1914 viii, 256 p., 5 full colour plates, numerous text figures, original printed cloth. Light spotting to the board margins, otherwise a near mint copy.This is the second (but first published) volume of the Insekten Mittel-Europas insbesondere Deutschlands (Hymenopteren) edited by C. Schröder. Volume I appeared 14 years later. A third volume was added but the series was never completed. For the groups covered, however, this volume is complete. Stitz wrote the part on ants and Schmiedeknecht dealt with the wasps. Both contain fine text illustrations of taxonomically important parts and nice full colour illustrations of adult specimens.
1914 Stuttgart, viii, 256 p., 124 figs, 5 col. pls, paperbound (plastified, number on spine). Die Insekten Mitteleuropas insbesondere Deutschlands. Hymenopteren (Zweiter Theil).