15 books for « teeuwen p j m »Edit

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‎Braem Evodius, Teeuwen Norbertus.‎

Reference : 2168


‎, Lovanii, Institutum historicum augustinianum, 1956., Broche,couverture d' editeur, 29,5x22,5cm, 205pp, illustre n/b.‎

‎Septimo exacto saeculo a magna ordinis eremitarum s. augustini unione 1856-1956.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )


Reference : R23070


‎Dionysius de Karthuizer en de philosophisch-theologische stroomingen aan de Keulsche Universiteit 1421-1471‎

‎Brussel/ Nijmegen, Standaard-Boekhandel/ Dekker & Van de Vegt 1938 144pp., in de reeks "Historische Bibliotheek van Godsdienstwetenschappen", 26cm., gebroch., zeer goede staat, R23070‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )

‎TEEUWEN Norbertus O.E.S.A. & DEKESEL Gustaaf‎

Reference : H52830


‎Sint Nicolaas van Tolentino, een volksheilige in Vlaanderen‎

‎Gent, Augustijnen 1946 142pp. + illustraties buiten tekst, gecart.band, 22cm., goede staat, H52830‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR20.00 (€20.00 )


Reference : N67587


‎Uit aarde geschapen. Aspecten van bedrijfsbeleid in de keramische nijverheid binnen het oude industriegebied van Noord-Limburg (1815-1965)‎

‎Leeuwarden, Eisma 1991 xli + 432pp.geïll., 23cm., in de reeks "Maaslandse monografieën", gecart.band, enkele stempeltjes, mooie staat‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR22.00 (€22.00 )

‎TEEUWEN Norbert O.E.S.A. & DE MEIJER Alberic O.E.S.A.‎

Reference : R80714


‎Documents pour servir à l'histoire de la province augustinienne de Cologne. Extraits des registres des prieurs généraux (1507-1551)‎

‎Heverlee-Louvain, Institut Historique Augustinien 1970 216pp., 24cm., br.orig., extrait de la revue "Augustiniana" (années 1968 à 1970), bon état, rare, R80714‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )

‎TEEUWEN Norbert O.E.S.A. & DE MEIJER Alberic O.E.S.A.‎

Reference : R80717


‎Documents pour servir à l'histoire de la province augustinienne de Cologne. Extraits des registres des prieurs généraux (1357-1506)‎

‎Heverlee-Louvain, Institut Historique Augustinien 1961 332pp., 24cm., br.orig., extrait de la revue "Augustiniana" (années 1959 à 1961), bon état, [introduction en français, documents en latin], rare, R80717‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR50.00 (€50.00 )

‎BRAEM Evodius O.E.S.A. & TEEUWEN Norbertus O.E.S.A.‎

Reference : R80779


‎Augustiniana Belgica Illustrata. Septimo exacto saeculo a magna Ordinis Eremitarum S. Augustini unione MCCLVI-MCMLVI (1256-1956)‎

‎Louvain, Institutum Historicum Augustinianum 1956 207pp.rijkelijk geïllustreerd (richement illustré), 30cm., met geïllustreerde stofwikkel (wat bevlekt), stempeltje, [tweetalig/bilingue: français-Nederlands], goede staat, R80779‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR35.00 (€35.00 )

‎BRAEM Evodius O.E.S.A. & TEEUWEN Norbertus O.E.S.A.‎

Reference : R106267


‎Augustiniana Belgica Illustrata. Septimo exacto saeculo a magna Ordinis Eremitarum S. Augustini unione MCCLVI-MCMLVI (1256-1956)‎

‎Louvain, Institutum Historicum Augustinianum 1956 207pp. rijkelijk geïllustreerd (richement illustré), 30cm., linnen uitgeversband met titel in goudopdruk, stempeltje, [tweetalig/bilingue: français-Nederlands], goede staat, gewicht: 1.5kg., R106267‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR40.00 (€40.00 )


