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‎Smith (Adam ; 1723-1790) :‎

Reference : 17635


‎Métaphysique de l'Ame, ou Théorie des sentimens moraux, traduit de l'anglais de M. Adam Smith, Professeur de Philosophie Morale, dans l'Université de Glasgow, par M.*** (Marc Antoine Eidous).‎

‎Paris, Briasson, 1764 ; 2 tomes in-12, veau marbré, dos lisse décoré «à la grotesque» de croisillons étoilés, pièce de titre et de tomaison havane (reliure de l'époque) ; VIII (le premier feuillet est blanc), 302 pp. , (1) f. blanc ; (4), 370, (2) pp. (privilège).‎

‎Edition originale rare de ce premier texte d'Adam Smith en Français, traduit par Marc-Antoine Eidous, né à Marseille (1724-1790), collaborateur de l'Encyclopédie (450 articles dont l'héraldique et l'art de monter), traducteur de nombreux ouvrages dont le célèbre Dictionnaire universel de médecine de Robert James, en collaboration avec son ami Denis Diderot, Julien Busson, Eidous et François-Vincent Toussaint. Philosophe, économiste et même fondateur de l'économie politique, Adam Smith, Ecossais, va mener une carrière universitaire ; d'abord professeur de logique à l'université de Glasgow, puis de philosophie morale, il va se faire connaitre en Grande-Bretagne et en Europe grâce au présent ouvrage où il développe l'idée d'immédiateté et d'universalité de jugements moraux en affirmant que les individus partagent les sentiments les uns envers les autres par un mécanisme de sympathie. Les convictions religieuses d'Adam Smith sont relativement floues et font référence au «Grand Architecte de l'Univers» cher aux Francs-Maçons. On peut lire sur sa pierre tombale : Ci-gît Adam Smith, auteur de «Les sentiments moraux» et «La Richesse des Nations». Minuscule accroc à la coiffe supérieure et usure à l'inférieure du tome 1er avec petite fente au mors, sans gravité. Table des matières manuscrite en fin de chaque tome, bon exemplaire dans l'ensemble. ‎

Librairie Ancienne Clagahé - Saint Symphorien d’Ozon

Phone number : 06 60 22 21 35

EUR2,000.00 (€2,000.00 )

‎[Montherot (François de ; 1784-1869) ; Valentin-Smith (Johannès Erhard ; 1796-1891)]‎

Reference : 22895

‎Recueil de 53 publications de François de Montherot, dont une manuscrite et plusieurs avec des annotations manuscrites, offertes à M. Valentin-Smith, juge à Riom et Saint-Etienne, puis maire de Trévoux dans l'Ain, où il est né. ‎

‎Reliées en un volume in-8° ; demi-chagrin rouge ; dos à nerfs décoré et doré ; fleurons, auteur, titre et propriétaire en queue, dorés ; non rogné (reliure du XIXe).‎

‎François de Montherot et Johannès Valentin-Smith ont tous deux été membres de l'Académie des Sciences, Belles-Lettres et Arts de Lyon, respectivement le 3 décembre 1833 et le 7 décembre 1852. Le premier fut maire de Chanoz de 1840 à 1867, et conseiller général des cantons de Meximieux et Chalamont de 1845 à 1848. D'une grande culture, il fut apprécié pour ses Mémoires poétiques, pour lesquels il appliquait des règles de versification strictes auxquelles il s'exerçait avec son beau-frère Alphonse de Lamartine. Il avait en effet épousé en secondes noces la petite soeur de celui-ci, Suzanne de Lamartine. Il a aussi beaucoup écrit sous des pseudonymes que l'on retrouve ici : M. Boniface, Vasselier, et le petit Balthazar. Parmi toutes ses pièces, il en est de plus importantes, comme les "Promenades en Corse, 1840 : anecdotes, rencontres, conversations", de 116 pp. ; "Promenade dans les Alpes", 1845 ; les "Fragments d'un voyage au Bosphore", 1838 ; les "Promenades dans les Alpes et le Jura. Conseils aux voyageurs à pied", 1837, qui est "l'un des tous premiers guides de randonnée dans les Alpes. Rare." (Jacques Perret : Guide des livres sur la montagne et l'alpinisme, 2022 ; N°3077 A ; 3077 B), pour "Promenades dans les Alpes : vallées d'Anzasca et de Macugnaga", 1845 ; il signale aussi un guide de promenades en Corse qu'il ne décrit pas - peut-être ne l'a-t-il pas trouvé ? - : "Promenades en Corse : anecdotes, rencontres, conversations", juin 1839. Paris, Maison, successeur d'Audin ; Lyon, Gilberton et Brun, (Lyon, impr. Barret), 1840 ; in-8°, XI, [1 bl], [2] pp. ; 176 pp. Quatre lettres autographes signées de l'auteur à M. Valentin-Smith sont reliées en fin d'ouvrage ; elles concernent les recherches de M. Montherot pour retrouver un exemplaire de diverses brochures qui étaient publiées à petit nombre. (Dominique Saint-Pierre : Dictionnaire historique des Académiciens de Lyon, 1700-2016). Coiffe supérieure ouverte. ‎

