Reference : 200613064
Paris, Colligebat nicolaus eligius lemaire, 1819; in-8, 599-564-542 pp., demi basane rouge passé dos a nerfs (une pliure sur le plat du 3e vol). Les 3 volumes. Postremo publicavit JER. JAC. OBERLIN qui postumas ejusdem annotationes et selecta variobum additamenta subjunxit JOS. NAUDET ex regia inscriptionum et litterarum academia in instituto gallico (qlq page salis) - (annales).
Postremo publicavit JER. JAC. OBERLIN qui postumas ejusdem annotationes et selecta variobum additamenta subjunxit JOS. NAUDET ex regia inscriptionum et litterarum academia in instituto gallico (qlq page salis) - (annales).
[Apud C. Gosselin et L. Mame-Delaunay] - TACITUS, Caius Cornelius ; [ TACITE ] ; OBERLIN, J. J. ; DE CALONNE, P. F. de
Reference : 37093
5 vol. in-12 reliure demi-percaline marron, Apud C. Gosselin et L. Mame-Delaunay, Parisiis [ Paris ], 1824, xxiii-396 ; 2 ff., 420 pp. et 1f. ; 447 ; 2 ff, 595 ; 79-318 pp.
Complet. Bon état (des rouss., qq. frott. en coins).
Paris, Cailleau, 1724. Small 8vo. Bound in 4 contemp. full mottled calf. Raised bands. Richly gilt compartments. Tome-and titlelabels with gilt lettering. Stamp on title-pages. Titles in red and black. Around 2000 pp.
Leipzig, Teubner, 1864-70 u. 1872. Bound in one contemp. hcalf. Spine gilt. Edges a bit rubbed. VI,214,(2);230 pp. + (2),78 pp. from the libraries of M.Cl. gertz and Povl Johs. Jensen, with both names on flyleaf.
Antwerpen, Ex officina Plantiniana Balthasaris Moreti, 1648. Folio. Contemp. full vellum. Backcover with some brownspots and a small nick to vellum. 2 small tears to top of spine. Title-page in red/black with engraved vignette. (16),547,(33) pp. Last leaf with printers large woodcut device.The second part LIPSIUS: Dispunctio... Notarum Mirandulani Codicis ad Corn. Tacitum. Editio Ultima. Plantiniana, 1648. 84,(14) pp. Last leaf with printers large woodcut device. Many smaller and larger woodcut initials. Large woodcut vignettes at chapter-ends. Some old marginal annotations.
Dibdin II, p. 450.
Leipzig, Fleischer, 1788. Contemp.marbled boards. A Paperlabel to spine and titlelabel gone. XII,176 pp.
4to. 2 cont. full calf. 5 raised bands. Gilt back. Top of spines a little worn. Extremities a little rubbed. One titlelabel torn. Engraved frontispiece, engr. titlevign. (34),756,575 pp. + Index. printed on good paper.
Dortmund, 1798. Cont. boards. Gilt titlelabel on frontcover. (8),99 pp.
Jussu Christianissimi Regis in usum Serenissimi Delphini. Apud Natalem Feltrini in Via Mercatoria sub Signo Virtutis Coronatae, Venetiis, 1707-1708, In-8 p. (mm. 220x170), 4 volumi, piena pergamena (alc. mancanze ai dorsi), titolo oro in tassello al dorso, tagli blu a spruzzo, pp. XXIV,695; 1002; XVI,832; 420,274.Lieve alone sulle prime 20 cc. del 1° vol.; fioriture marginali, ma complessivamente esemplare ben conservato.
Cento amici del libro, S. l., 1993. In-4 gr., brossura editoriale, sovracoperta illustrata, astuccio, pp. 27, in gran parte illustrato nel testo e fuori con litografie di Floriano Bodini.Esemplare in ottimo stato di conservazione.
