3 books for « stromgren elis »Edit

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Reference : 41670


‎Ueber den Ursprung der Kometen mit wesentlicher Unterstützung des Mag. Johannes Braae.‎

‎Kopenhagen, Høst & Søn, 1914. 4to. Uncut in orig. printed wrappers. Offprint. (189-)250,(1) from ""Mémoire de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et des Lettres de Danemark, Copenhague"".‎

‎First printing. Strömgren proves that the hyperbolic character of a few orbits can be accounted for by planatary perturbations. Evidence is thus given for that these types of comets have not come from the outside, but all must have originated within the solar system.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK650.00 (€87.18 )


Reference : 39003


‎Ueber den Ursprung der Kometen. Mit wesentlich Unterstützung des Johannes Braae.‎

‎Kopenhagen, Høst, 1914. 4to. Orig. printed wrappers. Uncut. Offprint from ""Det Kgl. Danske Videnskaabernes Selskabs Skrifter"" pp. 189-251. Clean and fine.‎

‎First edition. The offprint-form.""In his dissertation Strömgren derived the definitive orbit of Comet 1890 II, which, like most comets followed an approxiately parabolic form.This invstigation was the first of a series of papers on the original orbits of such comets - open or closed - and was a crucial work on the cosmogeny of comets. In ""Ueber den Ursprung der Kometen"" (the item offered), Strömgren concluded that all comets of which the orbits had been determined with sufficient accuracy for a decision about their return to be possible, have followed closed orbits.....about 30 years later his investigations formed the starting point for J.H. Oort's and A.J.J. van Woerkom's ""discovwery"" of the comet cloud far outside the planetary orbits.""(DSB)‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,250.00 (€167.65 )


Reference : 42930


‎Ueber den Ursprung der Kometen. Mit wesentlicher Unterstützung des Mag. Johannes Braae.‎

‎Copenhagen, Høst & Søn, 1914. 4to. Orig. printed wrappers. Offprint from ""Memoires de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et des Lettres de Danemark"", 7. Rk., Afd. XI:4. (2) pp. 193-250, (2) pp.‎

‎First printing (offprint issue) of Stroemgren's importent memoir in which he was the first to show, that the comets follows closed orbits and that their origin were within the solar system.""In his dissertation Strömgren derived the definitive orbit of Comet of 1890 II, which, like most comets, followed an approximately parabolic path relative to the sun. This investigation was the first of a series of papers on the original orbits of such comets - open or closed - and was a crucial work on the cosmogeny of comets. In ""Über den Ursprung der Komten"" (1914) - the paper offered - Strömgren concluded that all comets of which the orbits had been determined with sufficient accuracy for a decision about their return to be possible,have followed closed orbits"" the hyperbolic motion derived for several comets was a consequencee of the perturbations of the large planets during their passage through the internal regions of the solar system. About thirty later his investigations formed the starting point for J.H. Oort's and A.J.J. van Woerkom's ""discovery"" of the comet cloud far outside the planetary orbits.""(DSB XIII, p. 99).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK1,000.00 (€134.12 )
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