Torres Balbas, Leopoldo: Arte Almohade : Arte Nazarà : Arte MudÃjar. Madrid: Plus Ultra, 1949. Series: Ars Hispaniae Historia Universal del Arte Hispánico. Volume IV. 428pp with 482 monochrome illustrations. Quarter bound with spine bound in burgundy morocco, embossed and gilt cloth boards. 28x22cms. Part of the important series on Spanish art, this volume covers all aspects of art and decorative arts of the Moorish period from mid 12th century up to the late 1500s - including the building of the Alhambra and Hispano-Moresque wares and textiles. Text in Spanish.
Part of the important series on Spanish art, this volume covers all aspects of art and decorative arts of the Moorish period from mid 12th century up to the late 1500s - including the building of the Alhambra and Hispano-Moresque wares and textiles. Text in Spanish
LéVI-PROVENçAL, évariste ; García Gómez, Emilio ; TORRES Balbás, Leopoldo
Reference : 138248
Madrid, Espasa-Calpe, coll. « Historia de España dirigida por Ramón Menéndez Pidal » 1957 2 volumes. In-4 28 x 20,5 cm. Reliures éditeur toile verte, auteur & titre dorés sur les premiers plats de couverture, XLIV-514-XXIV-838 pp., notes, 358-664 figures, 7-15 planches, bibliographie, index, index général. Bon état.
Comprend : IV. La Conquista, el Emirato, el Califato (Évariste Lévi-Provençal. Introducción de Emilio García Gómez) - V. Bon état d’occasion
Instituto Hispano-Arabe de Cultura 1970 2 volumes in-8 broché, 688 pp. Bon exemplaire.
Colaboración de Henri Terrasse Bon état d’occasion
Separata de la revista "Principe de Viana", num. XX, Año VI, grand in 8° broché, 35pp. ; 13 planches hors-texte et figures.
Texte en espagnol.PHOTOS sur DEMANDE. ...................... Photos sur demande ..........................
Phone number : 04 77 32 63 69
.: 2. Pamplona, (1948), in-8°, separate off-print from the periodical ''Principe de Viana'', (1948, n°xxiv), 40 pp + 9 b/w ills + folding plans.