Volgarizzamento del conte Spiridione Petrettini da Corfù. per Giovanni Silvestri, Milano, 1843. In-16 p. (mm. 174x105), p. pergamena coeva (picc. manc. al dorso), titolo oro su due tasselli al dorso, pp. VII,246,(2). Testo in latino con traduzione italiana a fronte. Vol. 60° della Biblioteca scelta di opere greche e latine tradotte in lingua italiana. Discreto esemplare, con fioriture e/o arrossature intercalate nel testo; lieve alone marginale.
ex Regio Typographeo, Parmae, 1797. In-8 p. (mm. 225x150), 2 volumi, mz. pergamena con ang. ottocentesca (risg. rifatti), pp. (4),XII,(4),376; (4),328; dedica a Ferdinando di Borbone Hispaniarum infanti, Regio Parmensium Duci, etc. etc. Il primo vol. di questa ediz. bodoniana contiene i Libri I. II. III. IV. V. VI degli Annali; il secondo i Libri XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI.Cfr. Brooks, 692 - Brunet, V, 638 cita l'ediz. degli Annali del 1795 (Bodoni) in 3 voll. in folio e aggiunge anche: l'imprimerie royale de Parme a donné. en 1797, une édition latine des Annales de Tacite, en 2 vol.. Con lievi aloni o tracce d'uso ma buon esemplare marginoso, con barbe..
Parisiis, apud Viduam Brocas, 1736. in-12. 686 pages. 1 feuillet.Tableau généalogique dépliant hors-texte. (13,5x8cm). Plein veau ancien. Dos à nerfs orné. Reliure trèsusagée avec manques et épidermures. Quelques salissures et mouillures sans perte à l'intérieur sans perte. Quelques piqûres et taches sans gravité. Sinon bon état. Stemma Augustae domus dans le tableau dépliant hos-texte (mouillures). Belle impression des Oeuvre de Tacite, grand historien romain et sénateur (58-120 ap. J.-C.). Annales. Bon état intérieur.
1790 London, M. Ritchie & J. Sammells, 1790, 4 tomes en 4 volumes, in-8 de (4)-XLIV,316 pp. (portrait gravé de Henry Homer en frontispice) ; (2)-356 pp.; (2)-339-(1)-55-(20) pp. ; le 4e tome d'index chez le même éditeur mais à la date de 1794, il n'est pas paginé mais contient environ 500 pages, relire de l'époque de plein veau fauve glacé, dos à nerfs soulignés de filets à froid et ornés de fers dorés, encadrements de double-filets dorés sur les plats, tranches jaspées, belle impression du texte sur papier velin fort, très bon exemplaire.
Rare édition des oeuvres de Tacite donnée par l'érudit et éminent universitaire de Cambridge, Henry homer (1753-1791). Ex libris arorié gravé : William G. MACK L. L. B. surmonté de la devise : "IN ESPERANZA ".
Lipsiae, sumtibus et typis C. Tauchnitii, 1826, in-12°, 2 Bl. + 411 S., Hldr. mit goldgepr. Rückentitel und etwas Rückenvergoldung, marmor. Einbanddeckel leicht beschabt, Kanten und Ecken etwas bestossen.
Phone number : 41 (0)26 3223808
Düsseldorf/Zürch - Darmstadt, Artemis & Winkler Verlag - Wissenchaftliche Buchgesellschaft 1997, 180x110mm, 990Seiten, Verlegereinband mit Umschlag. Exemplar wie neu.
Zweisprachige Ausgabe: Deutsch - Latein, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal
7 volumes in-8, cartonnage rouge illustré éditeur à la Bradel, titres dorés, texte latin et traduction française en regard, frontispice gravé. Paris, C.L.F. Panckoucke, 1837-1840.
