Librairie Saint-Simonienne.1832.In-8 demi-relié.Demi-chagrin.Tête dorée.Des rousseurs.
(Paris, Everat, 1832). 14 pieces bound in 1 volume. 70 pp.; 40 pp.; (2), 22 pp.; 10 pp.; 32 pp.; 13 pp.; 16 pp.; 8 pp.; (4), 105 pp.; 23 pp.; 8 pp.; (4), 207, (4) pp.; (2), 18 pp.; (2), 40 pp. 8vo. Modern half morocco, spine gilt with gilt lettering, marbled boards. First work: Walch 811; Goldsmiths 26607; Einaudi 5723; not in Kress.Second work: Walch-Gerits, Supplement, 319; Kress C.2795; Goldsmiths 27192; Einaudi 4670.Third work: Walch 319; Kress C.2795; Goldsmiths 27192; Einaudi 1745.Fourth work: Walch 813; Kress C.3359; Goldsmiths 27812; Einaudi 5724.Fifth work: Walch 814; Goldsmiths 27813; not in Kress; not in Einaudi.Sixth work: Walch 301; not in Kress; not in Goldsmiths; not in Einaudi.Seventh work: Not in Walch; not in Walch-Gerits, Supplement; not in Kress; not in Goldsmiths; Einaudi 4674 (states M. Chevalier to be the author). Eighth work: Walch-Gerits, Supplement, 80; Einaudi 1048; not in Kress; not in Goldsmiths.Ninth work: Walch-Gerits, Supplement, 309; Kress C.3262; Goldsmiths 27795; Einaudi 4389.The pages 83-105 contain: Projet de Banque présenté le 4 septembre 1830 par MM. Péreire. Both Walch and Walch-Gerits, Supplement, list this title under Isaac; Kress lists it under Jules but both attributions are incorrect, the author is Jacob-Émile Péreire.Tenth work: Walch-Gerits, Supplement, 356; Kress C. 2931; Goldsmiths 27221; not in Einaudi.The original title was printed on the cover which has not been preserved. The first page has a Drop-head title: Missions saint-simoniennes. Mission du Midi.Eleventh work: Walch-Gerits, Supplement, 438; not in Kress; not in Goldsmiths; not in Einaudi. Twelfth work: Walch-Gerits, Supplement, 175; Kress C.3132; Goldsmiths 27774; Einaudi 1749. The text of Les trois familles was written by E. Barrault. The saint-simonians Enfantin, Chevalier and Barrault were prosecuted for this work. Thirteenth work: Walch-Gerits, Supplement, 127; Kress C.3119; Goldsmiths 27766; Einaudi 1468. Fourteenth work: Not in Walch; not in Walch-Gerits, Supplement; Kress C.3297; Goldsmiths 27798; Einaudi 1073.Signed at end: M(ichel) C(hevalier). All first separate editions from previously published articles in Le Globe and other saint-simonian journals.
Phone number : 31 20 698 13 75
Paris, Imprimerie d'Éverat, 1832. In-8 de 32 pp., couverture conservée, cartonnage moderne.
Walch, 814.