Lovanii [Leuven], apud Aegidium Denique 1703 Volume 1 (of 6): [2bl.] + [20] + 490 + [8] pp., 17cm., text in Latin, contemporary full leather binding with gilt lettering and decorations on spine, old handwritten ex-libris on titlepage, titlepage in red and black, text clean and bright, good condition, R100774
Lovanii [Leuven], apud Aegidium Denique 1703 Volume 5 (of 6): [2bl.] + [2] + 404 + 122 + [6] + [4bl.] pp., 17cm., text in Latin, contemporary full leather binding with gilt lettering and decorations on spine, old handwritten ex-libris on titlepage, titlepage in red and black, text clean and bright, good condition, R100775
Lovanii [Leuven], apud Aegidium Denique 1703 Volume 4 (of 6): [2bl.] + [2] + 186 + [2] + 150 + [2] + 168 + 76 + [4] + [2bl.] pp., 17cm., text in Latin, contemporary full leather binding with gilt lettering and decorations on spine, old handwritten ex-libris on titlepage, titlepage in red and black, text clean and bright, good condition, R100776
, Gent, Ludion, 1994**, Gebonden, linnen met stofomslag, 24x29,5cm, 352pp, geillustreerd in kleur en z/w, bibliografie, index.
Uitgegeven ter gelegenheid van de tentoonstelling " Meesterwerken van de gotische beeldhouwkunst " in het Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Gent, 1994. Boek is in goede staat.
, Hannibal Books, 2022 HB, 300 x 250 mm, 144 pages, illustr. *English edition. ISBN 9789464366716.
In this fascinating introduction to the work and life of Flemish Primitive Hugo van der Goes (c. 1440-1482/1483), several experts and researchers shed light on the virtuosity of the master himself. The Death of the Virgin is one of the most important works in Musea Brugge's world-renowned collection of Early Netherlandish painting. After an intensive five-year restoration the masterpiece has come into its own again, with many brilliant elements, a bright colour palette and newly uncovered details. Face to Face with Hugo van der Goes - Old Master, New Interpretation offers an insight into the timeless yet contemporary character of the masterpiece and pays attention to the iconic value of a work waiting to be discovered. With text contributions by Matthias Depoorter, Lieven De Visch, Marijn Everaarts, Sibylla Goegebuer, Griet Steyaert and Anne van Oosterwijk. This publication is issued on the occasion of the exhibition Face to face with Death. Hugo van der Goes, Old Masters and New Interpretations at the Sint-Janshospitaal in Bruges from 28 October 2022 to 5 February 2023.
, Hannibal Books, 2022 Gebonden, hardcover, , 292 x 245 mm, 144 pages Nederlandse uitgave. . ISBN 9789464366723.
In deze fascinerende introductie tot het werk en leven van de Vlaamse primitief Hugo van der Goes (ca. 1440-1482/1483) belichten verschillende experts en onderzoekers de virtuositeit van de meester himself. Zijn Dood van Maria is een van de belangrijkste werken in de wereldbefaamde collectie Vlaamse schilderkunst van Musea Brugge. Na een intensieve restauratie van vijf jaar komt het meesterwerk weer volledig tot zijn recht met talloze schitterende elementen, een fel kleurenpalet en recent ontdekte details. Oog in oog met Hugo van der Goes ? Oude meester, nieuwe blik biedt een inkijk in het tijdloze en hedendaagse karakter van het topstuk en besteedt aandacht aan de iconische waarde van een te ontdekken oeuvre. Met tekstbijdragen van Matthias Depoorter, Lieven De Visch, Marijn Everaarts, Sibylla Goegebuer, Griet Steyaert en Anne van Oosterwijk. Publicatie naar aanleiding van de tentoonstelling Oog in Oog met de Dood. Hugo van der Goes, oude meesters, nieuwe blikken in het Sint-Janshospitaal in Brugge van 28 oktober 2022 tot 5 februari 2023.
, Gent, Ludion, 1994**, softcover originele geillustreerde (foto) uitgeversomslag in kleur, 24x29,5cm, 352pp, geillustreerd in kleur en z/w, bibliografie, index. ISBN 9789055440313.
Uitgegeven ter gelegenheid van de tentoonstelling " Meesterwerken van de gotische beeldhouwkunst " in het Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Gent, 1994. Boek is in goede staat.
