Deesse. 1979. In-4. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Intérieur frais. 47 pages - nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc hors texte.. . . . Classification Dewey : 820-Littératures anglaise et anglo-saxonne
Classification Dewey : 820-Littératures anglaise et anglo-saxonne
In answer to the Bishop of Meaux's queries. Fourth edition to which is added a Letter of Bishop Bull now published from a ms in Lambeth Library. London. Stockdale. 1813. 2°A full report of the proccedings at the Anniversary of the Carlow Bible Sicety held to 18th & 19th november 1824...3°A full account of the proccedings at a Carrick on Shannon, Ireland, between the Protestants & Catholics for the discussion of the important question as to the propriety of distributing the scriptures among the population of that country...4°The No-Popery consisting of Essays, Anecdotes and Letters illustrative of the genius and tendency of that system. London. Westley. 1825. Du 5°au 13°fascicules courts sujets religieux. 1 volume in-8 (110 x 185mm) dos lisse veau fauve joliment orné or, pièce de maroquin rouge, plats et gardes marbrés, tranches mouchetées, (4), 116pp.; XII, 84pp.; 48pp.; (2), 164 pp. soit du N°1 au N°13 de 1825; 4; 4; 8; 8; 8; 8; 16; 8; 4 pages. Le fascicule numéroté 14, plus petit, s'intitule Popery unmasked...Fifth edition, corrected and improved...London. Williams & Co. s.d. 12 pages, vignette sur le titre représentant un martyre sur le bûcher. Longue note manuscrite sur une page blanche. Bon exemplaire de cet ensemble d'ouvrages protestants.
14 ouvrages sur le protestantisme|dans le même livre.
SYNESIUS of Cyrene ( Bishop of Ptolemais ) - Frédéric Morel ( editor ) - Franciscus PORTUS ( professor of Greek in the university of Geneva ) :
Reference : 47368
.: Paris, ex officina Typographica Claudij Morelli, via Iacobæa ad insigne Fontis, 1605, in-8°, (16) nn pp + 623 pp + (1)(bl) (complete). Bound in contemporary vellum, brown coloured smooth spine with manuscript title in white ( a bit faded), modern title label tipped on to the front cover, first fly leaf with dark waterstains and a cut out. Second and third quire (A,B) which were obviously printed on a lesser paper quality with some browning, otherwise a very fine copy. Paris edition of 156 letters of Synesius of Cyrene (c. 373 - c. 414) edited by Frédéric Morel le jeune (1553-1630) and with the notes by Franciscus Portus ( in Italian Francesco Porto ) (1511 - 1581). He was born on Crete and stayed for a while at the court of Ferrara. He settled in Geneva in 1562 where he was appointed to the chair of Greek at the University of Geneva. The edition is bi-lingual with the Greek and Latin texts on opposite pages..