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‎ T. van Bueren (ed.)‎

Reference : 47542

‎Care for the Here and the Hereafter. Memoria, Art and Ritual in the Middle Ages‎

‎, Brepols, 2005 Paperback 332 p., 127 b/w ill. + 18 colour ill. + + ills., 240 x 280 mm,. ISBN 9782503515083.‎

‎Truus van Bueren, Care for the Here and the Hereafter: a Multitude of Possibilities; Samuel K. Cohn, Jr., Triumph over Plague: Culture and Memory after the Black Death; Truus van Bueren and Otto Gerhard Oexle, Das Imaginarium der Sukzession: Uber Sukzessionsbilder und ihren Kontext; Brigitte B?ggild Johannsen, Genealogical Representation in Gendered Perspective: on a Lost Royal Mausoleum from Early Sixteenth-Century Denmark; Jeroen Stumpel, The Case of the Missing Cross: Thoughts on the Context and Meaning of the Nassau Monuments in Breda; Volker Schier, Memorials Sung and Unsung: Liturgical Remembrance and its History; Corine Schleif, Forgotten Roles of Women as Donors: Sister Katerina Lemmel?s Negotiated Exchanges in the Care for the Here and the Hereafter; Bram van den Hoven van Genderen, Utrecht Canons, Death and Funeral Regulations; Llewellyn C.J.J. Bogaers, Commemoration in a Utrecht Collegiate Church: Burial and Memorial Culture in St. Peter?s (1054-1784); Louise van Tongerloo, Grablegung und Totengedenken bei Pilgerbruderschaften in Utrecht, mit einer Neuinterpretation von Scorels und Mors Bildnisreihen von Jerusalemfahrern; Bini Biemans and Truus van Bueren, A Veritable Treasure Trove: the Memorial Book of St. Nicholas?s Convent in Utrecht and Its Art Donations; Bram van den Hoven van Genderen, Remembrance and Memoria: the Descriptions of Four Churches Compared; Julian Gardner, Epilogue: ?From hence your memory death cannot take?; About the authors and editors, Indexes. ‎


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