(Leipzig, Barth, 1906). Without wrappers.. In: ""Annalen der Physik. Vierte Folge. Bd. 21, No. 14.. Pp. 509-780. (Entire issue offered No 14). Smoluchowski's paper: pp. 756-780. Clean and fine.
First appearance of the final form of Smoluchowski's rechearches on the Brownian Movements, hereby introducing the Statistical Theory of the Brownian Movements.""Smoluchowski began his 1906 paper (the paper offered) by referring to Einstein's two articles of 1905. ""The findings (of these papers) agree completely with some results which I had...obtained several years ago and which I consider since then as an importent argument for the kinetic nature of this phenomenon."" Then why had he not published earlier ? 'Although it has not been possible for me till now to undertake an experimental test of the consequences of this point of view, something I originally intended to do, I have decided to publish these considerations...' In support of this decision, he stated that his kinetic method seemed more direct, simpler, and therefore more convincing than Einstein's, in which collision kinetics plays no explicit role....In any case, Smoluchowski's paper IS AN OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION TO PHYSICSS,even though the priority of Einstein is beyond question (as Smoluchowski himself pointed out)."" (Pais ""Subtle is the Lord"", pp. 100 ff.