Copenhagen, Bianco Lunos, 1842. 4to. Recent half cloth with contemporary marbled boards. Light browning throughout. Small ink signature on title-page. IV,76 pp. and 3 double-page, folded lithographed plates with many figs. Withbound: Steenstrup, Undersögelser over Hermaphroditismens Tilværelse i Naturen, 1845. XIV,88 pp. and 1 plate.
The scarce first edition of the work in which Steenstrup describes his discovery of the principle of 'alternation of generations', sexual and asexual in plants and animals. ""(Steenstrup) showed that certain animals produce offspring which never resemble them but which, on the other hand, bring forth progeny which return in form and nature to their grandparents or more distant ancestors."" (Garrison & Morton No 217). A German translation was published the same year, and an English in 1845. Norman 2009 (German translation). ""The second major publication - (the first dealing with geology) - of 1842 was ""Om Forplantning og Udvikling gjennem vexlende Generationsrækker..."", (the work offered), Steenstrup's comprehensive presentation of the form of reproduction that he called 'alternation of generations', that is, the alternation of asexual and sexual reproduction, or metagenesis. This phenomenon had previously been described by Chamisso, but Steenstrup included a greater number of observations, based on a significantly wider range of subjects, and provided an importent chapter on its meaning. Steenstrup's growing reputation, won him an appointment as professor of zoology at the University of Copenhagen, where he tought from 1846 until 1885.""(DSB XII, p. 9).
Copenhagen, Bianco Lunos, 1842. 4to. Bound in the original boards with silver stained papercovers. Some nicks to backstrip. Margins of covers having the silver-staining toned down (oxidation). Edges gilt. As it is printed on ""vellum-paper"" and edges gilt, it is probably one of the gift copies, but unsigned. IV, 76 pp. and 3 double-page, folded lithographed plates with many figs. Light marginal browning to plates, otherwise fine.
The scarce first edition of the work in which Steenstrup describes his discovery of the principle of 'alternation of generations', sexual and asexual in plants and animals. ""(Steenstrup) showed that certain animals produce offspring which never resemble them but which, on the other hand, bring forth progeny which return in form and nature to their grandparents or more distant ancestors."" (Garrison & Morton No 217). A German translation was published the same year, and an English in 1845. Norman 2009 (German translation). ""The second major publication - (the first dealing with geology) - of 1842 was ""Om Forplantning og Udvikling gjennem vexlende Generationsrækker..."", (the work offered), Steenstrup's comprehensive presentation of the form of reproduction that he called 'alternation of generations', that is, the alternation of asexual and sexual reproduction, or metagenesis. This phenomenon had previously been described by Chamisso, but Steenstrup included a greater number of observations, based on a significantly wider range of subjects, and provided an important chapter on its meaning. Steenstrup's growing reputation, won him an appointment as professor of zoology at the University of Copenhagen, where he taught from 1846 until 1885."" (DSB XII, p. 9).
Reference : 45440
Kjöbenhavn, Bianco Luno, 1842 a. 1845. 4to. Bound in one contemp. halfcalf, spine gilt. A small tear to backhinge at lower compartment of spine. IV,76 pp. and 3 double-page, folded lithographed plates with many figs. + XIV,88 pp. and 2 double-apge lithographed plates with many figs. Light browning to the last leaves of the second work.
The scarce first edition of the work in which Steenstrup describes his discovery of the principle of 'ALTERNATION OF GENERATIONS'', sexual and asexual in plants and animals. ""(Steenstrup) showed that certain animals produce offspring which never resemble them but which, on the other hand, bring forth progeny which return in form and nature to their grandparents or more distant ancestors."" (Garrison & Morton No 217). A German translation was published the same year, and an English in 1845. Norman 2009 (German translation). ""The second major publication - (the first dealing with geology) - of 1842 was ""Om Forplantning og Udvikling gjennem vexlende Generationsrækker..."", (the work offered), Steenstrup's comprehensive presentation of the form of reproduction that he called 'alternation of generations', that is, the alternation of asexual and sexual reproduction, or metagenesis. This phenomenon had previously been described by Chamisso, but Steenstrup included a greater number of observations, based on a significantly wider range of subjects, and provided an importent chapter on its meaning. Steenstrup's growing reputation, won him an appointment as professor of zoology at the University of Copenhagen, where he tought from 1846 until 1885.""(DSB XII, p. 9).
