[Bartolomeo Bimbi] - Trkulja, S.M. & L.T. Tomasi
Reference : 067610
ISBN : 8879700537
Trkulja, S.M. & L.T. Tomasi: Bartolomeo Bimbi un pittore di piante e animali alla corte dei Medici. Florence: Edifir, 1998. 223pp with 92 colour and 84 monochrome illustrations. Cloth. 29x25cms. Biography of the 17th/18th-century still-life and animal painter, who worked at the court of the Medici. 140 paintings have been assembled chronologically. With concordances and a bibliography. Text in Italian + English introduction.
Biography of the 17th/18th-century still-life and animal painter, who worked at the court of the Medici. 140 paintings have been assembled chronologically. With concordances and a bibliography. Text in Italian + English introduction