1898-1899 252 p., 10 col. lithographed pls, black hcloth with green marbled boards.Contains several interesting papers on Lepidoptera: Snellen, Mededeelingen over Nyctemera en Chalcosia - Over Plutodes (1 col. plate) / De Vos tot Nederveen Cappel, Over de Macrolepidoptera onder Apeldoorn waargenomen / Pelt Lechner, Over Calamia lutosa (1 col. plate) / Snellen, Aantekeningen over Thyca candida / Snellen, Aantekeningen over Pyraliden (2 col. pls) / Oudemans, Bijdrage kennis Doodshoofdvlinder, etc.Also 2 papers on Diptera: Van der Wulp, Aantekeningen betreffende Oost-Indische Diptera VII-VIII (3 col. pls).
1899-1900 247 p., 14 (5 col.) lithographed pls, black hcloth with green marbled boards.Contains several interesting papers on Lepidoptera: Snellen, Eenige aantekeningen over exotische Lepidoptera (1 col. plate) / Ter Haar, Craniophora ligustri var. olivacea / De Vos tot Nederveen Cappel, Aantekeningen over eenige Macrolepidoptera (1 plate) / Pelt Lechner, Voorhooduitsteeksels bij de Europeesche soorten der Noctuinen-genera Gortyna en Nonagria (1 plate) / Snellen, Nieuwe aantekeningen over Pyraliden (2 col. pls), etc.Also several papers on other insect groups like: Kempers, Het aderstelsel der kevervleugels (2 pls).
1913 370 p., 17 (2 col.) pls, black hcloth with marbled boards.Contains several interesting papers: Van der Goot, Zur systematik der Aphiden (pp. 69-155) / Roewer, Opiliones aus N.-Neu-Guinea (pp. 156-164) / Griffini, Les Gryllacridae de Java (pp. 174-194, 1 plate) / Oudemans, Suctoriologisches aus Maulwurfsnestern (pp. 238-282, 7 pls) Meijere, Studien über südostasiatische Dipteren VII (pp. 317-354 p., 3 pls)., etc. etc.Bound in is also a supplement: Meijere, Studien über südostasiatische Dipteren VIII (187 p., 3 pls).
1914 290 p., 7 pls, black hcloth with marbled boards.Contains several interesting papers: Friese, Die Bienenfauna von Java (pp. 1-61, 2 pls) / Haverhorst, Eenige mededelingen en opmerkingen omtrent Nederlandsche Lepidoptera (pp. 130-136) / Meijere, Studien über südostasiatische Dipteren IX (pp. 137-275, 3 pls), etc. etc.
1909-1916 / 1941-1949 three half cloth bindings filled with the reports of the meetings of the Nederlandsche Entomologische Vereeniging. Ex library of the Dutch Lepidoptera collector and specialist E.J. Nieuwenhuis.
1936 cviii, 336 p., num. figs, black hcloth with marbled boards.Contains several interesting papers: Cameron, Fauna Sumatrensis. The Staphylinidae (24 p.) / Cameron, Fauna Javanica. The Staphylinidae (30 p.) / Stork, Contribution to the knowledge of the puparia of the Anthomyidae (75 p., 35 figs) / Lempke, Catalogus der Nederlandsche Macrolepidoptera I (78 p.), etc.
1938 civ, 334 p., num. figs, black hcloth with marbled boards.Contains several interesting papers: Barendrecht, Dutch Fungivoridae in collection Zoological Museum Amsterdam (21 p., 17 figs) / Scholten, Macro-Lepidoptera uit de Lijmers. Faunistich-biologische bijdrage kennis vlinderfauna ZO Gelderland en aangrenzend Duits gebied (103 p. 1 map) / Lempke, Catalogus der Nederlandsche Macrolepidoptera III (63 p.), etc.
1976-1977 [11], 335, 280 p., num. figs & pls, green cloth.Contains several interesting papers: Achterberg, preliminary key subfamilies Braconidae (46 p., 123 figs) / Lith, New species and records Indo-Australian Psenini (44 p., 53 figs) / Willemse & Kruseman, Orthopteroidea of Crete (42 p., 13 figs, 10 pls) / De Jong, Affinities between W Paleaarctic and Ethiopian Butterfly faunas (51 p., 10 figs) / Ellis, Autumnfauna Collembola Central Crete (105 p., 46 figs) / Helsdingen et al., The Tenuis Group of Lepthyphantes (Araneae) (54 p., 69 figs) / Krikken, Asian Bolboceratine Scarabs of the Genus Bolbogonium (32 p., 3 pls) / Willemse, Genus Cranaella (44 p., 30 figs, 1 plate) / Roskam, Gall midges of the genus Semudobia (Diptera) (45 p., 122 figs) / Sexavae of the melanesian subregion (Orthoptera) (65 p., 7 figs, 18 pls), etc.
1930-1960 In issues/paperbound. In all 31 volumes. Including Supplement to volume 75.