10 books for « thomas kenneth »Edit


Reference : R110101812



‎WALTER BECKERS. 1968. In-8. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 320 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 840-Littératures des langues romanes. Littérature française‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 840-Littératures des langues romanes. Littérature française‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR24.90 (€24.90 )

‎Thomas Kenneth‎

Reference : da60


‎This Issue Biomolecular Achaeology (World Archaeology, volume 25, n°1, juin 1993)‎

‎Routledge World Archaeology Broché 1993 In-8, (19x24.5 cm), broché, couverture illustrée, texte en anglais, 137 pages, schémas en noir et blanc ; tampons sur les 1re pages, gomette au dos, pliures sur les mors, assez bon état. Livraison a domicile (La Poste) ou en Mondial Relay sur simple demande.‎

Abraxas-Libris - Bécherel

Phone number : 33 02 99 66 78 68

EUR17.50 (€17.50 )

‎Labich Kenneth, Moore Thomas, Taubes G.A., etc‎

Reference : RO60148103


‎Fortune international Vol 117 N°8- April 11, 1988- Sommaire: The showdown at Eastern Air Lines par Kenneth Labich- Makeover for a plain-Jane retailer par Bill Saporito- Would you buy a car from this man? par Thomas Moore- The Democrats: tax and win? par A‎

‎Time. 1988. In-4. Broché. Etat passable, Coins frottés, Dos satisfaisant, Papier jauni. 88 pages. Texte en anglais. Rares rousseurs. Texte sur plusieurs colonnes. Nombreuses photos/illustrations en noir et blanc et en couleurs, in et hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎

‎Sommaire: The showdown at Eastern Air Lines par Kenneth Labich- Makeover for a plain-Jane retailer par Bill Saporito- Would you buy a car from this man? par Thomas Moore- The Democrats: tax and win? par Ann Reilly Dowd- Physics whiz goes into biz par G.A. Taubes- Where will we put all tha garbage? par Faye Rice Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR29.80 (€29.80 )

‎Leone (Charles A.), ed. - Arthur Cronquist - Ernst Mayr - Robert R. Sokal - Marcel Florkin - Alan A. Boyden - Bradley T. Scheer - William C. Boyd - Hans Laufer - William Glenn and William E. Prather - E.A. Bell and L. Fowden - Ralph E. Alston and B.L. Turner - Tom J. Mabry - Herbert P. Riley and Jerome D. Hopkins - B.G. Brehm and R.E. Alston - Otto Moritz - Richard N. Lester - : A.C. Wilson and N.O. Kaplan - Nguyen van Thoai and Jean Roche - Chih H. Wang - Konrad Bloch - Eleanor Wenger and Byron S. Wenger - William S. Allison and Nathan O. Kaplan - G.W. Brown - William J. Rutter and William E. Groves - Charles G. Sibley - Kenneth R. Porter - James L. Wittliff - Morris Goodman - M.R. Irvin - Arthur E. Duve - Frank Dolyak - Peter Abramoff, Rezneat M. Darnell and Joseph S. Balsano - Iowa W. Marable and W.G. Glenn - Wayne Frair - W. Manski, S.P. Halbert and T.P. Auerbach - A.E.R. Downe and A.S. West - P.H.A. Sneath - Manley Mandel and Robert Rownd - Miyoshi Ikawa - C.K. Williamson - Herbert C. Dessauer and Wade Fox - William B. Hebard - Thomas C. Cheng - Alan E. Leviton, George S. Myers and Benjamin W. Grunbaum - Bob G. Sanders - Murray L. Johnson and Merrill Wicks - Alan A. Boyden - In memoriam Philip Newmark‎

Reference : 64125


‎Taxonomic Biochemistry and Serology , International Conference on Taxonomic, Biochemistry, Physiology and Serology, held at the University of Kansas, September, 1962‎

‎The Ronald Press Company Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1964 Book condition, Etat : Bon hardcover, editor's binding, full green clothes, no dust-jacket fort et grand In-8 1 vol. - 738 pages‎

