Paris, Ed. Allia, 1999, in-8, Broché, 173 pages. Petit accroc sur la couverture, sinon bon état.
Berlin und Frankfurt am Main., Bibliothek Suhrkamp., 1958, 193 pages. Gebunden, mit Schutzumschlag, in guter Verfassung.
Berlin und Frankfurt am Main., Suhrkamp Verlag., 1957, in-8°., broché, 60 pages. Broschiert mit Schutzumschlag, in guter Verfassung.
1976 Le Sens Commun, Theodor W. Adorno, 'Mahler une physionomie musicale', traduction et présentation de J.-l. Leleu et T. Leydenbach, 22cmx8cm, Les Editions de Minuit, 1976
Bon état, Conçu comme un hommage à celui qui a ouvert la voie à la nouvelle musique, le Mahler d'Adorno se présente comme une tentative d'interprétation d'ensemble de l'œuvre musicale du compositeur. Dépassant l'opposition d'un discours purement technique et d'une exégèse arbitraire, l'auteur fait apparaître le contenu spirituel de la musique de Mahler tel qu'il se concrétise dans les formes spécifiques de ses lieder et de ses symphonies. C'est le premier témoignage décisif d'une nouvelle forme de critique musicale qui se proposerait de “ faire parler la musique au moyen de la théorie ” Frais de port inclus vers France métropole au tarif normal, délai d'acheminement sous 72h, pour les commandes > à 80 euros et poids < 1kg. Disponibilité sous réserve de vente en Boutique. Frais de port inclus vers France métropole au tarif normal, délai d'acheminement sous 72h, pour les commandes > à 80 euros et poids < 1kg. Disponibilité sous réserve de vente en Boutique. Disponibilité sous réserve de vente en boutique, prix valable frais de port inclus pour commande > 90 € et poids < 1 Kg
Gallimard Relié D'occasion état correct 01/01/1966 150 pages
Kohlhammer Jaquette en état satisfaisant Stuttgart Ed. originale 1956 251 pages en foramt grand -8 - reliure rigide en percaline brune avec titres en dorure
Très Bon État
EDITIONS PAYOT & RIVAGES (1 novembre 2006)
Livre à l'état de neuf, très frais sans annotations ni défauts dissmulés.
Payot (21 février 1991)
Livre à l'état de neuf, très frais sans annotations ni défauts dissmulés.
Klincksieck 1976
Broché, comme neuf.
Jean Leymarie, James Sweeney, Theodor W. Adorno, Yves Bonnefoy, Alejo Carpentier y Valmont, Gaëtan Picon, René Clair
Reference : lc_51972
Baconnière, Neuchâtel, 1968
Broché, comme neuf.
Suhrkamp 1973 in8. 1973. Broché.
Bon Etat de conservation cependant couverture défraîchie jaunie dos ridé intérieur propre
gallimard. 1985. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 222 pages.. . . . Classification Dewey : 190-Philosophie occidentale moderne
Classification Dewey : 190-Philosophie occidentale moderne
WÖRTERBUCH. 1993. In-12. Relié. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 333 pages. Texte en allemand.. Avec Jaquette. . . Classification Dewey : 830-Littératures des langues germaniques
Classification Dewey : 830-Littératures des langues germaniques
[REVUE] Anouar Abd-El-Malek, Theodor W. Adorno, Kostas Axelos, Georges Balandier, Roger Bastide, Pierre Bernard, Jacques Berque, Norman Birnbaum, Frédéric Bon, Wlodzimierz Brus, Michel-Antoine Burnier, Pablo Gonzalès Casanova, Jean-Paul Charnay, Jean Chesneaux, René Depestre, Jean Duvignaud, Joseph Gabel, Roger Garaudy, Lucien Goldmann, Georges Gurvitch, Robert Jaulin, Serge Jonas, Cesare Luporini, Henri Lefèbvre, Jacques Lombard, René Lourau, Georg Lukacs, Herbert Marcuse, Karl Marx, Serge Moscovici, Pierre Naville, Jean Piaget, Jean Piel, Jacques Rancière, Wilhelm Reich, Jorge Semprun, Jan Szczepanski, Karel Teige, C. Wright Mills, Jean Ziegler...
