Hong Kong, Institute of Modern Asisn Studies, Univeristy of Hong Kong, 1965. 1 volume in-8, 105 pp., light green paperback, printed covers, a Chinese stamp on the title page, enriched with several tables, very good condition.
Contents: Articles: The Marriage - Institution in Present-Day China - Anshan Steel - Chinese Interests in Africa: A Chronological Review of Developments since 1961 - Internal Changes: Party and Administrative Structure - Personnel - Foreign Relations: Documentary Data - Diplomatic Changes - Delegations.
Hong Kong, Institute of Modern Asisn Studies, Univeristy of Hong Kong, 1966. 1 volume in-8, 91 pp., light green paperback, printed covers, a Chinese stamp on the title page, enriched with several tables, very good condition.
Contents: Articles: Extra-Budgetary Funds in the Chinese Fiscal System - The Role of Profit in China's Industrial Planning - Wuhan Steel - The Wu Han Discussion - Internal Changes: Party Structure - Personnel - Foreign Relations: Documentary Data - Diplomatic Changes - Delegations - Statements.
Hong Kong, Institute of Modern Asisn Studies, Univeristy of Hong Kong, 1965. 1 volume in-8, 88 pp., light green paperback, printed covers, a Chinese stamp on the title page, enriched with several tables, very good condition.
Contents: Articles: Expansion of the Chinese - Research and Development Industry - Chinese Interests in Africa - The Role of External Trade in China's Economic Development - Internal Changes: New Appointments - Removals - Foreign Relations: Documentary Data -Diplomatic Changes - Delegations.
Hong Kong, Institute of Modern Asisn Studies, Univeristy of Hong Kong, 1966. 1 volume in-8, 88 [71-159] pp., light green paperback, printed covers, a Chinese stamp on the title page, enriched with several tables, very good condition.
Contents: Articles: The Chinese Economy - The Proletarian Cultural Revolution - China's Key Steel Bases - Internal Changes: Party Structure - Personnel - Foreign Relations: Documentary Data - Diplomatic Changes - Delegations.
Hong Kong, Institute of Modern Asisn Studies, Univeristy of Hong Kong, 1966. 1 volume in-8, 78 [161-239] pp., light green paperback, printed covers, a Chinese stamp on the title page, enriched with several tables, very good condition.
Contents: Articles: The Battle of Pinghsingkuan - China's Cotton Outlook - A Survey of Sino-Japanese Trade 1950-1966 - Internal Changes: Party Structure - Foreign Relations: Documentary Data - Diplomatic Changes - Delegations.
Hong Kong, Institute of Modern Asisn Studies, Univeristy of Hong Kong, 1967. 1 volume in-8, 115 [241-356] pp., light green paperback, printed covers, a Chinese stamp on the title page, enriched with several tables, very good condition.
Contents: Articles: Industrial Enterprise Planning Process in China - The Xiafang of Cadres: A Means of Mass Communication - Internal Changes: Party Structure - Personnel - Foreign Relations: Documentary Data - Diplomatic Changes - Delegations.
Hong Kong, Institute of Modern Asisn Studies, Univeristy of Hong Kong, 1967. 1 volume in-8, 107 [357-464] pp., light green paperback, printed covers, a Chinese stamp on the title page, enriched with several tables, very good condition.
Contents: Articles: China's Trade and Aid Relations with Africa and the Middle East 1951-1966 - Mutual Aid Co-operation in China's Agricultural Collectivization - Internal Changes: Party Structure - Personnel - Foreign Relations: Documentary Data - Diplomatic Changes - Delegations.
Hong Kong, Institute of Modern Asisn Studies, Univeristy of Hong Kong, 1966. 1 volume in-8, 70 pp., light green paperback, printed covers, a Chinese stamp on the title page, enriched with several tables, very good condition.
Contents: Articles: A Tour of Chinese Factories - Paotow Steel - Bumen Dangwei - Internal Changes: Party Structure - Personnel - Foreign Relations: Documentary Data - Diplomatic Changes - Delegations.