Sumowski, Werner: Gemalde der Rembrandt SchÌler. 6 vols. Landau: Edition PVA, 1983. I: J.A. Backer - A. van Dijk. pp 1-718 with 192 colour and hundreds of monochrome plates. II: G. van Eeckhour - I. de Joudreville . pp719-1452 with 181 colour and hundreds of monochrome illustrations. III: B. Keil - J. Ovens. pp1459-2306 with 195 colour and hundreds of monochrome plates. IV: Ch. Paudiss - Anonyme. pp2313-3057 with 162 colour and 420 monochrome plates. V: NachtrÀge - Ortsregister - Okonographische Register - Bibliographie. pp3057-3516 with 61 colour and 155 monochrome plates. Supplement VI. Corrigenda und Addenda - NachtrÀge 2 - Ortsregister Ikonographisches Register - Bibliographie - Kunstlerveichnis I-VI.480pp with 300 illustrations. Cloth. 31x24cms. Monumental and definitive work on the School of Rembrandt. An introductory essay on each artist, followed by bibliography, provenance and exhibitions for each work. Volume I: J.A. Backer; L.C. van Beyeren; F. Bol; A. van Borssom; C. Brouwer; J. Colaert; L. Doomer; J. van Dorsten; G. Dou; W. Drost; H. Dullaert; A. van Dijck. Volume II: G. van den Eeckhout; B. Fabritus; C. Fabritus; G. Flinck; A. Furnerius; A. de Gelder; R. van Gherwen; S. van Hoogstraten; G.W. Horst; H. Jansen; I de Joudreville. Volume III: B. Keil; G. Kneller; J. Koninck; Ph. Koninck; S. Koninck; P. Lesire; J. Levecq; J. Lievens; N. Maes; J.U. Mayr; J. Ovens. Volume IV: Ch. Paudiss; K. van der Pluym; W. de Poorter; C. van Renesse; R. Roghman; J. des Rousseaux; J. Ruischer; K. van Savoy; J. van Spreeuwen; J. Victors; J.W. de Wet; F. Wulfhagen; anonymous pupils. Volume V: Indices; index of places; iconographical index; bibliography. Volume VI: Supplementary volume containing additional reference literature and information, along with corrections to Volumes I-V..
Monumental and definitive work on the School of Rembrandt. An introductory essay on each artist, followed by bibliography, provenance and exhibitions for each work. Volume I: J.A. Backer; L.C. van Beyeren; F. Bol; A. van Borssom; C. Brouwer; J. Colaert; L. Doomer; J. van Dorsten; G. Dou; W. Drost; H. Dullaert; A. van Dijck. Volume II: G. van den Eeckhout; B. Fabritus; C. Fabritus; G. Flinck; A. Furnerius; A. de Gelder; R. van Gherwen; S. van Hoogstraten; G.W. Horst; H. Jansen; I de Joudreville. Volume III: B. Keil; G. Kneller; J. Koninck; Ph. Koninck; S. Koninck; P. Lesire; J. Levecq; J. Lievens; N. Maes; J.U. Mayr; J. Ovens. Volume IV: Ch. Paudiss; K. van der Pluym; W. de Poorter; C. van Renesse; R. Roghman; J. des Rousseaux; J. Ruischer; K. van Savoy; J. van Spreeuwen; J. Victors; J.W. de Wet; F. Wulfhagen; anonymous pupils. Volume V: Indices; index of places; iconographical index; bibliography. Volume VI: Supplementary volume containing additional reference literature and information, along with corrections to Volumes I-V.
Zwolle, Waanders, 1992 Bound, blue cloth, gilt lettering with dustjacket, 304pp., 25x29cm., num. col. and. b/w ills., good cond. ISBN 9789066303348.
The Hoogsteder exhibition of Rembrandt's Academy.
Band 1-8, 10 (= 9 Bde. von 10). New York, Abaris Books. 1979-1992. 31,5y23 cm. Jeder Band ca. 600 S. Originalleinwand.
Originalausgabe des monumentalen Werkes. - Leider fehlt hier der Band 9. - Die ersten 5 Bände am Rücken berieben. Im Schnitt leicht stockfleckig. Leichte Gebrauchsspuren.
Germany, Landau. Edition PVA 1983 Livre en allemand. 6 volumes. In-4 relié 31 cm sur 24. 4185 pages. Reliure toile grise. Exemplaires sous étuis cartons. Signets blanc. Très nombreuses planches hors-texte en couleurs et noir et blanc. Jaquettes en bon état. Bon état d’occasion.
Ouvrage de réfèrence sur le cercle Rembrandt, les élèves et les successeurs. Tome I : J. A. Backer - A. van Dijck. Tome II : G. van den Eeckhout - I. de Joudreville. Tome III : B. Keil - J. Ovens. Tome IV : Ch. Paudiss - Anonyme. Tome V : Nachträge - Ortsregister. Ikonographisches Register - Bibliographie. Tome VI : Einleitung und Schlußwort. Corrigenda und Addenda. Nachträge 2 - Ortsregister. Ikonographisches Register - Bibliographie. Künstlerverzeichnis. Bon état d’occasion
Janssen, Paul Huys and Werner Sumowski:: The Hoogsteder Exhibition of Rembrandt's Academy. Exhibition: The Hague, Hoogsteder & Hoogsteder, 1992. 303pp., with 4 folding and 42 colour plates, 103 monochrome illustrations and 34 colour figures in the text. Paperback. 29x25cms. Fully-illustrated catalogue of 42 paintings from 24 painter of the 'academy' of Rembrandt and Hendrick van Uylenburgh, including works by Govaert Flinck, Arent der Gelder, Lievens and Nicolaes Maes. Each catalogue entry gives a full description with many detailed illustrations. Index of paintings exhibited.
Fully-illustrated catalogue of 42 paintings from 24 painter of the 'academy' of Rembrandt and Hendrick van Uylenburgh, including works by Govaert Flinck, Arent der Gelder, Lievens and Nicolaes Maes. Each catalogue entry gives a full description with many detailed illustrations. Index of paintings exhibited. Text in English