, Brepols, 2020 Hardback, 412 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:19 b/w, 2 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503585291.
Summary While they often go hand-in-hand and the distinction between the two is frequently blurred, authority and power are distinct concepts and abilities - this was a problem that the Church tussled with throughout the High and Late Middle Ages. Claims of authority, efforts to have that authority recognized, and the struggle to transform it into more tangible forms of power were defining factors of the medieval Church's existence. As the studies assembled here demonstrate, claims to authority by members of the Church were often in inverse proportion to their actual power - a problematic paradox which resulted from the uneven and uncertain acceptance of ecclesiastical authority by lay powers and, indeed, fellow members of the ecclesia. The chapters of this book reveal how clerical claims to authority and power were frequently debated, refined, opposed, and resisted in their expression and implementation. The clergy had to negotiate a complex landscape of overlapping and competing claims in pursuit of their rights. They waged these struggles in arenas that ranged from papal, royal, and imperial curiae, through monastic houses, law courts and parliaments, urban religious communities and devotional networks, to contact and conflict with the laity on the ground; the weapons deployed included art, manuscripts, dress, letters, petitions, treatises, legal claims, legates, and the physical arms of allied lay powers. In an effort to further our understanding of this central aspect of ecclesiastical history, this interdisciplinary volume, which effects a broad temporal, geographical, and thematic sweep, points the way to new avenues of research and new approaches to a traditional topic. It fuses historical methodologies with art history, gender studies, musicology, and material culture, and presents fresh insights into one of the most significant institutions of the medieval world. TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgements, Abbreviations, List of Illustrations Introduction - THOMAS W. SMITH Part I: Concepts of Papal Authority Privilegium Romanae Ecclesiae: The Language of Papal Authority over the Church in the Eleventh Century - I. S. ROBINSON Papal Authority and Power during the Minority of Emperor Frederick?II - BENEDICT WIEDEMANN The Medieval Papacy and the Concepts of 'Anti-Judaism' and 'Anti-Semitism' - REBECCA RIST The Place of the Papacy in Four Illuminated Histories from Thirteenth-Century England - LAURA CLEAVER Part II: Representatives of Papal Authority The Interface between Papal Authority and Heresy: The Legates of Honorius?III in Languedoc, 1216-1227 - THOMAS?W. SMITH Papal Legates in Thirteenth-Century Hungary: Authority, Power, Reality - G BOR BARAB S Pope Alexander?IV, King Henry?III and the Imperial Succession: Master Rostand's Role in the Sicilian Business, 1255-1258 - PHILIPPA?J. MESIANO Cardinal Gerard of Parma as Co-Ruler in the Kingdom of Sicily, 1285-1289 - JEAN DUNBABIN Part III: The Papacy and the East The Power of Tradition: The Papacy and the Churches of the East, c.?1100-1300 - ??BERNARD HAMILTON Politics and Power in Latin Efforts at Church Union, 1300-1360 - JAMES HILL Modifications to Papal Trade Licences at the Avignon Curia - MIKE CARR Part IV: Cultures of Ecclesiastical Authority and Power The Late Medieval Papal Chapel: A?Culture of Power and Authority - MATTHEW ROSS Dress to Impress: Jacque de Vitry's Clothing and Episcopal Self-Fashioning - JAN VANDEBURIE Imaging Power: Gender, Power, and Authority in Florentine Piety - CATHERINE LAWLESS Royal Women, the Franciscan Order, and Ecclesiastical Authority in Late Medieval Bohemia and the Polish Duchies - KIRSTY DAY Part V: Ecclesiastical Communities and Collective Authority and Power Shall the First Be Last? Order and Disorder Amongst Henry?II's Bishops - NICHOLAS VINCENT Eustathios's Life of a Married Priest and the Struggle for Authority in Twelfth-Century Byzantium - MAROULA PERISANIDI The Bishop, the Convent and the Community: The Attempt to Enclose the Nuns of S.?Giustina, Lucca, 1301-1302 - CHRISTINE MEEK Archbishop Walter Reynolds, the Clerical gravamina, and Parliamentary Petitions from the Clergy in the Early Fourteenth Century - MATTHEW PHILLIPS The Power of the Cardinals: Decision-Making at the Papal Curia in Avignon - MELANIE BRUNNER Negotiation and Conflict: The Templars' and Hospitallers' Relations with Diocesan Bishops in Britain and Ireland - HELEN?J. NICHOLSON Hospitaller and Teutonic Order Lordships in Germany - KARL BORCHARDT Index
Helen Adam, Laurie Anderson, Robert Ashley, Jim Brodey, Otis Brown, William S. Burroughs, Jackie Curtis, Mona DaVinci, Kenward Elmslie, The Fugs, John Giorno, Philip Glass, Anthony J. Gnazzo, Ted Greenwald, Steve Hamilton, Bernard Heidsieck, Joe Johnson, Michael Lally, Denise Levertov, Robert Lowell, Meredith Monk, Eileen, Myles, Frank O'Hara, Claes Oldenburg, Joel Oppenheimer, Ron Padget, Ishmael Reed, Ed Sanders, Harris Schift, Patti Smith, Lorenzo Thomas, Steve & Gloria Tropp, Anne Waldman, Larry Wendt, Robert Wolson & Christopher Knowles
Reference : 103164
1978 disque Etats Uis, 1978, Giorno Poetry System GPS 012-013, 2 disques 33trs, 30cm, sous pochette ouvrante, conception et photographies de Les Levine.The Dial-a-Poem poets Big Ego.Avec, Helen Adam, Laurie Anderson, Robert Ashley, Jim Brodey, Otis Brown, William S. Burroughs, Jackie Curtis, Mona DaVinci, Kenward Elmslie, The Fugs, John Giorno, Philip Glass, Anthony J. Gnazzo, Ted Greenwald, Steve Hamilton, Bernard Heidsieck, Joe Johnson, Michael Lally, Denise Levertov, Robert Lowell, Meredith Monk, Eileen, Myles, Frank O'Hara, Claes Oldenburg, Joel Oppenheimer, Ron Padget, Ishmael Reed, Ed Sanders, Harris Schift, Patti Smith, Lorenzo Thomas, Steve & Gloria Tropp, Anne Waldman, Larry Wendt, Robert Wolson & Christopher Knowles. (103164)
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