Dorling Kindersley Verlag 2012 192 pages 19 3x25 2x2 2cm. 2012. Relié. 192 pages.
Bon état
Editions Harlequin 1995 1995. Sandra Steffen : Coup de Foudre à Philadelphie / Harlequin 1995 LBN16
Bon état
, Brepols, 2024 Hardback, 472 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Illustrations:2 b/w, 12 col., Language: English. ISBN 9782503611082.
Summary While Northern and East Central Europe are often considered to have been peripheral parts of medieval Latin Christendom, they nevertheless embraced many of the same cultural impulses found in more central areas. Key among these was the way in which social elites, in the first centuries after the introduction of Christianity, recognized the potential to exploit the cult of saints as a way of legitimizing their own social standing. Taking this thematic focus as its starting point, this volume explores the intersection of religion, power, and the reception and development of new impulses from abroad within Northern and East Central Europe. It does so by comparing and contrasting cults that emerged locally with cults that were imported to the region. Through this comparative overview, the chapters of this volume not only contribute to a more nuanced understanding of these outlying regions, but also shed new light on Latin Christian Europe as a whole. TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Illustrations Preface Introduction 1. Saints and Elites on the Periphery: An Introduction Steffen Hope, Grzegorz Pac, and J n Vi ar Sigur sson Part I. Non-native Saints Non-native Saints: Introduction Steffen Hope, Grzegorz Pac, and J n Vi ar Sigur sson 2. The Authority of the Virgin. The Use of the Marian Cult in the Legitimization of Power in the Kingdom of Hungary before 1300 Karen Stark 3. Aegis of Aegidius ? the Cult of St Giles in Eleventh- and Twelfth-Century Poland Mi?osz Sosnowski 4. The Apostles and Ecclesiastical Elites in Medieval Iceland. A Gregorian Hermeneutic Turn in the Medieval North Haraldur Hreinsson 5. From St Florian to St Stanislaus. The Legitimization of Ducal and Episcopal Power in Krak w in the Late Twelfth and Early Thirteenth Century Karolina Morawska 6. From St Olaf to the Relic of the Crown of Thorns. The Legitimization of Royal Power in Thirteenth-Century Norway Jerzy Pysiak 7. Sanctity in Service. Saints in the Legitimation of the Presence of the Dominicans in Hungary Eszter Konr d Part II. Native Saints Native Saints: Introduction Steffen Hope, Grzegorz Pac, and J n Vi ar Sigur sson 8. The Prague Nunnery and its Patroness, St Ludmila. Legitimization and Mutual Support Grzegorz Pac 9. Many Lives of One Man. Strategies for Building Legitimacy through the Story of St Wenceslas in Early and High Medieval Hagiography (940s-1260s) David Kalhous 10. The Cult of Saints in Elite Identity Construction in the Peripheries. The Cases of St Cnut of Denmark and St Wenceslas of Bohemia Kacper Bylinka 11. The Canonization Accounts of St Stephen of Hungary, St Thorlak of Sk lholt, and St Cnut of Odense. A Comparative Reading Haki Antonsson 12. Legitimizing Episcopal Power in Twelfth-Century Denmark through the Cult of Saints Steffen Hope 13. A Mutually Beneficial Relationship. Saints and the Legitimization of Elite Ecclesiastical Institutions in Sweden and Denmark before 1300 Sara Ellis Nilsson 14. The Liturgical Performance of Saints' Offices in Medieval Sweden. Multimodal and Performative Event in a Legitimizing Context Karin Lagergren 15. St Hedwig of Silesia. The First Dynastic Saint of the Piasts and the Legitimization of Power at a Time of Change in the Thirteenth Century Anna Agnieszka Dryblak 16. The Legitimization of Papal Power through the Cults of Royal Women in Thirteenth-Century East Central Europe Kirsty Day Conclusions 17. The Cult of Saints and the Legitimization of Ecclesiastical and Secular Elites on the Periphery: Conclusions Steffen Hope, Grzegorz Pac, and J n Vi ar Sigur sson Index
Bon état
Braun Jackie Steffen Sandra Winters Rebecca
Reference : 500001079
ISBN : 9782280316484
Harlequin 2014 416 pages 11x18x3cm. 2014. Poche. 416 pages.