Bianco Lunos Bogtrykkeri. 1913. In-4. Broché. Etat d'usage, Couv. convenable, Coiffe en tête abîmée, Intérieur frais. 68 pages. Illustré de nombreuses photo-gravures en noir et blanc dans le texte. Texte en danois. Envoi manuscrit de l'auteur sur le 1er plat.. . . . Classification Dewey : 97.2-Dédicace, envoi
En Skildring af Johannes Steenstrup. Særtryk af Mindeskrift for Japetus Steenstrup. Classification Dewey : 97.2-Dédicace, envoi
Kjöbenhavn, Bianco Luno, 1841. 4to. Originalt papbd., rygstrimlen mangler. Særtryk af Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter. (2),104 pp.,8 tekstillustrationer i træsnit. Indvendig ren og frisk. Med dedikation på fribladet ""Min kjære Broder/ Auditeur M.W. Steenstrup/ ""som er den ældste, fører evig.... (?) an""/ med broderlig Hengivenhed/ fra/ Forfatteren./ Sorøe d. 10 Martz 1842"".
Originaltrykket (særtrykket) af et af mosegeologiens pioneerværker.
Paris, Albin Michel, 1969. 13 x 20, 340 pp., quelques illustrations en N/B, 1 en couleurs, reliure d'édition pleine toile rouge + rhodoïd, très bon état.
"Edition originale; N° 29 sur 1500 exemplaires numérotés. "
Albin Michel Paris, Albin Michel, 1969. In-8 broché, couverture à rabats. Bon état
Toutes les expéditions sont faites en suivi au-dessus de 25 euros. Expédition quotidienne pour les envois simples, suivis, recommandés ou Colissimo.
Albin Michel, Le mémorial des siècles, IXe siècle, Les Evénements, 1969, 340 pp., boché, légères traces d'usage, état très correct.
Phone number : 0033 (0)1 42 23 30 39
1845 88 p., 2 fold. pls, contemporary hcloth. Two blind stamps on title-page. Some browning, else a very good copy of this classic work.
Reference : 60400
Paris, København & Leipzig, Hachette, Reitzel & Brockhaus, 1900. Large 4to (360 x 295 mm). Bound with the original printed wrappers in contemporary half calf with five raised bands and gilt lettering to spine. Ex-libris (Preben Rønne) pasted on to pasted down front end-paper. A few scratches and light discolouration to spine, otherwise a very fine and clean copy. 196 pp. + 11 plates.
First appearance of Hansen’s et al’s famous work on kitchen middens (Køkkenmøddinger) which concluded the work of ‘The Second køkkenmøddingkommission’ 1893-1895. It was the large shell pile at Ertebølle In the Limfjord, which was the main site of the commission's work. These kitchen middens provided completely new insights into prehistory, on a national as well as international level. Through the finds, it was possible to study the earliest organization of prehistoric societies. The commission's interdisciplinary work as well as the results of the First Kitchen Mødding Commission in the 1840s and 1850s have had an enormous influence on archaeologists' work with chronology in Danish prehistory and our knowledge of the Stone Age in general. In the study it is concluded that they are not a unique type of coastal settlement but represent coastal, homebase settlements characterized by a dominance of shellfish in the cultural deposits. This is the only aspect by which they differ from the rest of the coastal habitation system. Shell midden sites seem to flourish in periods characterized by a rich marine biotope and coastal habitation can be seen as a direct reflection of variations/changes in the marine biotope. The kitchen middens were a hot issue in the international debate in the later 19th century, palynology was developed there, and the registration of human impact in the primeval forests in the pollen record discovered and explained. Denmark is regarded as being one of the core regions of Stone Age discoveries and hence also being a center for the development of ideas about Mesolithic and Neolithic societies. Later Scandinavian models for Mesolithic societies and their transition to farming were seen as representative for a far wider region, if not for the whole of Europe. Due to the extensive and important Danish research on kitchen middens, the Danish word ‘Køkkenmødding’ (also spelled ‘Kokkenmodding’) is often used in international archaeological literature.
Reference : 60439
Kjøbenhavn, Bianco Luno, 1853. 4to. Uncut unopened in the original blank wrappers. In ""Det Kongelige Danske Bidenskabernes Selskabs Skrifter, Femte Række, Tredie bind"". First quire detached as usual. Some offsetting throughout. A very nice and clean copy. XII, 377 pp.