Reference : R117771


‎Dionysius de Karthuizer en de philosophisch-theologische stroomingen aan de Keulsche Universiteit 1421-1471‎

‎Brussel/ Nijmegen, Standaard-Boekhandel/ Dekker & Van de Vegt 1938 144pp., in de reeks "Historische Bibliotheek van Godsdienstwetenschappen", 26cm., gecart. band ((frontcover behouden), goede staat, R117771‎

Phone number : +32476917667

EUR25.00 (€25.00 )


Reference : 391


‎, Leuven/ Louvain, Institutum Historicum Augustinianum Lovanii, 1956, in-folio., Gebrocheerd, originele geillustreerde uitgeversomslag z/w, omslag beduimeld, 22,5x29,5cm, 207pp, geillustreerd z/w, bibliografie.‎

‎Septo exacto saeculo a magna ordinis eremitarum S.Augustini unione 1856-1956. De Augustijnen-Eremieten in Belgie-Les Ermites de saint-Augustin en Belgique. Tekst Nederlands/ Francais.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR30.00 (€30.00 )

‎M. Teeuwen;‎

Reference : 35203

‎Vocabulary of Intellectual Life in the Middle Ages,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2003 Paperback, 482 p., 160 x 240 mm ISBN 9782503514574.‎

‎The Latin vocabulary of intellectual life in the Middle Ages has been the focus of the CIVICIMA-series: nine volumes of conference-proceedings, monographs and collective works. The series has proved convincingly that analyses of the verbal expressions of medieval intellectual life and their precise meanings is a worthwhile and rewarding task, which sharpens and deepens our understanding of education and learning in the medieval world. With this tenth volume the series has been brought to a conclusion. It serves as a handbook, a practical tool for finding information and material about a considerable number of key terms, which have been classified in four categories of ?technical vocabulary? ? terms that developed specialized meanings in the context of medieval education and learning. The first category consists of the vocabulary of schools and universities (for instance, schola, magister, universitas, etc.); the second the vocabulary of the book and book production (for instance, armarium, pecia, scriptorium, etc.); the third treats the vocabulary of teaching-methods, instruments and products of intellectual life (for instance, concordantia, disputatio, glossa, etc.); the fourth the names of the disciplines, their teachers and students (for instance, artes liberales, canonista, decretista, theologia, etc.). Terms from these four categories are treated, either individually or in groups coherent with respect to content, in short and uniform articles. Their medieval meanings are described, together with their origins, their classical meanings, their semantic development, and the historical or regional differences in meaning. Languages: English.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR66.00 (€66.00 )

‎M. Teeuwen, S. O'Sullivan (eds.);‎

Reference : 37345

‎Carolingian Scholarship and Martianus Capella Ninth-Century Commentary Traditions on 'De nuptiis' in Context,‎

‎Turnhout, Brepols, 2012 Hardback, XI+393 p., 18 b/w ill., 2 b/w line art, 156 x 234 mm. ISBN 9782503531786.‎

‎An exploration of the Carolingian fascination with the writing of the African Martianus Capella, whose work reflected the pagan world of ancient gods and myths familiar to its fifth-century author. It is well known that the Carolingian royal family inspired and promoted a cultural revival of great consequence. The courts of Charlemagne and his successors welcomed lively gatherings of scholars who avidly pursued knowledge and learning, while education became a booming business in the great monastic centres, which were under the protection of the royal family. Scholarly emphasis was placed upon Latin language, religion, and liturgy, but the works of classical and late antique authors were collected, studied, and commented upon with similar zeal. A text that was read by ninth-century scholars with an almost unrivalled enthusiasm is Martianus Capella?s De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii, a late antique encyclopedia of the seven liberal arts embedded within a mythological framework of the marriage between Philology (learning) and Mercury (eloquence). Several ninth-century commentary traditions testify to the work?s popularity in the ninth century. Martianus?s text treats a wide range of secular subjects, including mythology, the movement of the heavens, numerical speculation, and the ancient tradition on each of the seven liberal arts. De nuptiis and its exceptionally rich commentary traditions provide the focus of this volume, which addresses both the textual material found in the margins of De nuptiis manuscripts, and the broader intellectual context of commentary traditions on ancient secular texts in the early medieval world. Languages : English. ‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR99.00 (€99.00 )

