Auguste Bénard, Liège, 1907, 102 p., 25 planches en noir et blanc, broché, état d'usage.
Phone number : 0033 (0)1 42 23 30 39
.: 0. Liège, Auguste Bénard, 1907. 26 x 19,5 cm, 102 pp, b/w ill. bound by De Samblanx-Weckesser in dark half-moroccco, nice inlaid spine with gilt decoration, top edge gilt. Some wear at binding especially at the marbled boards. Original covers preserved. Monographical articles on many lesser known Belgian artists. Ex-library with a stamp on the tile but a nice copy. Artists include Edgar Farasyn , Léon Herbo, Jean Gouweloos, Evariste Carpentier, Alexandre Marcette , Alphonse de Tombay , Emile Motte , Paul Mahieu and many others...
.: 4. Liège, Auguste Bénard, 1907. 26 x 19,5 cm, 102 pp, b/w ill. cont. half-cloth. Monographical Interviews with many lesser known artists. Ex-library with a stamp on the tile but a nice copy. Artists include Edgar Farasyn, Victor Uytterschaut , Léon Herbo, Evariste Carpentier , Alexandre Marcette , Paul du Bois, Alponse de Tombay , Nicolas Van den Eden, Maurice Hagemans , Emile Motte , but also, C. Meunier , Wytsman , Khnopff ...Text in French.