"Short description: In Russian. Sokolovsky, Ignatiy Ignatievich. Meteorology and aerology in the service of artillery. Moscow; Leningrad: State Publishing House. Department of Military Literature, 1929 (Moscow: type. The Red Proletarian ). Meteorologiya i aerologiya na sluzhbe artillerii. In Russian /Meteorology and aerology in the service of artillery. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU9238258"
"Short description: In Russian. Sokolovsky, Ignatiy Ignatievich. Military gunner's pocket book. Moscow; Leningrad: State Publishing House. Department of Military Literature, 1928. Karmannaya knizhka voyskovogo artillerista. In Russian /Military gunner's pocket book. Please feel free to contact us for a detailed description of the copies available. SKU9238256"