TAEYE Louis de ( editor ) - E. van der HAEGHEN - N. BREITHOF (collaborators - authors ) :
Reference : 9203
".: Namur, Wesmael-Charlier, 1882, 5 vols in-8°, bound in red publisher's cloth with black lettering and ornamentation on both covers and spine, red edges. Bindings with minimal wear, interiors with some sparse foxing , ex-library with some stamps (mostly on halftitle), still a good/fine set. The set of 5 volumes is composed as follows; Van der Haeghen E. ; Cours élémentaire de dessin à main libre avec application aux principes de l'ornamentation plane et imitation d'après nature. Ière Partie (IIme Partie , IIIme Partie) 3 vols, each ca. 200 pp, each with ca. 80 b/w full page lithographic ills. Breithof N. ; Notions de Géométrie Descriptive. Cours de Projections. Principes élémentaires. 2 vols ; volume de texte (231 pp) ; volume atlas (15 double pp. plates).."