‎few figures 1st edition Contents, Chapitres : Preface, Contents, x, Text, 728 pages - 1. Principles of systematics : Arthur Cronquist : The old systematics - Ernst Mayr : The new systematics - Robert R. Sokal : The future systematics - 2. Perspectives in molecular taxonomy : Marcel Florkin : Perspectives in comparative biochemistry - Alan A. Boyden : Perspectives in systematic serology - Bradley T. Scheer : The uses of comparative physiology - William C. Boyd : Modern ideas on races, in the light of our knowledge of blood groups and other characters with known mode of inheritance - Hans Laufer : Macromolecular patterns in development and evolution - William Glenn and William E. Prather : The Bio-Courier project : Comparative immunobiological analyses for interplanetary explorations - 3. Taxonomic biochemistry of plants : E.A. Bell and L. Fowden : Studies on amino acid distribution and their possible value in plant classification - Ralph E. Alston and B.L. Turner : Comparative chemistry of Baptisia : Problems of intraspecific hybridization - Tom J. Mabry : The betacyanins, a new class of red-violet pigments, and their phylogenetic significance - Herbert P. Riley and Jerome D. Hopkins : Paper chromatographic studies in the aloineae, II. The rigidae and redusae sections of haworthia - B.G. Brehm and R.E. Alston : Patterns of variation among several kinds of chemical constituents of baptisia leucophaea var. laevicaulis - 4. Taxonomic serology of plants : Otto Moritz : Some special features of serobotanical work - Richard N. Lester : Comparative immunochemistry of the tuber-bearing species of the genus solanum - Comparative serological studies with the families cornaceae (dogwood) and nyssaceae (sour gum) - 5. Comparative biochemistry of animals : A.C. Wilson and N.O. Kaplan : Enzyme structure and its relation to taxonomy - Nguyen van Thoai and Jean Roche : Diversity of phosphagens - Chih H. Wang : Comparative glucose catabolism in biological systems - Konrad Bloch : Comparative aspects of lipid metabolism - Eleanor Wenger and Byron S. Wenger : A comparative study of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in olfactory regions of the brain - William S. Allison and Nathan O. Kaplan : The comparatove enzymology of triosephosphate dehydrogenase - G.W. Brown : Urea synthesis in elasmobranchs - William J. Rutter and William E. Groves : Coherence and variation in macromolecular structures in phylogeny - Charles G. Sibley : The characteristics of specific peptides from single proteins as data for classification - Kenneth R. Porter : Chromatographic comparisons of the parotoid gland secretions of six species in the Bufo valliceps group - James L. Wittliff : Venom constituents of Bufo fowleri, Bufo valliceps, and their natural hybrids analyzed by electrophoresis and chromatography - 6. Taxomonic serology of animals : Morris Goodman : Problems of primate systematics attacked by the serological study of proteins - M.R. Irvin : Some aspects of immunogenetics in relation to taxonomic problems - Arthur E. Duve : An immunological comparison of seven species of birds from four orders based on skeletal muscle antigens - Frank Dolyak : Intraspecific variations among chicken plasmas - Peter Abramoff, Rezneat M. Darnell and Joseph S. Balsano : Serological relations of toad populations of the Lake Michigan area - Iowa W. Marable and W.G. Glenn : Quantitative serological correspondence of ungulates by gel diffusion - Wayne Frair : Turtle family relationships as determined by serological tests - W. Manski, S.P. Halbert and T.P. Auerbach : Immunochemical analysis of the phylogeny of lens proteins - A.E.R. Downe and A.S. West : The serological specificity of hemolymph antigens in various stages of insect development - 7. Molecular taxonomy of microorganisms : P.H.A. Sneath : Comparative biochemical genetics in bacterial taxonomy - Manley Mandel and Robert Rownd : Deoxyribonucleic acid base composition in the enterobacteriaceae : An evolutionary sequence ? - Miyoshi Ikawa : Cell-Wall composition in relation to the classification of lactic acid bacteria - C.K. Williamson : Serological classification of viridans streptococci from the respiratory tract of man - 8. Taxonomic electrophoresis of animals : Herbert C. Dessauer and Wade Fox : Electrophoresis in taxonomic studies illustrated by analyses of blood proteins - William B. Hebard : Serum-protein electrophoretic patterns of the amphibia - Thomas C. Cheng : Comparative electophoretic studies on the sera of marine and fresh-water mollusks - Alan E. Leviton, George S. Myers and Benjamin W. Grunbaum : An electrophoretic survey of rattlesnake venoms - Bob G. Sanders : Electrophoretic studies of serum proteins of three trout species and the resulting hybrids within the family salmonidae - Murray L. Johnson and Merrill Wicks : Serum-protein electrophoresis in mammals : Significance in the higher taxonomic categories - Appendix : Honors presentation to Alan A. Boyden : Professor - In memoriam Philip Newmark - Index no dust-jacket, else fine copy, no markings‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Ewing (R.E.), Gross (K.I.) and Martin (C.F.), eds. - Thomas S. Banchoff - Christopher J. Byrnes - Lance Drager and Clyde Martin - Harley Flanders - Ismael Herrera - Peter Hilton - Kenneth J. Hochberg - Daniel J. Kleitman - Anil Nerode - H.O. Pollak - Donald St. P. Richards and Rameshwar D. Gupta - Steve Smale - Tetsuro Yamamoto - Sol Garfunkel - Gail Young‎

