RomPol, 2012. In-12 broché de 154 pages, couverture photo.
«Mort au café Romand» est la première de dix nouvelles où l'on voit un jeune homme qui découvre un pistolet muni d'un silencieux dans les toilettes du café Romand à Lausanne. Neuf autres nouvelles se situent en Suisse romande, à Paris et au Tessin. L'une de celles-ci s'inspire de la déroute d'une bande de pieds nickelés qui ont défrayé la chronique judiciaire avec une affaire de faux tableaux.
FOLENGO Teofilo - ( Merlinus COCAIUS ) - Acquario LODOLA (editor ) - Matthias URBAN or Matthias UNGER ( signed panel binding ) - N.B.S. ( first owner initials ) :
Reference : 53818
".: & tractans de crvento certamine muscarum & formicarum. Libellus epistolarum, & epigrammatum, ad varias personas directarum . Venezia, apud Giacomo Simbeni, 1572 , in-12°, 541 pp + (11) nn pp (collation A-Z12) Complete. Later edition of the works of Folengo, principal author of the socalled ''Macaronic poets''. They wrote burlesque poetry a in a mixed jargon of Latin and Italian to parody Italian chivalrous romances. BINDING: This copy a contemporary German binding ( Saxony - Holy Roman Empire). White pigskin over wooden boards, edges painted red. With two functioning brass clasps. On the frontcover a panel representing Charles V (Goldschmidt I.315 ; Weal n° 192). This panel is signed by M.U. (Matthias Urrban or Martin Unger). The back cover has a panel representing the arms of Saxony (with the naked swords). The binding is dated 1573. With the first owner's initials N.B.S. The title page has two ancient manuscript ex-libris. [1] ''Sum Joachimi Neoclasij Rostochiensis'',; underneath is written '' transit ad Davidem Reulinus prioris domini''. There is a small loss of skin at the lower end of the back cover, but the binding and book complete and very well preserved; an attractive copy of a rare dated 16th c. German pigskin binding. Fine example of the European humanist tradition. Within a year of publication in Venice the Latin-Italian text was bound for a wealthy German reader.."