, Brepols, 2020 Paperback, 352 pages, Size:216 x 280 mm, Illustrations:15 col., 6 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503585635.
Summary The traditional view of monastic orders in late-medieval scholastic culture has been relatively muted. Beyond the Franciscan and Dominican orders, and to a far lesser extent, the Augustinians and Cistercians, the older monastic orders (and especially the Benedictines) played a smaller role in the university during the thirteenth through the fifteenth centuries. Yet if the library collection of Saint-Bertin is examined more carefully, one finds that many of the books were added by alumni of the University of Paris and Louvain, and in one instance, Cologne, and that as a whole, the monastery's collection reflected the changing currents within late medieval intellectual society. Science in the Monastery proposes to analyze Benedictine science using Saint-Bertin as a vehicle. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Three celebrated manuscripts Leiden, Universiteitsbibliotheek, Voss.Lat.Q.94: Lucretius' De rerum natura Wolfenb ttel, Herzog August Bibliothek, Gud. lat. 105: Agrimensores veteres Boulogne-sur-Mer, Biblioth que des Annunciades 188: Aratea phaenomena Saint-Bertin and Eleventh-Century Christian Humanism Saint-Bertin at the University Networks of Bookmen: Pierre d'Allouagne Is there a Doctor in the House? Medical Books at Saint-Bertin New Alternatives: The University of Louvain Mathematics and Optics Benedictine Science at Saint-Bertin Plates Catalogue Boulogne-sur-Mer, Biblioth que Municipale des Annonciades Biblioth que d'Agglom ration du pays de Saint-Omer Appendices Saint-Bertin Manuscripts with Fifteenth-Century Secundo Folio References Concordance of Eighteenth-Century Inventory Numbers and Modern Shelflist Numbers Select Bibliography Indexes Index of Authors, Titles and Subjects Initia Index of Named Scribes and Artists Index of Previous Owners, Donors and Users Index of Watermarks Manuscripts cited
Leiden, Brill 1989 viii + 229pp., 24cm., in the series "Studien und Texte zur Geistesgeschichte des Mittelalters", softcover, VG, [introduction in English, text in Latin]