Paris, Editions Picard, 2002 Broche, couverture carton illustree en couleur auw rabats, 210 x 270mm., 301pp., illustration tres profonde en couleurs. ISBN 2708406280.
Actes du Colloque Amiens 12-14 octobre 2000. Excellent etat.
, Brepols Publishers, 2011 hard cover, 660 p., 230 x 290 mm, Languages: English. ISBN 9782930054117.
In the late Middle Ages luxurious textiles were among the most highly prized indicators of status and wealth and an essential requirement of prestigious secular and ecclesiastical life. The depiction of these sumptuous silks and gold brocades was a crucial element in the visual arts, and their realistic and recognizable representation was a challenge to every artist. Painters and polychromers strove to imitate the fashionable fabrics by using applied brocade, a highly sophisticated form of relief decoration that adhered to panel paintings, murals and sculpture and through the play of light and shadow evoked the dazzling illusion of gold-brocaded cloths. Imitation and Illusion is the result of a detailed study of applied brocade in the art of the Low Countries. Eleven fascinating and innovative chapters offer an in-depth examination of the historical, geographical, morphological and technical aspects of this cast tin relief technique. New light is also shed on artistic collaboration and workshop practice in the fifteenth and early sixteenth century. The catalogue includes 86 well known and lesser known panel and wall paintings, sculptures, altarpieces, and architectural elements produced between 1420 and 1540, decorated with applied brocade and providing stunning testimony to the visual variety and material magnificence of late-medieval art. Abundantly illustrated, Imitation and Illusion investigates the artistic production of the fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Low Countries from an intriguing and original perspective. It represents a significant contribution to our understanding of medieval polychromy and will appeal to everyone whose curiosity is aroused by the illusionistic ingenuity of the medieval artist.
, Gent, Ludion, 1994**, softcover originele geillustreerde (foto) uitgeversomslag in kleur, 24x29,5cm, 352pp, geillustreerd in kleur en z/w, bibliografie, index. ISBN 9789055440313.
Uitgegeven ter gelegenheid van de tentoonstelling " Meesterwerken van de gotische beeldhouwkunst " in het Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Gent, 1994. Boek is in goede staat.
2005 Le Cherche Midi, 2005, 173 pages, in 8 broché, très bon état / état neuf.
Picard In-4°, broché, couverture souple rempliée solide et glacée, 299 pages, très bel exemplaire.
Très Bon Etat Franco de port pour la France par MONDIAL RELAY dés 20 euros pour les ouvrages modernes . Paiement immédiat par Paypal . Chèques et virement acceptés. Votre Libraire vous accompagne dans toutes les étapes de vos achats. Achat et déplacement France Suisse.
Reference : 500183753
ISBN : 9782010078439
Couverture rigide. Cartonné. 127 pages.
Livre. Editions Hachette technique, 1981.
Marabout. 1967. In-12. Broché. Etat d'usage, Coins frottés, Dos plié, Papier jauni. 168 pages - nombreuses illustrations en noir et blanc et en couleurs dans et hors texte. 1 cahier décollé du dos.. . . . Classification Dewey : 590-Zoologie
Classification Dewey : 590-Zoologie
, Brepols, 2019 softcover, 233 pages ., 52 b/w ill. + 334 colour ill., 230 x 290 mm, .Texte en Francais ** out of print. ISBN 9782930054377.
Made in Malines ! Derri re ce titre qui r sonne comme un label commercial se cache une marque ou plut t toute une s rie de marques nigmatiques. Elles ont t appos es, autour de 1500, sur des statuettes commun ment appel es ?poup es malinoises? ?: le M et le blason trois pals de la ville de Malines mais aussi la marque BRVESEL, les monogrammes I*T,?IS, JE, ou encore les noms DOERMAEL, HEINRIC? Deux chercheuses ont uni leurs comp tences d?historienne de l?art et de conservatrice-restauratrice de sculptures pour mener une v ritable enqu te sur cette production florissante dans les Pays-Bas du Sud la fin de l? poque gothique. Cette tude interdisciplinaire, men e l?Institut royal du Patrimoine artistique Bruxelles, nous entra ne sur les traces des ateliers des sculpteurs et des polychromeurs collaborant la r alisation de ces petits objets destin s la d votion priv e et dont le succ s fut consid rable. En attestent le grand nombre d?exemplaires conserv s, dont plus de six cents ont t recens s au cours de cette recherche, mais aussi leur exportation notamment vers l?Espagne et le Portugal. Ainsi, Magellan aurait-il emport une statuette malinoise lors de son grand voyage autour du monde (1519-1521). Toujours tr s pris es aujourd?hui, ces d licates statuettes au charme ind niable d voilent ici quelques-uns de leurs secrets
, Gent, Ludion, 1994 Softcover originele geillustreerde (foto) uitgeversomslag in kleur, 300 x 240 x 25 mm, 352pp, geillustreerd in kleur en z/w, bibliografie, index. ISBN 9789055440320.
