14 books for « thomas benjamin p »Edit

‎THOMAS Benjamin P.‎

Reference : 5485


‎Abraham Lincoln. Traduit de l'américain par Dominique Guillet‎

‎ 1955 Paris, Calmann-Lévy, 1955, volume in-8 broché, 378 pages, bon état‎

Phone number : 04 70 97 40 16

EUR7.00 (€7.00 )


Reference : RO20174747



‎"KNOPF ALFRED A.. 1962. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. XVII + 643 pages + XIII - 1 etiquette de librairie contre-collée sur le 1er contre-collée - 1 tampon perforé ""AMERICAN PARIS LIBRARY"" sur la page de titre - frontispice en noir et blanc -. . . . Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon"‎

‎TEXTE EN ANGLAIS Classification Dewey : 420-Langue anglaise. Anglo-saxon‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR49.50 (€49.50 )


Reference : R320109642



‎CALMANN-LEVY. 1955. In-8. Broché. Etat d'usage, Coins frottés, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 378 pages - Papier legerement jauni.. . . . Classification Dewey : 923-Politiciens, economistes, juristes, enseignants‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 923-Politiciens, economistes, juristes, enseignants‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR49.50 (€49.50 )

‎Thomas, Benjamin P.‎

Reference : 35501


‎Abraham Lincoln‎

‎Paris, Calmann Lévy, 1955, Broché, 378 pages. Etat moyen ‎

Phone number : (+32) 470 87 87 88

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )

‎Benjamin Thomas‎

Reference : FSECG8BR

ISBN : 9782753508163

‎Le cinéma japonais d'aujourd'hui: Cadres incertains‎

‎PU Rennes Broché D'occasion bon état 30/12/1995 304 pages ‎

Phone number : 01 43 29 11 00

EUR31.82 (€31.82 )

‎Leone (Charles A.), ed. - Arthur Cronquist - Ernst Mayr - Robert R. Sokal - Marcel Florkin - Alan A. Boyden - Bradley T. Scheer - William C. Boyd - Hans Laufer - William Glenn and William E. Prather - E.A. Bell and L. Fowden - Ralph E. Alston and B.L. Turner - Tom J. Mabry - Herbert P. Riley and Jerome D. Hopkins - B.G. Brehm and R.E. Alston - Otto Moritz - Richard N. Lester - : A.C. Wilson and N.O. Kaplan - Nguyen van Thoai and Jean Roche - Chih H. Wang - Konrad Bloch - Eleanor Wenger and Byron S. Wenger - William S. Allison and Nathan O. Kaplan - G.W. Brown - William J. Rutter and William E. Groves - Charles G. Sibley - Kenneth R. Porter - James L. Wittliff - Morris Goodman - M.R. Irvin - Arthur E. Duve - Frank Dolyak - Peter Abramoff, Rezneat M. Darnell and Joseph S. Balsano - Iowa W. Marable and W.G. Glenn - Wayne Frair - W. Manski, S.P. Halbert and T.P. Auerbach - A.E.R. Downe and A.S. West - P.H.A. Sneath - Manley Mandel and Robert Rownd - Miyoshi Ikawa - C.K. Williamson - Herbert C. Dessauer and Wade Fox - William B. Hebard - Thomas C. Cheng - Alan E. Leviton, George S. Myers and Benjamin W. Grunbaum - Bob G. Sanders - Murray L. Johnson and Merrill Wicks - Alan A. Boyden - In memoriam Philip Newmark‎

Reference : 64125


‎Taxonomic Biochemistry and Serology , International Conference on Taxonomic, Biochemistry, Physiology and Serology, held at the University of Kansas, September, 1962‎

‎The Ronald Press Company Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1964 Book condition, Etat : Bon hardcover, editor's binding, full green clothes, no dust-jacket fort et grand In-8 1 vol. - 738 pages‎

