[Domingo MartÃnez] - Valdivieso, Enrique et al
Reference : 081348
ISBN : 8484551164
Valdivieso, Enrique et al: Domingo MartÃnez en la Estela de Murillo. Exhibition: Seville, El Monte Foundation, 2004. 322pp with 28 colour plates, 120 colour and 70 monochrome illustrations. Wrappers. 28x24cms. Series of essays on the work of Domingo MartÃnez, the 17th-century Spanish artist who was a follower of Murillo. With a catalogue raisonnà of his paintings, documents and bibliography. Text in Spanish. Text in Spanish.
Series of essays on the work of Domingo MartÃnez, the 17th-century Spanish artist who was a follower of Murillo. With a catalogue raisonnà of his paintings, documents and bibliography. Text in Spanish. Text in Spanish
[Bartolome Esteban Murillo] - Valdivieso, Enrique
Reference : 093462
ISBN : 9788495241771
Valdivieso, Enrique: Murillo: Catalogo Razonado De Pinturas. Madrid: 2010. 624 pp., with 465 colour and 40 black-and-white illustrations. Cloth. 32 x 24cms. A catalogue of the works of Spanish Baroque painter Bartolomà Esteban Murillo (1617-1682), better known for his religious works than intimate portraits of everyday personages in bustling Seville. All of the artist's known works - many secluded in private collections - are presented here, alongside those whose existence has until now only been confirmed by documentary references or old black-and-white photographs and poor illustrations. Text in Spanish.
A catalogue of the works of Spanish Baroque painter Bartolomà Esteban Murillo (1617-1682), better known for his religious works than intimate portraits of everyday personages in bustling Seville. All of the artist's known works - many secluded in private collections - are presented here, alongside those whose existence has until now only been confirmed by documentary references or old black-and-white photographs and poor illustrations. Text in Spanish
Diputación Provincial de Valladolid 1975 Livre en espagnol. In-8 broché 23,7 cm sur 16,7. 340 pages. Nombreuses illustration, pricipe de décollement du dos, jaquette usagé, texte en bon état. Jaquette en état moyen. Bon état d’occasion.
Bon état d’occasion
Valladolid, Diputacion de Valladolid 1971 327pp.+ 66 bl/w plates out of text, 22cm., softcover, good condition, S85388
ALIANZA CIEN. 1994. In-16. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 62 pages + 8 planches illustrées en couleurs. Premier plat illustré en couleurs. Texte en espagnol.. . . . Classification Dewey : 750-La peinture et les peintres
Classification Dewey : 750-La peinture et les peintres
Royal Academy of Arts/Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1983. In-4, broché sous couverture illustrée en couleur, 239 pp. Foreword, Sir Hugh Casson - Editorial Note - Murillo : his Life and Work, Diego Angulo Iňiguez. - Murillo's Seville, Antonio Dominguez Ortiz. - Art and Decline in Seventeenth-Century Spain, John H. Eliott. - Murillo as a Draughtsman, Manuela Mena ...
Nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc in texte et 62 planches couleur en hors texte.Textes en anglais. --- Plus d'informations sur le site archivesdunord.com
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