Très bon état - légères marques de lecture et/ou de stockage mais du reste en très bon état- expédié soigneusement depuis la France
, Basel, Verlag Birkhauser, 1944., Gebunden, Original-Leinen, Deckeltitelvergoldung, Ruckentitelvergoldung, mit Schutzumschlag illustriert koloriert, 24,5x17,5cm, 175pp.
Omslag gebruint;
Kaiser, Paul ; Petzold, Claudia ; Damm, Steffen, [Lektorat und Bildred.: Steffen Damm ; Dagmar Boeck]
Reference : 53286
, Deutsches Historisches Museum, 1997 Original publishers paper-covered boards, broschur, softcover 415 pages good condition . ISBN 3861020947.
, Brepols, 2021 Paperback, 248 pages, Size:156 x 234 mm, Language(s):French, German, English. ISBN 9782503591094.
Summary Ce volume d coule d'une double interrogation: sur la mani re dont on peut appr hender les communaut s du haut Moyen ge, qu'elles soient religieuses ou politiques, rurales ou urbaines, textuelles ou motionnelles, et sur le r le que jouent les menaces de tous ordres (politique, conomique, environnemental) dans la constitution, le fonctionnement et l' volution de ces communaut s. Car la menace structure l'action collective: elle est d stabilisante, mais aussi cr atrice d'ordre. Elle impose de ren gocier les rapports entre int rieur et ext rieur, entre normalit et anormalit , entre individu et groupe. Ce sont ces rapports de cr ation et de destruction entre menace, ordre et communaut qui forment le principal objet de ces tudes men es par des historiens et clair es par l'apport des sciences sociales. TABLE OF CONTENTS Avant-Propos Ordre social, menace et communaut Annette Grabowsky et Steffen Patzold, Communaut s menac es : entr e en mati re Moritz Fischer et Boris Nieswand, Gemeinschaft als Topos "Bedrohter Ordnungen". Soziologische Reflektionen Communaut s religieuses Genevi ve B hrer-Thierry, Des communaut s de pa ens menac es par la christianisation ? La repr sentation des pa ens comme communaut s menac es dans les sources hagiographiques au Nord et l'Est de l'Europe (VIIIe-Xe si cles) Johanna Jebe, Reform als Bedrohung? Diagnosen aus der Fuldaer M nchsgemeinschaft im Spiegel des Supplex libellus und der Vita Sturmi Laurence Leleu, La velatio de la princesse Ad la de (Quedlinbourg, 995). Un sacrifice propitiatoire chr tien ? Barbara H. Rosenwein, Condolens doloribus meis. Threats to Bishops in the Age of Gregory of Tours Andreas ffner, ?et honor ecclesiasticus vires ordinis sui obtinebit. Ehre und Gemeinschaft in einem bisch flichen Ordnungsmodell aus dem Jahr 829 Communaut s urbaines Marco Stoffella, In Threatening Times. A Comparison of the Urban Communities of Verona and Lucca Immediately after the Frankish Conquest Giorgia Vocino, Una comunit minacciata in una citt in rovine? Modena altomedievale tra realt e rappresentazione Vito Lor , La communaut face son prince. Salerne aux IXe et Xe si cles Communaut s rurales Elena Ziegler, L ndliche Gemeinschaften im Frankenreich der 820er Jahre unter dem Eindruck von Wetterextremen Nicolas Schroeder, Affronter les temp tes . Soci t s locales et risques environnementaux l' poque carolingienne (Saint-Hubert, c. 835-c. 845) Thomas Kohl, Schutz und Bedrohung. Kirchen, ihre familiae und Recht (9.-11. Jahrhundert) Ewald Frie, Communaut s menac es - A Few Remarks
[Francis Bacon] - Steffen, Barbara (ed.)
Reference : 080237
ISBN : 8884917212
Steffen, Barbara (ed.): Francis Bacon and the Tradition of Art. Exhibition: Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum, 2003. 371pp with 236 colour and 60 monochrome illustrations including 6 colour gate-folds. Hardback. 28.8x25.2cms. Examines the artist's work within a network of relationships and influences from old masters and more recent artists, including Velazquez, Rembrandt, Titian, Ingres, Degas, Schiele, Van Gogh, and Picasso.
