[Apud Franciscum Pelicanum [ François Pélican ]] - STEPHANUS, Carolus ; ESTIENNE, Charles
Reference : 66902
Opus Medicis, Pharmacopolis, Agricolis, caeterisque germanae Latinitatis studiosis perutile, Indice triplici ad maiorem facilitatem locupletatum, 1 vol. petit in-8 reliure de l'époque pleine basane marron, dos à 5 nerfs orné, Apud Franciscum Pelicanum [ François Pélican ], Paris, 1629, 599 pp. et 42 ff. n. ch. (tables)
Médecin et imprimeur, Charles Estienne (1504-1564) publia pour la première fois ce véritable traité d'agriculture en 1554. Il rencontra un immense succès et sera très souvent réédité. Etat très satisfaisant (mq. en coiffe sup., qq. mouill. et petits travaux de vers marginaux n'affectant pas le texte, bon état par ailleurs).
ESTIENNE, Charles - Carolus STEPHANUS - Kaerle STEVENS - M. Ian LIEBAUT :
Reference : 34277
".: Amstelredam ( Amsterdam ) , Ghedruckt by Cornelis Claesz. opt Water int Shrijfboeck , 1588, in-folio, 308 x 200 mm, woodcut title page + (1)nn pp (inhout des Boecx) + 259 pp + (3)nn pp (Inhoudt des Boecks) with 24 woodcut illustrations in the text (complete) , printed in two colums. Bound in old vellum, endpapers renewed, titlepage with old colouring but colour nearly completely faded, titlepage dustsoiled and thumbed just like the last three leaves (index) but nevertheless still a good and complete copy of a very rare book. This is the rare Amsterdam first edition of a book which started its career in Paris in 1554 with the Latin title "" Praedium Rusticum''. It was constantly reworked and enhanced and became know as '' La Maison Rustique''. The Plantin Press published in 1566 the first Dutch translation (made by Martin Everaert) under the title '' De lantwinninge ende hoeve''.( Voet N°1140). In 1582 an enlarged edition appeared based on the French revised edition from 1570. Plantin considered this to be a companion to the Lobelius' Kruydboeck which appeared one year before. Our Amsterdam edition , receiving an extensive title, was again enlarged by three books; on sundials and on landsurveying, according a text by Melchior Sebizius and on wolf-hunting.( see USTC 422610 ; Bibliotheca Belgica II pp. 1056-1057 ; Moes-Burgers 314 ; not in Adams.)."