Frankfurt, Theobaldum Schor Wetterum, 1611. Folio. Two volumes bound in one contemporary full blindstamped vellum binding with five raised bands. Wear and soiling to extremities, corners bumped. Missing part of vellum to upper part of front board. Light occassional marginal dampstaining but generally a nice and clean copy. (12), 484 pp. + frontispiece and 12 plates (4), 420, (39) pp. + 10 plates.
Second edition of Tornielli’s great work in which he delves into Biblical architectural prototypes from Noah’s Ark to the Temple of Jerusalem and historical quandaries, and explores topics related to geography and natural science in the bible. The illustrations accompanying the present work provide numerous theoretical and practical insights into the topic of sacred architecture and are used as arguments for Tornielli’s fundamental thesis - that there is a continuous lineage from Biblical prototypes through classical culture to the contemporary Renaissance era. His approach to Scripture, focusing on historical analysis, was pioneering and influenced subsequent generations of Biblical scholars. “Tornielli personally intervened in the lively debate on these historical-Biblical themes, addressing in particular the positions of Benito Arias Montano (Exemplar sive de sacris fabricis liber, 1572) and Juan Bautista Villalpando (In Ezechielem explanationes , 1596-1604).” (Rovetta, The Theme of the Central Plan in Lorenzo Binago). Agostino Tornielli (1543-1622), a native of Novara, Italy, was a clergyman and member of the Barnabite religious order, commonly known for their association with the Church of St. Barnabas in Milan. The Barnabites placed great emphasis on learning, considering it crucial for religious devotion, and thus, they cultivated various branches of knowledge within their order. The first edition was published in Milan in 1609/1610, the present second edition in 1611, a third edition in Antwerp in 1620.