, Antwerpen, Mercatorfonds, Hardcover with dustjacket, 245 x 297mm., 288pp., 300 illustrations, most of which in full colour. ISBN 9789061536932.
Tejas , or creative energy, is an essential concept in Indian religion. The Sanskrit word denotes fire, one of the five classical elements, but is also invested with a number of other meanings such as splendour, brilliance, vigour, light, intensity of the gaze, vital force, dignity, magical power or spiritual or moral influence, majesty, glory, authority. Authors Kapila Vatsyayan and Jan Van Alphen investigate the numerous aspects of cosmic energy in India. Tejas permeates every Indian discipline: mythology, philosophy, music, literature and the plastic arts. It feeds the great myths and the cycles of creation. In Tejas, we follow its development from the 2nd century before Christ to the 15th century AD, principally through the medium of bronze and stone sculptures. Capture the eternal energy of India in all its forms, from the meditating Buddha to the impressive Shiva dances. New.
, Rotterdam, Lemniscaat, 1995., gebonden, originele geillustreerde uitgeversomslag in kleur, 22,5x30cm, 271pp, rijkelijk geillustreerd in kleur en z/w. ISBN 9789056370091.
Deze uitgave is boeiend voor een breed publiek: medici, sociale wetenschappers en historici, maar ook voor iedereen die geintereseerd is in het grote culturele erfgoed van de oosterse geneeskunde. Boek is in prima staat.
Antwerpen, Etnografisch Museum 1999 192pp.rijkelijk geïll.in kleur, in oblong (25x30cm.), mooie staat, catalogus van gelijknamige tentoonstelling Antwerpen Etnografisch Museum 5 mei-29 augustus 1999, [richly illustrated in colour, nice condition], S55744