Reference : 19425
L'homme et la société, revue internationale de recherches et de synthèses sociologiques, du N° 1 au N° 28, juillet 1966 - juin 1973. 27 fascicules (dont un numéro double) in-8°, brochés.
PAYOT 1989 Soft Cover New
GALLIMARD-NRF 1982 Soft Cover New
1983 / 230 pages. Broché. Editions Payot.
Bel état.
(Stuttgart, W. Kohlhammer, 1954). 8vo. Stapled with paper backstrip. Recto of f.1 with stamp: ""Sonderdruck aus Archiv für Philosophie Band ""5"" (in hand-writing) Heft ""2"" (in handwriting)"" and with a four-line presentation-inscription from the author, signed ""Theodor Adorno"" and dated ""Frankfurth, Sept. 1954."" Pp. 130-169.
First edition, off-print, presentation-copy, of Adorno's ""Critique of the Logical Absolutism"", constituting his foundational critique of Husserls' theory of logical validity and its assistance on the absolute separartion between logical validity and subjective thought process, for which Adorno introduced the them ""logical absolutism"". The present critique of Husserl's logical absolutism profoundly influenced 20th century continental philosophy. The important and influential German philosopher and sociologist, Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund Adorno (1903 - 1969), was a leading member of the Frankfurt School, together with e.g. Horkheimer, Benjamin, and Habermas. He taught philosophy at the university of Frankfurt, but as a Jew, his teaching position was taken from him in 1933. He went to Oxford to teach, and in 1938 he emigrated to America, where he was the leader of several sociological projects in both New York and Los Angeles. Together with Horkheimer he wrote the theoretical manifest of the Frankfurt School, the ""Dialektik der Aufklärung"". In 1949 he returned to Frankfurt, where he became professor of philosophy and sociology. ""Theodor W. Adorno was one of the most important philosophers and social critics in Germany after World War II. Although less well known among anglophone philosophers than his contemporary Hans-Georg Gadamer, Adorno had even greater influence on scholars and intellectuals in postwar Germany. In the 1960s he was the most prominent challenger to both Sir Karl Popper's philosophy of science and Martin Heidegger's philosophy of existence. Jürgen Habermas, Germany's foremost social philosopher after 1970, was Adorno's student and assistant. The scope of Adorno's influence stems from the interdisciplinary character of his research and of the Frankfurt School to which he belonged. It also stems from the thoroughness with which he examined Western philosophical traditions, especially from Kant onward, and the radicalness to his critique of contemporary Western society. He was a seminal social philosopher and a leading member of the first generation of Critical Theory."" (SEP).
Stuttgart, (1956). 8vo. Orig. fulll brown cloth w. gilt lettering to spine and front board" original red dust-jacket w. a bit of sunning to spine, otherwise near perfect condition. A very nice, clean, and fresh copy. 251, (1) pp.
First edition, presentation-copy, of one of Adorno's most interesting and important works. With a five lines long presentation-inscription signed ""Th. W. Adorno"", dated ""Frankfurt, 16. November 1956.""Most of text was written between 1934 and 1937, when Adorno was not allowed to teach in Frankfurt, but parts of the book were written shortly before the first printing of the book, in 1956. The important and influential German philosopher and sociologist, Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund Adorno (1903 - 1969), was a leading member of the Frankfurt School, together with e.g. Horkheimer, Benjamin, and Habermas. He taught philosophy at the university of Frankfurt, but as a Jew, his teaching position was taken from him in 1933. He went to Oxford to teach, and in 1938 he emigrated to America, where he was the leader of several sociological projects in both New York and Los Angeles. Together with Horkheimer he wrote the theoretical manifest of the Frankfurt School, the ""Dialektik der Aufklärung"". I 1949 he returned to Frankfurt, where he became professor of philosophy and sociology. ""Theodor W. Adorno was one of the most important philosophers and social critics in Germany after World War II. Although less well known among anglophone philosophers than his contemporary Hans-Georg Gadamer, Adorno had even greater influence on scholars and intellectuals in postwar Germany. In the 1960s he was the most prominent challenger to both Sir Karl Popper's philosophy of science and Martin Heidegger's philosophy of existence. Jürgen Habermas, Germany's foremost social philosopher after 1970, was Adorno's student and assistant. The scope of Adorno's influence stems from the interdisciplinary character of his research and of the Frankfurt School to which he belonged. It also stems from the thoroughness with which he examined Western philosophical traditions, especially from Kant onward, and the radicalness to his critique of contemporary Western society. He was a seminal social philosopher and a leading member of the first generation of Critical Theory."" (SEP).In this anti-epistemological work, Adorno deals with the more general question of the possibility of truth and of epistemology in principle (""die Frage nach Möglichkeit und Wahrheit von Erkenntnistheorie prinzipiell"", Vorrede, p. 9), although the outer structure of the work is that of the philosophy of Husserl. Adorno comes to the conclusion that all epistemology is misguided, because it is based on some sort of ""prima philosophia"", an original or first principle, which cannot in reality be an absolutely first, because it is a concept, which is mediated. Adorno's work became hugely influential throughout philosophical and sociological circles, and his ""Zur Metakritik der Erkenntnistheorie"" (translated as ""Against Epistemology"") counts as one of his most important works. ""It inspired Habermas and Marcuse and continues to influence other eminent thinkers in philosophy and the social sciences today."" (From the English language translation by Willis Domingo).