‎C. Angotti, M. Brinzei, M. Teeuwen‎

Reference : 45633

‎Portraits de maitres offerts a Olga Weijers‎

‎, Brepols - Harvey Miller, 2013 Hardcover. 521 p., 1 b/w ill., 165 x 240 mm, Languages: French, German, English, Including an index. Fine copy. ISBN 9782503548012.‎

‎En 2011, le repertoire d?Olga Weijers, Le travail intellectuel a la faculte des arts de Paris : textes et maitres (ca. 1200-1500), en neuf volumes, est arrive a son terme. Cet instrument de travail a egalement inaugure la collection Studia Artistarum dans laquelle Olga Weijers a accueilli ces quinze dernieres annees, plus de trente-cinq ouvrages. La fin du repertoire coincide aussi avec son depart a la retraite. A cette occasion, ce volume collectif tente de reunir les contributions des amis, des collegues et des collaborateurs qui ont accompagne Olga Weijers, sur le chemin de l?erudition, afin de lui manifester leur gratitude. Le present volume a ete concu comme une galerie de quarante portraits de maitres medievaux. Chaque contribution s?est efforcee de saisir le profil intellectuel d?un auteur latin, arabe ou juif, et de souligner l?apport de tel ou tel maitre en arts, philosophie, logique, medecine, droit ou theologie. Les maitres ici reunis sont : Aegidius de Campis, Albertus Magnus, Anonymus Magister Artium, Apuleius Grammaticus, Bernardus de Rosergio, Bernardus Turensis, Blaise Pelacani de Parme, Elie Del Medigo, Gualterus de Brugis, Gualternus de Pontoise, Guillelmus Perno, Guillelmus de Brena, Guillelmus de Luna, Grimerius Bonifacii, Guiraldus Odonis, Hervaeus Natalis, Henricus de Coesfeldia, Henricus Gandavensis, Henricus de Gheysmaria, Henricus de Lewis, Johannes Buridanus, Johannes de Garlande (musicus), Johannes de Garlande (grammaticus), Johannes de Malignes, Johannes Versoris, Ludovicus de Guastis, Magister Albertus, Odo de Tournai, Oliverus Salahadin, Petrus de Alewaigne, Petrus Limovicensis, Ramon Marti, Robertus de Arbrissello, Ricculdus da Monte di Croce, Richardus de Clive, Richardus de Mores, Richardus Rufus, Robertus Kilwardby, Sitt Al-Kataba.‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR72.80 (€72.80 )

‎BRAEM Evodius & TEEUWEN Norbertus o.e.s.a. :‎

Reference : 17576

‎Augustiniana Belgica illustrata. Septimo exacto saeculo a magna ordinis eremitarum s. Augustini unione MCCLVI - MCMLVI.‎

‎.: Louvain, 1956, in-4°, 202 pp, stitched, 150 b/w ills., in French and Dutch, (richly illustrated history of the Augustine order in Belgium).‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR45.00 (€45.00 )

‎TEEUWEN Tjeu - Francis Back Kolling ( medewerker ) :‎

Reference : 42655

‎Ad Snijders. Een uitgave van Galerie Willy Schoots.‎

‎.: 2. Eindhoven, Galerie Willy Schoots, 1990, in-4°, 125 pp, kleur en zwart/wit illustraties, uitgeverslinnen met stofwikkel. Enkele kleine scheurtjes in de stofwikkel maar een goed exemplaar.‎

Phone number : 0032 496 381 439

EUR32.00 (€32.00 )
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