‎few figures 1st edition Contents, Chapitres : Preface, Contents, x, Text, 728 pages - 1. Principles of systematics : Arthur Cronquist : The old systematics - Ernst Mayr : The new systematics - Robert R. Sokal : The future systematics - 2. Perspectives in molecular taxonomy : Marcel Florkin : Perspectives in comparative biochemistry - Alan A. Boyden : Perspectives in systematic serology - Bradley T. Scheer : The uses of comparative physiology - William C. Boyd : Modern ideas on races, in the light of our knowledge of blood groups and other characters with known mode of inheritance - Hans Laufer : Macromolecular patterns in development and evolution - William Glenn and William E. Prather : The Bio-Courier project : Comparative immunobiological analyses for interplanetary explorations - 3. Taxonomic biochemistry of plants : E.A. Bell and L. Fowden : Studies on amino acid distribution and their possible value in plant classification - Ralph E. Alston and B.L. Turner : Comparative chemistry of Baptisia : Problems of intraspecific hybridization - Tom J. Mabry : The betacyanins, a new class of red-violet pigments, and their phylogenetic significance - Herbert P. Riley and Jerome D. Hopkins : Paper chromatographic studies in the aloineae, II. The rigidae and redusae sections of haworthia - B.G. Brehm and R.E. Alston : Patterns of variation among several kinds of chemical constituents of baptisia leucophaea var. laevicaulis - 4. Taxonomic serology of plants : Otto Moritz : Some special features of serobotanical work - Richard N. Lester : Comparative immunochemistry of the tuber-bearing species of the genus solanum - Comparative serological studies with the families cornaceae (dogwood) and nyssaceae (sour gum) - 5. Comparative biochemistry of animals : A.C. Wilson and N.O. Kaplan : Enzyme structure and its relation to taxonomy - Nguyen van Thoai and Jean Roche : Diversity of phosphagens - Chih H. Wang : Comparative glucose catabolism in biological systems - Konrad Bloch : Comparative aspects of lipid metabolism - Eleanor Wenger and Byron S. Wenger : A comparative study of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase activity in olfactory regions of the brain - William S. Allison and Nathan O. Kaplan : The comparatove enzymology of triosephosphate dehydrogenase - G.W. Brown : Urea synthesis in elasmobranchs - William J. Rutter and William E. Groves : Coherence and variation in macromolecular structures in phylogeny - Charles G. Sibley : The characteristics of specific peptides from single proteins as data for classification - Kenneth R. Porter : Chromatographic comparisons of the parotoid gland secretions of six species in the Bufo valliceps group - James L. Wittliff : Venom constituents of Bufo fowleri, Bufo valliceps, and their natural hybrids analyzed by electrophoresis and chromatography - 6. Taxomonic serology of animals : Morris Goodman : Problems of primate systematics attacked by the serological study of proteins - M.R. Irvin : Some aspects of immunogenetics in relation to taxonomic problems - Arthur E. Duve : An immunological comparison of seven species of birds from four orders based on skeletal muscle antigens - Frank Dolyak : Intraspecific variations among chicken plasmas - Peter Abramoff, Rezneat M. Darnell and Joseph S. Balsano : Serological relations of toad populations of the Lake Michigan area - Iowa W. Marable and W.G. Glenn : Quantitative serological correspondence of ungulates by gel diffusion - Wayne Frair : Turtle family relationships as determined by serological tests - W. Manski, S.P. Halbert and T.P. Auerbach : Immunochemical analysis of the phylogeny of lens proteins - A.E.R. Downe and A.S. West : The serological specificity of hemolymph antigens in various stages of insect development - 7. Molecular taxonomy of microorganisms : P.H.A. Sneath : Comparative biochemical genetics in bacterial taxonomy - Manley Mandel and Robert Rownd : Deoxyribonucleic acid base composition in the enterobacteriaceae : An evolutionary sequence ? - Miyoshi Ikawa : Cell-Wall composition in relation to the classification of lactic acid bacteria - C.K. Williamson : Serological classification of viridans streptococci from the respiratory tract of man - 8. Taxonomic electrophoresis of animals : Herbert C. Dessauer and Wade Fox : Electrophoresis in taxonomic studies illustrated by analyses of blood proteins - William B. Hebard : Serum-protein electrophoretic patterns of the amphibia - Thomas C. Cheng : Comparative electophoretic studies on the sera of marine and fresh-water mollusks - Alan E. Leviton, George S. Myers and Benjamin W. Grunbaum : An electrophoretic survey of rattlesnake venoms - Bob G. Sanders : Electrophoretic studies of serum proteins of three trout species and the resulting hybrids within the family salmonidae - Murray L. Johnson and Merrill Wicks : Serum-protein electrophoresis in mammals : Significance in the higher taxonomic categories - Appendix : Honors presentation to Alan A. Boyden : Professor - In memoriam Philip Newmark - Index no dust-jacket, else fine copy, no markings‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR15.00 (€15.00 )