Edition bilingue, publiée dans la "Bibliothèque Latine-Française" de Panckoucke. Bien complet en 3 volumes. Traduction d'Auguste et Alphonse Trognon.I-III. Annales. IV-V. Histoires. VI. Germanie. Agricola. Des orateurs. VII. Nouvel index. Manuscrits de Tacite en éditions princeps. Bibliographie. Texte latin et traduction en regard. Lithographie représentant Tacite placée en frontispice du Tome I. Introduction de C.L.F. Panckoucke sur la vie et l'oeuvre de Tacite au tome I, suivi de la "Vie synchonique de C.C. Tacite" (tableaux). "Examen littéraire et grammatical des deux dernières traductions de Tacite" (100 p.) à la fin du T. III, avec une pagination propre. Commentaire extrait de Montesquieu sur "La Germanie" au tome VI. "Tableau synchronique des auteurs latins" (tableau généalogique) sur feuillet dépliant à la fin du tome I. Fac-similé de la dernière p. de l'édition princeps et de la première page des Annales de Tacite de 1515 au tome VII. Chaque tome est précédé d'un sommaire et suivi des notes bibliogr. de Panckoucke.Quelques accrocs et manques à la reliure. Rousseurs parfois soutenuesEx-libris gravé et manuscrit Vicomte "Colonna d'Istria".
Phone number : 33 01 47 07 40 60
Librairie Hachette et Cie, Paris. 1886. In-16. Relié. Etat d'usage, Couv. légèrement passée, Dos frotté, Intérieur acceptable. 318 pages. Illustré de nombreuses gravures en noir et blanc dans le texte et d'une carte et d'un plan dépliables en fin d'ouvrage. Texte en latin et Notes en français (sur 2 colonnes). Plats frottés. Annotations au dos du 1er plat. Pages de garde et de titre passées.. . . . Classification Dewey : 470-Langues italiques. Latin
Texte latin publié avec une Notice, des Notes, des Remarques, un Index, etc., par Henri GOELZER. Classification Dewey : 470-Langues italiques. Latin
Brioci, Apud Prud’Homme 1814, 175x105mm, VII - 544pages, reliure bradel veau marbré de l’époque. Pièce de titre et d’auteur dorés au dos. Fleurons, ornementations et filets dorés au dos. Coiffes et coins frottés. Un accros sur le bord du plat supérieur.
texte en latin, Pour un paiement via PayPal, veuillez nous en faire la demande et nous vous enverrons une facture PayPal
Paris, Hachette, 1913, 12 X 19 cm., broché, 112 pp. Les auteurs latins expliqués d'après une méthode nouvelle par deux traductions françaises : l'une littérale et juxtalinéaire présentant le mot à mot français en regard des mots latins correspondants, l'autre correcte et précédée du texte latin. Couvertures recto abimée avec manque, adhésif sur la couverture verso. Page de faux-titre découpée en marge, dos réparé au kraft. Déchirure sur les premiers feuillets. Rare.
Paris, Hachette, sans date, 12 X 19 cm., broché, 128 pp. Les auteurs latins expliqués d'après une méthode nouvelle par deux traductions françaises : l'une littérale et juxtalinéaire présentant le mot à mot français en regard des mots latins correspondants, l'autre correcte et précédée du texte latin. Dos réparé à la toile adhésive, découpage en marge des pages de titre et faux-titre.
Reference : 61325
Franckfurt, Georg Mullers, 1657. 8vo. In a nice contemporary Cambridge-style mirror binding with four raised bands and richly gilt spine. All edges marbled. Small paper-label pasted on to top of spine. Margin of front board faded. Ex-libris (Carl Juel, Danish statesman and owner of Valdemar's Castle) pasted on to pasted down front end-paper. First 20 ff. with damp stain in upper outer corner, otherwise a nice and clean copy. (34), 1266, (26) pp. + frontispiece.