Examines the artist's work within a network of relationships and influences from old masters and more recent artists, including Velazquez, Rembrandt, Titian, Ingres, Degas, Schiele, Van Gogh, and Picasso. Text in English
HM Steffen (Belgique ou Pays-Bas) par Th Broekstra, Ex-libris. Ex-libris, 75*75mm. [337-3]
Akademiska Boktryckeriet. 1895. In-8. Relié. Etat d'usage, Plats abîmés, Dos abîmé, Intérieur acceptable. 67 pages. Texte en suédois. Dos et 1er plat manquant. Page de titre jaunie.. . . . Classification Dewey : 490-Autres langues
(Rare) Med en Inledning af R. Steffen. Classification Dewey : 490-Autres langues
The 19th Council of Europe Exhibition, Denmark, 1988. Fort in-4, broché sous couverture illustrée en couleur, 607 pp. Preface - Frederiksborg : the Fortunes and Fate of a King - Kronborg. - Christian IV patron of the Arts : The visual and performing arts at danish court 1588-1648. - Tapestries. - Christian IV and Music. - Christian IV ...
Nombreuses illustrations en noir et en couleur.Catalogue en langue anglaise. --- Plus d'informations sur le site
Phone number : 01 42 73 13 41
Gambit Publications, 2005, gr. in-8°, 144 pp, broché, couv. illustrée, bon état
In the third and final volume of his series on the French Defence, Steffen Pedersen covers all of White's alternatives to 3 Nc3 and 3 Nd2. These include the aggressive Advance, the quiet Exchange, and side-variations such as the Two Knights, King's Indian Attack and the Wing Gambit. In these lines, it is White who determines the central structure and sets the pace of the game. With the Advance Variation, White establishes a space advantage, and will often seek to exploit this by creating attacking chances on the kingside, or a bind on the queenside. Both sides have a variety of systems at their disposal, and the player who is better acquainted with the intricacies of these lines will tend to come out on top. It is a perennial favourite among players with a direct aggressive style: Shirov has played the Advance many times in recent years, while it has been employed by Sveshnikov and Kupreichik throughout their careers. The Exchange Variation leads to open and generally symmetrical positions. Pedersen carefully examines White's attempts to seize the initiative, and also recommends ways for Black to create play if White adopts a more stolid approach.
Self Made Hero (4/2016)
Reference : SVBLIVCN-9782379220470
EQUINOXE - CARRES DE PROVENCE. 2004. In-12. Broché. Bon état, Couv. convenable, Dos satisfaisant, Quelques rousseurs. 143 pages illustrées en couleur - couverture rempliée. . . . Classification Dewey : 840.092-XXI ème siècle
Classification Dewey : 840.092-XXI ème siècle
Hoffmann, E.T.A. - Steffen, Walter und Müller, Hans von (Herausgeber):
Reference : 58514BB
Berlin, Propylaen Verlag. (1925). Folio (45,8x34,5 cm). 45 S. Text und 39 Blätter mit 49 montierten, teils farbigen faksimilierten Zeichnungen. Originalhalblederband.
Originalausgabe. - Leder am Rücken stellenweise verblasst und mit einer Druckstelle. Mit kleinen Stockflecken auf dem Innendeckel. - Die Tafeln und der Text sehr sauber.
2. Auflage. Halle, Leipzig. Mitteldeutscher Verlag. 1986. 8°. 102 S., 1 Bl. Originalleinwand mit Schutzumschlag.
Mit handschriftlicher Signatur von Mensching auf dem Vortitelblatt. - Schutzumschlag leicht angerändert.
Berlin, S. Fischer Verlag 1919. 8°. 158 S., 1 Bl. Anzeigen. Originalbroschur mit einer Deckelillustration von Walo von May.
Wilpert-G. 8. - Erste Ausgabe. - Mit handschriftlicher Widmung des Verfassers an den Journalisten und Schriftsteller Adolf Saager aus dem Jahr 1944. - Jahrzahl des Copyrights 1909. - Rückengelenk etwas eingerissen. Papier gebräunt. Buchblock verzogen.
Hattem, 1995 870 + [3] pp., illustré de portraits et d'armoiries, 30cm., Edition hors du commerce, tirage numéroté et limité à 75 exemplairtes: ceci porte le no.38, reliure d'éditeur en pleine toile bleue, avec signet, très bon état, poids: 2.8 kg., R117476
1984 Paris Triades 1984 plaquette in°8 broché 40 pages
Très bon état Envoi en Mondial Relay pour la France Métropolitaine, l'Allemagne, l'Autriche, Belgique, Espagne, Italie, Luxembourg, Pays-Bas et PortugalPour l'étranger, envoi en tarif "livres et brochures" pour les commandes inférieures à 50 , au dessus en colissimo international.