Benjamin Walter Adorno Theodor Wiesengrund Goldschmidt Georges-Arthur
Reference : 172341
ISBN : 9782010062117
Hachette 1979 in8. 1979. Broché. 125 pages. envois en suivi pour la france et l'etranger Etat intérieur propre couverture frottée sur ses bords avec une légère auréole en son pied (voir photo)
(Göttingen, 1958). 8vo. Original self-wrappers. Slight discolouration to spine, otherwise near mint. Inscribed by Adorno to title-page. 143, (3) pp.
Second, expanded edition, presentation-copy, of Adorno's important essay about music paedagogy, which constitutes a comprehensive and utterly consistent exposition of the matter. With a three lines long presentation-inscription signed ""Th. W. Adorno"", dated ""Mai 1959""The important and influential German philosopher and sociologist, Theodor Ludwig Wiesengrund Adorno (1903 - 1969), was a leading member of the Frankfurt School, together with e.g. Horkheimer, Benjamin, and Habermas. He taught philosophy at the university of Frankfurt, but as a Jew, his teaching position was taken from him in 1933. He went to Oxford to teach, and in 1938 he emigrated to America, where he was the leader of several sociological projects in both New York and Los Angeles. Together with Horkheimer he wrote the theoretical manifest of the Frankfurt School, the ""Dialektik der Aufklärung"". I 1949 he returned to Frankfurt, where he became professor of philosophy and sociology. ""Theodor W. Adorno was one of the most important philosophers and social critics in Germany after World War II. Although less well known among anglophone philosophers than his contemporary Hans-Georg Gadamer, Adorno had even greater influence on scholars and intellectuals in postwar Germany. In the 1960s he was the most prominent challenger to both Sir Karl Popper's philosophy of science and Martin Heidegger's philosophy of existence. Jürgen Habermas, Germany's foremost social philosopher after 1970, was Adorno's student and assistant. The scope of Adorno's influence stems from the interdisciplinary character of his research and of the Frankfurt School to which he belonged. It also stems from the thoroughness with which he examined Western philosophical traditions, especially from Kant onward, and the radicalness to his critique of contemporary Western society. He was a seminal social philosopher and a leading member of the first generation of Critical Theory."" (SEP).
Benjamin Walter Adorno Theodor Wiesengrund Goldschmidt Georges-Arthur
Reference : ECF53AP
ISBN : 9782010062117
Hachette Broché D'occasion bon état 01/01/1979 124 pages
Paris L'Arche, coll. "Travaux" 17 1972 1 vol. broché in-12, broché, 179 pp. Traduction de Jean-Pierre Hammer. Première édition française. Bon état. Exemplaire provenant de la bibliothèque d'Alain Resnais.
Frankfurt am Main Suhrkamp Taschenbuch 1973 1 vol. broché in-12, broché, 213 pp. Texte en allemand. Très bon état.
Payot, coll. "Critique de la politique" 1980 1 vol. broché in-8, broché, 230 pp. Traduit de l'allemand par Eliane Kaufholz et Jean-René Ladmiral. Tirage de 1980. Dos très légèrement décoloré, sinon bon état général.