Reference : SVBLIVCN-9782124653935




Bookit! - Genève
EUR50.72 (€50.72 )

‎MANN Vivian B., GLICK Thomas, GAMPEL Benjamin, SCHEINDLIN Raymond, CARPENTER Dwayne, DODDS Jerrilynn, SED-RAJNA Gabrielle, ZOZAYA Juan.‎

Reference : 30488

ISBN : 0807612839

‎Convivencia. Jews, Muslims, and Christians in Medieval Spain.‎

‎<span>The Middle Ages in Spain--the the period from the Muslim conquest of 711 to the expulsion of the Jews and the defeat of the last Muslim ruler in 1492--witnessed an extraordinary Golden Age through the intermingling of its Jewish, Muslim, and Christian inhabitants. This volume explores the nature of their coexistence (termed convivencia by Spanish historians), which embraced not only ideological interchange and cultural influence, but also mutual friction, rivalry, and suspicion.</span><br><span>The cultural and social dynamics underlying convivencia powerfully influenced the creation of poetry, art, architecture, and the material culture of Spain, as well as the transmission and absorption of scientific ideas and technology from East to West. Explored by leading scholars in each of these fields, the cultural treasures of convivencia range from Hebrew biblical manuscripts illuminated with Islamic stylistic motifs, to astrolabes with Latin inscriptions, to the first examples of secular Hebrew poetry. More than one hundred of the objects are united for the first time in an exhibition at the Jewish Museum, New York.</span><br><span>At a time when the study of cultural fusion is receiving increasing attention, this volume offers a fresh and comprehensive view of Spain's pluralistic medieval society. Moreover, it celebrates an inspiring history of cultural achievement in the context of intergroup relations that were both negative and positive.</span> New York, 1992. Georges Braziller Jewish Museum. 268 p., 36 illustrations couleur, 60 illustrations noir et blanc, reliure toile sous jaquette. 22,5 x 27‎


Antinoë - Brest

Phone number : 02 98 80 52 48

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )


Reference : RO20255325


‎Opera en plein air 2011 - madame butterfly de giacomo Puccini - mise en scene de christophe Malavoy - scenographie de francis Guerrier - 10 sites exceptionnels en france - de juin a septembre 2011 - le compositeur, la petite histoire, distribution, ...‎

‎OPERA EN PLEIN AIR. 2011. In-4. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. Environ 100 pages illustrées en couleur. . . . Classification Dewey : 782.1-Théâtre musical, opéra‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 782.1-Théâtre musical, opéra‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR29.80 (€29.80 )

‎VON KUMMANT, Thomas (Dessins) - VON ECKARTSBERG, Benjamin (Scénario)‎

Reference : 115996


ISBN : 2888908549

‎Gung Ho. Hors Série * Bonus‎

‎ 2017 Editions Paquet - DL 06/2017 - In-4, cartonnage illustré - 28 planches couleurs - Noté "Première édition". Album tiré à part de la série Gung Ho, édité à l'occasion de la sortie du tome 3. Il présente en exclusivité le story-board des premières pages du tome 4, ainsi que des textes sur l'univers de Gung Ho et les reproductions des illustrations de couverture des versions grand format‎

‎Bon état ‎

Phone number : 04 78 38 32 46

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎Hohlbein Wolfgang Eckartsberg Benjamin von Kummant Thomas von Rocher Marie-Laure‎

Reference : 100095445


ISBN : 9782888903772


‎Paquet 2017 36 pages 24x32x1cm. 2017. Relié. 36 pages.‎

‎French édition - Livre issu de déstockage JAMAIS LU présentant des marques de manipulation sur la couverture et/ou les pourtours mais demeurant en très bon état d'ensemble.Expédition sous blister dans une enveloppe matelassée depuis la France‎

Démons et Merveilles - Joinville

Phone number : 07 54 32 44 40

EUR7.90 (€7.90 )


Reference : R160151629


ISBN : 2749906180


‎MICHEL LAFON. 2007. In-8. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 393 Pages. . . . Classification Dewey : 320-Science politique‎

‎ Classification Dewey : 320-Science politique‎


Phone number : 05 57 411 411

EUR29.80 (€29.80 )