First appearance of this important issue of The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters' Journal containing some of the most influential Danish contributions to science from the period: - Thomsen's ""Bidrag til et thermochemisk System"" undoubtly being the main contribution by a Dane in chemistry in the 19th Century.The paper from 1852 is famous as it is the first statement of a new thermochemical nomenclatura, and the paper contains the first enunciation of the thermochemical affinity principle, which states that chemical affinity, or the attraction between substances, can be measured by the heat evolved when bodies combine. His fundamental thought was that the evolution of heat accompanying a chemical reaction (which he calls 'varmetoning', equivalent to enthalpy change) is an exact expression of the chemical affinity of the reaction.- Colding's ""Undersøgelse over Vanddampene og deres bevægende Kraft i Dampmaskinen"" being his major contribution to the development of the steam engine.
Kbhvn., 1895. 4to. Orig. helshirtbd. med blindtryk og guldtryk. (117) pp. Fint frisk eksemplar i originalbindet.
Kbhvn., 1845. 4to. Uden omslag. XIV,88 pp. samt 2 litograferede foldetavler. Nogle brunpletter, særligt forrest og bagerst.
Originaludgaven. Udgivet i Anledning af Chr. VIII's Fødseldagsfest paa Soröe Academie).
København, Bianco Luno, 1909. 4to. Med orig. bogtrykt foromslag i pænt privat hldrbd. (128) pp.
(Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter).
(København, 1861). 4to. Ubeskåret uden omslag. Udkom i ""Kongelige Danske Vienskabernes Selskab"". Femte Række, Nat. Vid. Afd,Bd.5 pp. 340-432 samt 15 kobberstukne plancher med talrige figurer (tegnet af Lütken, stukket af Chr. Tornam). Fint frisk eksemplar.
(København, 1856). 4to. Uden omslag. Udkom i ""Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter"". (32) pp. samt 2 litograferede plancher med mange figurer.
(København, (1837). 4to og folio. 2 orig. papbd. med overtræk af lilla glanspapir. Titler i guldtryk på forpermer. Rygge på begge bind med skrammer og reparationer, lidt tab af rygpapir. XII,757,71,10,(1) pp. samt 24 dobbeltsidede litograferede plancher.
(København, 1881) 4to. Uden omslag som udkommet i ""Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter"" pp. 211-242 samt 1 kobberstukket planche med mange figurer.
(København, 1832-34. Folio. Samtidigt hldrbd. Rifter ved kapitæler. Ryg slidt. Med 68 dobbeltsidede folioplancher i litografi med 961 figurer.
(København, 1836-1837). 4to. og folio-oblong. 2 samtidige hshirtbd. Ryg på atlas defekt forneden. Stempel på titelbladet. XII,757,10,74 pp. samt 24 litograferede folioplancher med talrige figurer. Tekstbindet med nogle gl. understregninger, på skrivepapir.
Kjøbenhavn, Bianco Luno, 1875. 4to. Uden omslag. Ubeskåret. Fra Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter, Nat.Vid. og Math. Afd., 5. Rk, Bd. 10,VII. Titelblad. pp. 465-482,III samt 2 litograferede plancher.
Copenhagen, Bianco Luno, 1898. 4to. No wrappers. In: ""Kongelige Danske Vienskabernes Selskab"", 6. Række, Afd. IX, 1. Titlepage a. pp. 1-104, many textillustr. in woodcut a. 4 fine litrhographed and engraved plates. A faint dampstain to right margins of plates.
A classic work on sunfisk, Molidae.
(Kjøbenhavn, 1859). 4to. Uden omslag, som udgivet i ""Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter"", Titelblad + pp.411-455 samt 4 tonede litografier.
Kjøbenhavn, Bianco Luno, 1893 og 1895. 4to. Et samtidigt hldrbd. med rygforgyldning. En smule slid i kanter. Stempel på titelblad. (2),140 pp., 7 foldeplancher med mange firgurer, tekstillustr. - (4),116 pp. samt 8 foldeplancher emd mange fig., tekstillustr. Indvendig ren og frisk. Begge særtryk af Videnskabernes Selskabs Skrifter.
Kristiania, Aschehoug & Co., 1896. Lex8vo. Samtidigt hldrbd. Forgyldt rygtitel. Stempel på titelbladet. IX,295 pp. samt 25 store foldeplancher.