, Published by Tommy Eklof, 2013 Hardcover with illustrated cover, 165 pages, 30x21cm. very richly illustrated with coloured illustrations, fine condition!. ISBN 9789163733376.
A handbook for dating Chinese porcelain from facial features and adornments for museums, collectors and dealers alike. To arrive at a stylistic chronology in the rendering of facial features of people in porcelain decorations, the author has collected and categorized more than 3900 faces of men, women and children in Chinese porcelain decorations, dating from the 15th century until present day. The book contains: *Facial features and adornments described and dated in diagrams "quantity/year": - different outlines - 18 hairstyles - 27 headgear - 10 adornments - 6 clothes * 29 different categories of faces (men, women, children) described and dated in diagrams (quantity/year) with 12 faces examples for each gender for the most categories. Total more than 800 faces shown. * about 100 examples "copy versus authentic" to train the eyes. * advices to new collectors. The author is active as board moderator for the world's largest English language Chinese porcelain Internet site, "gotheborg". Some voices: "This book is a milestone for dating Chinese porcelain, for museums, collectors and dealers alike." "One thing that also sets this book apart from most other publications is the massive research and the number of pieces that has gone into its making. We are not talking about a few samples, not even a few hundreds of samples. The samples for this one counts into the thousands. This is not an idea, or a 'suggested direction of further research' etc., this is the thing.!" "It overwhelms me in every sense. Now I have a good reference at hand to date the porcelain by faces. A good guide mark for every porcelain lover, a milestone for dating porcelain." "I am more than pleased ! You have mastered what I think is the basis of true international language the ability to communicate simply. The format of simple text and great pictures works wonderfully well when trying to assimilate knowledge. You have nailed it!" "This is a refreshing change, although I am English I have to sit with a dictionary to fully understand some of the older classic reference books and the archaic language used by oxford graduates! This is a reference book for all, well done!" " A significant weapon in the armoury against confusion, misinformation and fakery!".