Uitgegeven ter gelegenheid van de tentoonstelling " Meesterwerken van de gotische beeldhouwkunst " in het Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Gent, 1994. Boek is in goede staat.
Gent, Ludion 1994 352pp.rijkelijk geïllustreerd in kleur en in zw/w, 30cm., gebroch., catalogus van tentoonstelling (Gent, Museum voor Schone Kunsten, 18 sept. - 27 nov. 1994), goede staat, S85516
Lovanii [Leuven], typis Martini Van Overbeke 1729 644 + [4] pp., 5th edition, title in red and black, small stamp on title page, first blanco endpaper is missing, contemporary full-leather binding, goldstamped ornamentation (with text "Hoc signo sursum") on both boards, gilt title and decorations on spine, text is clean and bright, text in Latin, good condition, R108279
Lovanii [Leuven], typis Martini Van Overbeke 1729 579 + [7] + 89pp., 5th edition, title in red and black, small stamp on title page, contemporary full-leather binding, goldstamped ornamentation (with text "Hoc signo sursum") on both boards, gilt title and decorations on spine, text is clean and bright, text in Latin, good condition, [The last 89pp. Contain: "Fragmenta steyaertiana nondum collecta, Oratio, et elogium funebre etc."], R108280
Tielt 2013 Lannoo Hardcover Fine
De erfenis van Rogier van der Weyden: De schilderkunst in Brussel 1450-1520 hardcover, 290 x 250 mm, 386 blz, illusraties in kleur en z/w in zeer goede staat
, Brepols 2021, 2021 Hardcover,210 pages ., 420 col. ills, 220 x 280 mm, Texte English . ISBN 9782930054414.
The Ghent Altarpiece by Hubert and Jan van Eyck has always attracted both admiration and curiosity. Following the conservation of the paintings of the closed polyptych, it was the turn of those from the lower register of the open altarpiece ? including the famous Adoration of the Lamb ? to undergo a major research and conservation campaign by the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA, Brussels) between 2016 and 2020. The findings reflect those for the closed altarpiece: large areas of the panels were covered with overpaints, the vast majority dating from the 16th century. Their removal allows the Van Eycks brothers? paintings to be truly appreciated again. The three years that the conservators spent working on the panels enabled them to examine the paintings down to the smallest details. Interdisciplinary collaboration with laboratory scientists, art historians and imaging experts led to a series of discoveries ? some anticipated in light of earlier research, others unexpected. The authenticity of the quatrain stating that Hubert had begun the work, that his brother Jan completed it and that it was presented in 1432, has been firmly established for some years now. New hypotheses are proposed here regarding the division of labour between the two Van Eyck brothers. The contribution of Hubert, who died in 1426, can finally be seen more clearly and is far from negligible. But the removal of overpaints has revealed non-Eyckian interventions too...
Verviers, Marabout s.a. (" Marabout/Université n° 119 "), 1967. in-16 broché. Nombreuses illustrations.
Bon état. [MB-5]
Steyaert, John W; Monique Tahon-Vanroose; W P Blockmans
Reference : 019830
ISBN : 9055440310
1994 Ludion Hardcover
Laat-Gotische Beeldhouwkunst in de Bourgondische Nederlanden Softcover, 295 x 245 mm, 352 pp, talrijke illustraties in kleur en z/w, zeer goede staat
Catalogue d'exposition, STEYAERT Bernard (dir.).
Reference : 25476
ISBN : 9789462302860
<div class="clearfix" data-mce-fragment="1">L’exposition présente une sélection de peintures les plus représentatives de Giorgio Griffa produites entre 1968 et 2021, accompagnées d’œuvres de Claude Viallat et Patrick Saytour choisies en accord avec l’artiste et produites entre 1970 et 1988. Elles viennent compléter l’univers de sa recherche picturale et illustrer ses amitiés constructives.</div> 2021 Fond Mercator, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Chambérry 96 p., très nombreuses illustrations couleur, broché. 17 x 24