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‎ Stefan Gasch, Sonja Tr ster, Birgit Lodes‎

Reference : 65865

‎Ludwig Senfl (c.1490-1543): A Catalogue Raisonn of the Works and Sources. Volume 2: Catalogue of the Sources ? Abbreviations, Bibliography, Indexes‎

‎, Brepols, 2020 Paperback, 412 pages, Size:180 x 250 mm, Illustrations:2 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503584799.‎

‎Summary Until now, scholars have had an inadequate picture of the scope and transmission of the oeuvre of Ludwig Senfl (c.1490-1543), one of the most important Renaissance composers of the German-speaking lands. The current publication presents an extraordinary and exceptionally comprehensive catalogue raisonn for this Renaissance composer. The Senfl Catalogue serves as an encyclopaedic research tool for further scholarly investigation: it not only presents a lively and coherent picture of Senfl's oeuvre, but also helps to explore the broader musical culture of his time. At the same time, the in-depth presentation and analysis of Senfl's music provides Early Music performers with new information on repertory that adds to the soundscape of the Renaissance. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Guide to the Senfl Catalogue (SC) Addenda and Corrigenda to SC 1 List of Corresponding Census and RISM Sigla Former Shelfmarks of Individual Manuscripts List of Sources in Zwickau, Ratsschulbibliothek Catalogue of the Sources Manuscripts Individual Prints, Pamphlets, and Broadsheets Printed Collections Theoretical Writings and Textbooks Theoretical Writings and Textbooks mentioning Ludwig Senfl Other Sources Abbreviations, Bibliography, Indexes General Abbreviations Bibliographical Abbreviations RISM Sigla of Libraries Bibliography Sources cited as Textual / Melodic References Further Sources referred to in the Catalogue General Bibliography Indexes Text Incipits Acrostics Places of Printing Printers Publishers and Editors Theoretical Writings and Textbooks Names‎


Phone number : 0032495253566

EUR55.00 (€55.00 )

‎ Stefan Gasch, Sonja Tr ster, Birgit Lodes‎

Reference : 66081

‎Ludwig Senfl (c.1490?1543): A Catalogue Raisonn of the Works and Sources. Vol. 1: Catalogue of the Works‎

‎, Brepols, 2019 Paperback, 682 pages, Size:180 x 240 mm, Illustrations:2 tables b/w., Language: English. ISBN 9782503584201.‎

‎Summary Until now, scholars have had an inadequate picture of the scope and transmission of the oeuvre of Ludwig Senfl (c.1490-1543), one of the most important Renaissance composers of the German-speaking lands. The current publication presents an extraordinary and exceptionally comprehensive catalogue raisonn for this Renaissance composer. Volume 1 of the two-volume set forms the catalogue of works (including lost and misattributed compositions). It is organized according to genre and provides a thorough description of every composition. Each entry includes a musical incipit, comments on the musical structure, and comprehensive information concerning the transmission and the authenticity of the composition in addition to many other details. In its layout, structure, and critical approach to Senfl's music, this volume enables far-reaching research into the composer's style as well as a detailed characterisation of his oeuvre, and thus it provides clues towards a long-desired chronology of the composer's works. The Senfl Catalogue serves as an encyclopaedic research tool for further scholarly investigation: it not only presents a lively and coherent picture of Senfl's oeuvre, but also helps to explore the broader musical culture of his time. At the same time, the in-depth presentation and analysis of Senfl's music provides Early Music performers with new information on repertory that adds to the soundscape of the Renaissance. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Preface Acknowledgements Guide to the Senfl Catalogue (SC) Abbreviations - Catalogue Compendium List of Corresponding RISM and Census Sigla Former Shelfmarks of Individual Manuscripts List of Sources in Zwickau, Ratsschulbibliothek List of Contrafacta Cross-References of Motets and Proper Settings Catalogue of the Works Ordinaries of the Mass (O 1 - O 10) Proper Settings for the Mass and for the Office (P 1 - P 30) Magnificat Settings (Mag 1 - Mag 8) Motets (M 1 - M 123) Ode Settings (Ode 1 - Ode 42) Songs (S 1 - S 356)‎


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EUR55.00 (€55.00 )
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