The rare first complete German translation of Tacitus. Tacitus’ texts had a profound influence in Germany, more so than most other classical works. Tacitus’ works influenced German identity and nationalism by providing a romanticized view of ancient Germans, contributing to the development of a distinct cultural identity. Tacitus’s description of ancient Germanic tribes in Germania was idealized by many German intellectuals as depicting noble and pure ancestors. It created a romanticized image of Germanic virtues like bravery, simplicity, and freedom. From the 16th century onward, particularly during the Renaissance and the Romantic era, Germania was used to foster a sense of national pride and distinct identity. It played a role in the rise of German nationalism, especially in the 19th century leading up to the unification of Germany in 1871. In the 20th century - particularly under Nazi rule – ‘Germania’ was misinterpreted and misused to promote ideas of racial purity and Aryan superiority, contributing to the ideology that justified many of the regime's atrocities. “The first printed translation of Tacitus’ texts sees the light in 1535 in Mainz and offer a German version of A.[De vita Iulii Agricolae], the H.[Historiae], and the G.[De origine et situ Germanorum], by Jacob Micyllus. Although German inaugurates the European movements of translations of Tacitus, the initial momentum ceases immidialtely. We must wait until 1612 before a new version of A. and the H. are worked on by Ludwig Kepler. German readers do not gain access to the entirety of the works of Tacitus (without the D.[Dialogus de oratoribus]) until 1657 [the present], thanks to the translation of Carl Melchior Gronitz von Grodnau. For the first time, also the Ag. is translated in this language.” (The Tacitus Encyclopedia). During the 16th and 17th centuries, the works of the Latin historian Caius Cornelius Tacitus, who wrote in the irst century AD, became bestsellers in Europe. From Italy to France, and in England, the Netherlands, the German Empire, and the Spanish monarchy, Tacitus’s Annals, Histories, Life of Agricola, Germania, and even the Dialogue on Orators – which in that period was not consistently attributed to him – became privileged objects of reading. Soon, a wide array of derivative works appeared. Commentaries on the text, discourses based on selected passages, aphorisms, judgments or notes, and virtually any kind of book related to Tacitus’s texts in any possible form found a printer and readers” (Bermejo, Translating Tacitus).
Paris, J. Camusat & P. Le Petit, 1650 & 1651. 8vo. In a nice contemporary Cambridge-style mirror binding with four raised bands and richly gilt spine. Small paper-label pasted on to upper compartment on spine. A few scratches to front board with a bit of loss of leather. Ex-libris pasted on to pasted down front end-paper. Title-page of vol. 1 with red underlignings and previous owner's name in contemporary hand and closely trimmed in lower margin with loss of print-year. A few occassional underlinings in text, but generally internally nice and clean. (40), 456, (42), (8), 448, (56) pp.
Fine copy of D’Ablancourt’s translation of Tacitus’ Annals, arguably the best and most popular 17th and 18th French translation of Tacitus. “Some translators interpreted efforts to bring Tacitus’s texts into the vernacular in similarly political terms. One of those was Nicolas Perrot d’Ablancourt, who produced his innovative French version between 1640 and 1650. For him, Tacitus not only had been translated into all languages and appreciated by all peoples, he also had “given birth to all of Spanish and Italian politics. During the 16th and 17th centuries, the works of the Latin historian Caius Cornelius Tacitus, who wrote in the irst century AD, became bestsellers in Europe. From Italy to France, and in England, the Netherlands, the German Empire, and the Spanish monarchy, Tacitus’s Annals, Histories, Life of Agricola, Germania, and even the Dialogue on Orators – which in that period was not consistently attributed to him – became privileged objects of reading. Soon, a wide array of derivative works appeared. Commentaries on the text, discourses based on selected passages, aphorisms, judgments or notes, and virtually any kind of book related to Tacitus’s texts in any possible form found a printer and readers” (Bermejo, Translating Tacitus). Not in Dibdin
Short description: In Russian. Tacitus, Cornelius. Works. Leningrad: Science. Leningrad Division, 1969. The image is provided for reference only. It may reflect condition of one of the available copies or only help in identifying the edition. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU6786318
Paris, Lemaire 1819-1820 Complete in 6 volumes lxiv,599 + 564 + 542 + 544 + xii,420 + 284pp., 22cm., text bright and fresh with few occasional foxing, bound in uniform modern hardcovers in very good condition (spines in black cloth with gilt title), ex-libris stamp at title pages, in the series "Bibliotheca classica latina sive collectio auctorum classicorum latinorum cum notis et indicibus", text in Latin, good condition, Volume 6 contains the indices (Indices nominum et rerum et latinitatis), K86821