8 books for « taev a »Edit

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‎Taev, Ivan Sergeevich‎

Reference : 7133195

‎Elektricheskie kontakty i dugogasitelnye ustroystva apparatov nizkogo napryaz...‎

‎Short description: In Russian. Tayev, Ivan Sergeevich. Electrical contacts and arc extinguishing devices of low-voltage apparatus. Moscow: Energiya, 1973. Elektricheskie kontakty i dugogasitelnye ustroystva apparatov nizkogo napryazheniya. In Russian/Electrical contacts and arc extinguishers of low voltage apparatus. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU7133195‎

Biblioaxes - Plainview
USD299.00 (€258.16 )

‎Taev A.‎

Reference : alba0832b18f8c09110

‎Kitaev A. Shen A. Vyalyy M. Classical and quantum computing. In Russian (ask‎

‎Kitaev A. Shen A. Vyalyy M. Classical and quantum computing. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kitaev A. Shen A. Vyalyy M. Klassicheskie i kvantovye vychisleniya. M. ICNMO-Chero 1999. 192s. SKUalba0832b18f8c09110.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR199.00 (€199.00 )

‎Taev A.‎

Reference : alba9544f46e5709091

‎Kitaev A. St. Petersburg Light in Photographs by Karl Dautendaeus. In Russian (a‎

‎Kitaev A. St. Petersburg Light in Photographs by Karl Dautendaeus. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kitaev A. Peterburgskiy svet v fotografiyakh Karla Dautendeya. S.Pb.Rostock 2016. 204 p. SKUalba9544f46e5709091.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )

‎Taev A.‎

Reference : albaff335ab3d8d791c

‎Kitaev A.A. Kartomania. Uninvented Stories from the History of Photography In Ru‎

‎Kitaev A.A. Kartomania. Uninvented Stories from the History of Photography In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kitaev A.A. Kartomaniya. Nevydumannye rasskazy iz istorii fotografii SPb Rostock 2009. 352s. SKUalbaff335ab3d8d791c.‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR199.00 (€199.00 )

‎Taev A.‎

Reference : alb1215b6c36e4bc852

‎Andrey Poletaev Irina Savelieva. Theory of historical knowledge. In Russian (as‎

‎Andrey Poletaev Irina Savelieva. Theory of historical knowledge. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Poletaev Andrey Saveleva Irina. Teoriya istoricheskogo znaniya.. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).St. Petersburg. Aleteiya. 2008. 524 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalb1215b6c36e4bc852‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR199.00 (€199.00 )

‎Taev A.‎

Reference : albf0de1dcf65a970ba

‎Savelieva I. Poletaev A. Knowledge of the Past. Theory and History. In 2 volume‎

‎Savelieva I. Poletaev A. Knowledge of the Past. Theory and History. In 2 volumes. Volume 1. Constructing the Past. Volume 2. Images of the Past. Complete set. In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Savel'eva I. Poletaev A. Znanie o proshlom. Teoriya i istoriya. V 2 tomakh. Tom 1. Konstruirovanie proshlogo. Tom 2. Obrazy proshlogo. Polnyy komplekt.. Short description: In Russian (ask us if in doubt).SPb. Science 2003-2006. 632 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbf0de1dcf65a970ba‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR299.00 (€299.00 )

‎Taev A.‎

Reference : albac3c12f6718bf8df

‎Kitaev Alexander. Orange Color. Poems In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kitaev Ale‎

‎Kitaev Alexander. Orange Color. Poems In Russian (ask us if in doubt)/Kitaev Aleksandr. Oranzhevyy kolorit. StikhiSmolensk Izd.au. 1921. 19 p. We have thousands of titles and often several copies of each title may be available. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKUalbac3c12f6718bf8df‎

FoliBiblio - Malden
EUR399.00 (€399.00 )

‎TAEV, I.:‎

Reference : 66526aaf

‎Appareils électriques d'automatisme et de commande.‎

‎Moscou, Mir, 1977, gr. in-8vo, 253 p., reliure en toile originale, avec jaquette.‎


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