‎[REVUE] Albert Acrement, Alphonse Allais, Guillaume Apollinaire, Paul Alexis, Paul Ardot, Calixte Armel, G. Arnould, Timon d'Asnières, Jean d'Astorg, Régina Badet, Balérus, A. Barrère, Maurice Barrès, Jean Bastia, Charles Baudelaire, René Benjamin, Karl Benoit, Louis Béraud, Emile Bergerat, Tristan Bernard, José de Bérys, Albert Besnard, André Beury, Bing, Numa Blès, Ch. Bleunard, Louis Bonnafont, D. Bonnaud, Bousquet, Frédéric Boutet, Jacques Brindejont-Offenbach, Gustave Brisgand, André Brulé, Brunelleschi, Léonce Burret, Cami, Alfred Capus, Marcel Capy, Clément Carel, Albert Carré, Roland Catenoy, Cham, Henry Champly, André Charpentier, Chéri-Bibi, Jules Claretie, Georges Courteline, Gabriel D'Annunzio, Jane Danjou, J. Darsenne, De Losques, Maurice Dekobra, Georges Delaquys, Paul Deschanel, André Devambez, Deveria, Léon Devy, Henri Dispan, Maurice Donnay, Jean Droit, Odette Dulac, Henri Duvernois, Jacques Dyssord, Henri Enthoven, Raymond Escholier, Etcheverry, Fabiano, Delphi Fabrice, Emile Faguet, Abel Faivre, Henri Falk, Ricardo Florès, Régine Flory, Georges Fourest, Franc-Nohain, Henry Friedberg, Pierre Frondaie, Léon Galand, Ernest Gaubert, Paul Géraldy, Henri Géroule, Gervex, Gervèze, P.B. Gheusi, Giafar, André Gill, Glatigny, Urbain Gohier, Albert Guillaume, Sacha Guitry, Anna Held, J. Hénard, Jean Hervez, M.A. Hullet, Alfred Jarry, Pierre Jobbé-Duval, D. Kavé, Raphaël Kirchner, Koïster, J. Kuhn-Régnier, Gaston La Touche, Paul Lacour, Jeanne Landre, Juliette Landry, Hugues Lapaire, Ernest Laut, Henri Le Riche, Legrogenux, Lepape, Jean Lorrain, Robert Macaire, Robert Macker, Maurice Magre, René Maizeroy, Malatier, F.T. Marinetti, J. Marni, Achille Mélandri, Jacques Mercier, Lucien Métivet, A. Metzvil, Yves Mirande, Mistinguett, Montjauze, Montozon, Jules Moy, Charles Muller, Ludovic Naudeau, Nollat, Nozière, René Péan, Henri Pellier, Louis Pergaud, Jane Pierly, Raymond Poincaré, Marcel Prévost, Ray, Paul Reboux, Jacques Redelsperger, Henri de Régnier, André Reuze, Jean Richepin, Rip, Maurice Rostand, Georges Rozet, Ida Rubinstein, Marcel Saint-Jaurès, André Salmon, Aurélien Scholl, Seignac, Bernard Shaw, Emmanuel Sheridan, Louis Sonolet, Rabindranath Tagore, François de Tessan, Henri Thomas, Ed Touraine, Jacques Tournebroche, Harry Tremont, Vallée, Jean Veber, Verlhac, Raoul Vèze, Villiers de l'Isle-Adam, René Vincent, Gabriel Volland, Weyman, Gerda Wigener, Willette, Pierre Wolff, Xaudaro.‎

Reference : 5934

‎FANTASIO. Année 1912 (N° 131-154). Paris, Félix Juven éditeur, 1912. Fort in-4, demi-reliure toile, à coins.‎

‎Année complète. [5934]‎


Phone number : 33 01 43 47 01 20

EUR300.00 (€300.00 )

‎Wolfgang Hohlbein ; Textes de Benjamin von Eckartsberg ; Dessins de Thomas von Kummant‎

Reference : 65984

ISBN : 2888900491

‎Le Making of ; La Chronique des Immortels ; Au bord du gouffre : Tome 01‎

‎Editions Paquet 2006‎

‎in4, cartonne, bon etat, trace de rayure en haut premiere de couverture, coins legerement frottes, interieur propre avec de nombreuses illustrations N&B et couleurs, edition originale, Editions Paquet, 2006‎

Phone number : 01 424 545 79

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )
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