1976 (1st ed.) 203 p., 105 figs, col. frontispiece, paperbound. Synopses of the British Fauna. Library stamps and markings.
1976 (1st ed.) 203 p., 105 figs, col. frontispiece, paperbound. Synopses of the British Fauna. Ex library Sjouk Pinkster with his stamps and signature.
1984 229 p., 40 figs, 57 (35 col.) pls, 12 maps, 4to, cloth (dustjacket). Good copy.
1976 (1st ed.) 203 p., 105 figs, col. frontispiece, paperbound. Synopses of the British Fauna. With author's dedication to the British Nudibranch specialist Nathalie Yonow.