9789061537335.
Augustine of Hippo was a multi-facetted character: intellectual and mystic, scholar and father of the Church, bishop of a prosperous harbour town and monk, philosopher and biblical thinker. Writings like The City of God and Confessions have formed part of world literature for centuries. Augustine was the first to talk extensively about himself, thus placing the human being at the heart of the story. Saint Augustine is also a man with a heart filled with passion. This iconographic tradition constitutes the guiding thread in the book, a detailed and superbly illustrated study devoted to the man and his thinking. Saint Augustine conveyed the ardour of his love not only in his Rules for Life, which was adopted by numerous religious orders, or in the originality of his many writings, which continue to be study minutely; but also through the force of his actions within the Church of North Africa. A universal spirit and conscientious thinker, he was also a remarkable bishop, who truly took care of his people in the original sense of the word episkopos. New book. (English)
( Bandes Dessinées - Artbook - Erotisme ) - Don Lawrence - Rob van Bavel.
Reference : 14593
Editions Toth 2013. In-4 cartonnage éditeur pleine toile noire, de 80 pages, au format 34,5 x 24,5 cm. Couverture avec titre doré. Dos rond avec titre. Plats et intérieur parfaits. Complet de la superbe jaquette illustrée avec photo de Don Lawrence au 4ème plat. Dossier de 14 pages en début d'ouvrage par Rob van Bavel avec illustrations. Ce nouvel Artbook regroupe environ 70 magnifiques illustrations, inédites, en noir et blanc et en couleurs, dessinées par Don Lawrence entre 1980 et 2002, notamment ses recherches sur les séries Storm avec Liam Sharp et Dave Gibbons ainsi que sur des études sur des sujets érotiques. Tirage unique sur couché, à 200 exemplaires numérotés. Edition originale en état de neuf. Epuisé.
Site Internet : Http://librairie-victor-sevilla.fr.Vente exclusivement par correspondance. Le libraire ne reçoit, exceptionnellement que sur rendez-vous. Il est préférable de téléphoner avant tout déplacement.Forfait de port pour un livre 7 €, sauf si épaisseur supérieure à 3 cm ou valeur supérieure ou égale à 100 €, dans ce cas expédition obligatoire au tarif Colissimo en vigueur. A partir de 2 livres envoi en colissimo obligatoire. Port à la charge de l'acheteur pour le reste du monde.Les Chèques ne sont plus acceptés.Pour destinations extra-planétaire s'adresser à la NASA.Membre du Syndicat Lusitanien Amateurs Morues
Heverlee, Augustijns Historisch Instituut 1986 229pp.geïllustreerd in kleur, 25cm., geïll.omslag
Turnhout, Brepols, 1999 Paperback, 382 p., 156 x 234 mm. ISBN 9782503509624.
This book deals with land productivity and agro-systems, and reflects the new developments and findings in this field by placing and analysing land productivity more clearly within agricultural, ecological and socio-economic contexts. This book deals with land productivity. Agriculture took the largest share of GNP before the mid-19th century and so economic growth must focus on agricultural transformations and measurements of agricultural productivity and its determinants. The 1963 study by B.H. Slicher van Bath on yield ratios across Europe was epoch-making. But more recent studies point to the necessity of placing and analysing land productivity more clearly within agricultural, ecological and socio-economic contexts. This publication, made by the CORN research team, reflects the new developments and findings in this field, for the North Sea area from the Middle Ages to the 20th century. The book consists of three sections: the first contains national longterm overviews for each of the North Sea countries; the second part presents several case studies which examine the relationship between land productivity and agro-systems; and the last part consists of general comparative studies. The publication thus hopes to advance our understanding of developments in land productivity and to build the material for further research. Languages: English.
Sous la direction de Tarsicius J. van Bavel - Avec la collaboration de Bernard Bruning
Reference : 118131
2007 Fonds Mercator / Institut historique augustinien - 2007 - Fort et grand in-4, cartonnage toilé noir sous jaquette illustrée en couleurs de l'éditeur - 319 - Riche iconographie in et hors texte en couleurs
Bon état - Déchirures sans manque sur la jaquette
, Steenbrugge, Sint Pietersabdij, 1963, 1013pp., in the series "Instrumenta Patristica" Vol.III, cloth, VG
Leuven, 2001 xiv + 452 + [3] pp., in-4, in de reeks "Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Faculteit sociale wetenschappen" nr.58, Doctoraal proefschrift, mooie staat, B80197
Westmalle, Parochie Sint-Martinus 1990 189pp., met zw/w ills., 24cm., gecart. uitgeversband (licht verkleurd), goede staat, B100386
Fonds Mercator 2007 In-4 relié 33,2 cm sur 25,8. 319 pages. Très bon état d’occasion.
Très bon état d’occasion
Turnhout, Brepols, 2004 Paperback, 292 p., 156 x 234 mm. ISBN 9782503510972.
For a better understanding of medieval and early modern rural society, in which land was the principal source of income and investment, as well as a most prestigious object of possession and a solid base of power, historical questions on landholding and land transfers are highly relevant. This volume aims to clarify some long-standing issues concerning the large variety of land tenure and non-familial transfers of land in the North Sea area by treating them from a regional - if possible comparative - perspective and by linking them to such structural features of preindustrial rural society as shifts in land to labour ratio's; social property relations; commercialisation and the rise of land, leasehold, and credit markets; the growth of state intervention and the institutional innovation that followed in its wake; the sustained prevalence of local or regional customary law; and the effects of social and cultural values on the demand for land. From viewing the later medieval and early modern period as a whole, one has to conclude that the mobility of agricultural land markedly increased. This was due first and foremost to the establishment of clear-cut private property rights, to the expansion of land and credit markets, and to the spread of short-term leasing. Differences in the pace of capitalist development as well as of state formation were mainly responsible for outspoken regional differences. Languages: English.
Turnhout, Brepols, 2009 Paperback, 213 p., 9 b/w ill., 4 b/w line art, 156 x 234 mm. ISBN 9782503522548.
In the twelfth to sixteenth centuries, the exploitation of landownership underwent drastic changes in various parts of Northwestern Europe. In these changes, the emergence of the lease plays a pivotal role. At the end of the Middle Ages, in a number of areas within the North Sea area, the greater part of available land was held at lease for relatively short terms. The competitive and contractual nature of such leasing has caused many to associate it with the emergence of capitalism in the countryside, seeing its rise as a key element in the transformation of the rural economy and society in the last millennium. In view of this, it is surprising that the emergence of leasing has received little systematic attention, particularly where its roots, its early development, its exact arrangements and the social and economic context of its emergence are concerned, let alone the regional and chronological differences in these elements. This volume aims to make a first step in exploring these issues. Languages: English.
Turnhout, Brepols, 1963 Hardback, 1013 p., 160 x 245 mm. ISBN 13500300200.
Languages :French.
Leuven, University Press, 1982. In-8, 247 pp., broché.
Quelques discrètes annotations au crayon papier.
Heemkundige Kring van Malle ( uitgever ) - K. van BAVEL ( voorwoord ) :
Reference : 44749
.: 2. Malle, Heemkundige Kring, 1981, in-8°, 171 pp, gekartonneerde uitgeversband..
FONDS MERCATOR , INSTITUT HISTORIQUE AUGUSTINIEN , excellent état , relié sous jaquette , 2007 , 320 pages
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