Reference : Cyb-6410


‎Merging Disciplines : New Directions in Pure, Applied, and Computational Mathematics - Proceedings of a Symposium Held in Honor of Gail S. Young at the University of Wyoming, August 8-10, 1985 Sponsored by the Sloan Foundation, the National Science Foundation and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research , (Computer graphics applications in geometry - Modelling and algorithmic issues in intelligent control - Global observability of ergodic translations on compact groups - Mathematical modeling and large-scale computing in energy and environmental research - Symbolic manipulation - Some unifying concepts in applied mathematics - Teaching and research : The history of a pseudoconflict - Stochastic population theory : Mathematical evolution of a genetical model - Combinatorics and applied mathematics - Applied logic -Pure and applied mathematics from an industrial perspective - Letter values in multivariate exploratory data analysis - Newton's method estimates from data at one point - Error bounds for Newton's method under the Kantorovich assumptions - Panel discussion : Implications for undergraduate and graduate education in mathematics)‎

‎Springer Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1986 Book condition, Etat : Bon hardcover, editor's printed yellow binding grand In-8 1 vol. - 230 pages‎

‎25 illustrations, a black and white photography of Gail S. Young in frontispiece 1st edition, 1986 Contents, Chapitres : Preface by Peter Hilton, Contents, Presentation, Introduction, xvi, Text, 214 pages - Thomas S. Banchoff : Computer graphics applications in geometry - Christopher J. Byrnes : Modelling and algorithmic issues in intelligent control - Lance Drager and Clyde Martin : Global observability of ergodic translations on compact groups - Richard E. Ewing : Mathematical modeling and large-scale computing in energy and environmental research - Harley Flanders : Symbolic manipulation - Ismael Herrera : Some unifying concepts in applied mathematics - Peter Hilton : Teaching and research : The history of a pseudoconflict - Kenneth J. Hochberg : Stochastic population theory : Mathematical evolution of a genetical model - Daniel J. Kleitman : Combinatorics and applied mathematics - Anil Nerode : Applied logic - H.O. Pollak : Pure and applied mathematics from an industrial perspective - Donald St. P. Richards and Rameshwar D. Gupta : Letter values in multivariate exploratory data analysis - Steve Smale : Newton's method estimates from data at one point - Tetsuro Yamamoto : Error bounds for Newton's method under the Kantorovich assumptions - Sol Garfunkel : Panel discussion : Implications for undergraduate and graduate education in mathematics - Epilogue by Gail Young binding is near fine, with light adhesive track on the bottom of the spine, inside is fine except few library marks on the title page, main text remains unmarked and clean, a very good reading copy‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎DAUMAL (René) - SIGODA (Pascal) - WHITE (Kenneth) - DHÔTEL (André) - THOMAS (Henri) - FOLLAIN (Jean) - CAMUS (Michel) - NABE (Marc-Edouard) - GILBERT-LECOMTE (Roger) - VIRMAUX (Alain et Odette) - collectif - ‎

Reference : 31156

‎René Daumal - ‎

‎ Lausanne : L'Âge d'Homme (« Les Dossiers H »), 1993 – Dossier conçu et dirigé par Pascal Sigoda – grand format souple broché sous couverture illustrée de 402 pages illustrées de hors texte – bon état - ‎

Le Livre à Venir - Chantelle

Phone number : 06 44 78 76 58

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )

