Calcutta, Babu Puchanun Mukerjea, Publisher, 1875. 204 x 126 mm, (6) ff. : titre, préface, contents, dédicace, IX-(1) pp. : Glossary, 315-(1) pp., figures in-texte, 8 planches d'illustrations n/b dont 2 dépl., les pages 309 à 315 : partitions. Broché, dos cassé, manques de papier au dos, nombreux défauts aux dos et couvertures, coutures relâchées.
Sorindro Mohun Tagore est un musicien et musicologue, fondateur à Calcutta de la Bengal music school en 1871 et de Bengal academy of music en 1881. Éditeur et traducteur d'uvres de musiques sanskrites, il écrivait en anglais et en bengali.
MAHILLON Victor -Charles ( 1841 - 1924 ) - Rajah Sourindro Mohun TAGORE :
Reference : 47923
.: 8. Bruxelles, Conservatoire Royale de Musique, 1878, 2 vols in-8°, 18,5 x 11,5 cm. (1 yearbook and one photo album). This is the extremely rare first edition of Mahillon's famous catalogue on non-european musical instruments. The core of the collection consisted of a gift from the Rajah Sourindro Mohun Tagore (1840 - 1914) to king Leopold I of Belgium ( in 1876). The complete catalogue as offered here consists of two parts. [1] The catalogue with the description of the 165 items, preceded by an essay on the classification of musical instruments. Published as pp. 81-256 in the '' Annuaire du Conservatoire Royal de Musique de Bruxelles - 2e année 1878''. (Here the complete yearbook of 1877 and 1878, bound together in one volume is on offer. [2] Album (photographique) des Instruments Extra-Européens du Musée du Conservatoire Royal de Musique de Bruxelles. A sepate photo album, in-8°, 20 x 14 cm, bound in red cloth with gilt title on front cover. Containing 12 albumine plates mounted on stiff boards, with printed captions underneath. All 165 instruments of the collection are represented. The instruments are numbered in the negative plate. This number is repeated in the captions so that the identication of the instruments is made very simple. The album is undated but must be published together or immediately after the publication of the yearbook (1878)..