‎GRACQ (Julien). CIORAN (E.M.). PAULHAN (Jean). PERROS (Georges). THOMAS (Henri). LEVINAS (Emmanuel). DALMAS (André). BLOK (Alexandre). FRANCOIS MICHEL (Ch.-M.). WHITE (Kenneth). REUMAUX (Patrick). NAVEL (Georges). HEBBEL (Friedrich). ECKHART (Maître). KLOSSOWSKI (Pierre). BOUTANG (Pierre). BOISSONNAS (Edith). WITTIG (Monique). KOYRE (Alexandre). HOLDERLIN. FOLLAIN (Jean). DHOTEL (André). DEGUY (Michel). NOEL (Bernard). NOVALIS. GROSJEAN (Jean). FENEON (Félix). ANDREAS-SALOME (Lou). RILKE (Rainer Maria). LUCOT (Hubert). CARPENTIER (Alejo). PACHET (Pierre). MATIC (Dusan). HERLIN (Louise). MESCHONNIC (Henri). LAPORTE (Roger). MUNIER (Roger). REDA (Jacques). MANDIARGUES (André Pieyre de). HEIDEGGER (Martin). CAILLOIS (Roger). PAZ (Octavio). VIVIEN (Claude). ROCHE (Denis). FORRESTER (Viviane). LACOUE-LABARTHE (Philippe). BATAILLE (Georges). GUEZ (Christian). STETIE (Salah). NIETZSCHE (Friedrich). BLAKE (William). DEVAULX (Noël). LULLE (Raymond). ‎

Reference : 45555

‎Le Nouveau Commerce. Du n°1, printemps 1963, au n°25, printemps 1973. ‎

‎ Paris, directeurs: André Dalmas et Marcelle Fonfreide. 25 numéros en 21 livraisons. 21 volumes (18,2x24,3cm), brochés, la plupart avec cahiers non coupés. Ensemble en bon état. Les dix premières années de cette grande revue littéraire. ‎

Le Livre à Venir - Chantelle

Phone number : 06 44 78 76 58

EUR450.00 (€450.00 )

‎De Quincey Thomas White Kenneth Schneider Pierre‎

Reference : 100100160


ISBN : 2070762718

‎La Nonne militaire d'Espagne‎

‎Gallimard 2001 12x18x1cm. 2001. Poche. 168 pages. Bon Etat intérieur propre‎

Livres-sur-sorgue - Isle-sur-la-sorgue

Phone number : 04 90 26 49 32

EUR4.00 (€4.00 )

‎[REVUE] André Dalmas, Jean Paulhan, Louis Massignon, Pierre Leyris, John Clare, Georges Perros, Pieyre de Mandiargues, Henri Thomas, Julien Gracq, E.M. Cioran, Kenneth White, Alexandre Blok, Yeats, Maître Eckhart, Patrick Reumaux, Georges Navel, Pierre Klossowski, Alexandre Koyré, Stephen Crane, Monique Wittig, Louis-Paul Guigues, August Strindberg, Jean Follain, Hölderlin, Jean-Loup Trassard, André Dhôtel, Synge, Michel Deguy, Bernard Noël, Jean Grosjean, Novalis, Fénéon, Rilke, François Michel, Alejo Carpentier, Pierre Pachet, Noël Devaulx, Henri Raynal, Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe, Dusan Matic, Erasme, Roger Laporte, Jean Starobinski, Jacques Réda, Roger Munier, Gérard Genette, Roger Caillois, Martin Heidegger, Octavio Paz, etc.‎

Reference : 4887

‎LE NOUVEAU COMMERCE, N° 1 à 14, 1963-1969. In-4, brochés.‎

‎LE NOUVEAU COMMERCE, Paris, 1963-1969. ‎

‎ 14 numéros In-4°, brochés. N° 1 à 14, 1963-1969.Tête de collection. [4887] ‎


Phone number : 33 01 43 47 01 20

EUR240.00 (€240.00 )

‎(Collectif) Jarg M. Geismar, Kenneth Wahl, Christian Sery, Dick Jewell, Holger Drees, Kurt Huber, Tina Keane, Clemente Padin, James Minnis, Thomas Schönauer et al. ‎

Reference : f14537


‎Revue A.T.W. Press (Around the world) n°7. July 1987‎

‎Jarg M. Geismar, Düsseldorf, 1987. Reliure à spirales in-4, couverture illustrée, 82 p. Edition originale. Textes en anglais et allemand. Iconographie en noir et blanc. Très bon état. ‎

L'Autre Sommeil - Bécherel

Phone number : 09 52 85 88 12

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )
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