Librairie Ancienne Clagahé - Saint Symphorien d’Ozon

Phone number : 06 60 22 21 35

EUR1,500.00 (€1,500.00 )

‎Valentin-Smith (Joannès-Erhard; 1796-1891) :‎

Reference : 22165


‎De l’origine des peuples de la Gaule transalpine et de leurs institutions politiques avant la domination romaine, avec une carte. Deuxième édition.‎

‎Paris, à l’Imprimerie Impériale, 1866 (Librairies Durand et Pedone Lauriel ; Franck) ; in-8, percaline rouge, dos à faux nerfs et titre dorés, double filet d’encadrement des plats (reliure de l’époque) ; 95 pp. (exemplaire de l’auteur, interfolié) et grande carte entoilée “de la Gaule Transalpine d’après les Commentaires de César, par M. Valentin-Smith, 1866.”‎

‎Ex-libris blasonné : De la bibliothèque de Beauséjour. Seconde édition, interfoliée par l’auteur, avec de nombreuses notes complémentaires manuscrites en vue d’une réédition (13 annotations pour un total de 45 lignes environ). ; en fin d’ouvrage : Article de Charles Jarrin paru dans le Courrier de l’Ain du 20 mai 1865 ; un autre, de 2 col. et demie de Jules Baux dans le Journal de l’Ain du 18 août 1865 ; texte manuscrit d’une demie-page inséré en fin d’ouvrage, il s’agit du calcul de l’apport de troupes des tribus belges confédérés (l’écriture n’est pas de la main de l’auteur); enfin, non relié, une lettre autographe signée du Sous-chef de cabinet de l’Empereur Napoléon III, du Palais des Tuileries le 26 septembre 1866, qui transmet à Monsieur Debombourg, les remerciements de l’Empereur, pour les observations critiques qu’il lui a envoyé concernant son Histoire de Jules César, il s’agit de M. Sacaley, personnage peu connu, mais au pouvoir important et dont le nom a été révélé par l’ouvrage de Daniel Mallet chez Ediline 2015 : “Dans les secrets d’un Empereur. Correspondances privées inédites de Jean Julien Sacaley, sous-chef du cabinet de Napoléon III.”. Enfin, rappelons la passionnante et très précise carte de la Gaule Transalpine, en couleurs, qui localise les 98 peuples de cette région, nommés dans la Guerre des Gaules (95) et 3 dans la Guerre civile. Quelques petites rousseurs sans importance, bel état général pour cet “ouvrage-clé” de l’histoire de France avant notre ère. (Parue en 1865, la première édition avait pour titre : “Notions sur l’origine...” et n’avait que 78 pages). ‎

Librairie Ancienne Clagahé - Saint Symphorien d’Ozon

Phone number : 06 60 22 21 35

EUR800.00 (€800.00 )

‎Valentin-Smith :‎

Reference : 6760


‎Statistique sommaire du département de l'Ain, envisagé sous ses rapports de topographie, de population et d'agriculture ; suivie d'une note sur le danger de l'accroissement des villes, par la dépopulation des campagnes.‎

‎Paris, Firmin-Didot, 1858 ; in-8 ; demi-chagrin vert foncé, dos à nerfs, caissons décorés et dorés, titre doré, tête dorée (reliure de l'époque) ; 82 pp.‎

‎En bon connaisseur de notre département, Valentin-Smith nous livre ici une très bonne synthèse de la situation agricole, démographique et économique.Cachet illisble d'une bibliothèque religieuse, et quelques rares petites rousseurs claires, bon exemplaire fort bien relié. ‎

Librairie Ancienne Clagahé - Saint Symphorien d’Ozon

Phone number : 06 60 22 21 35

EUR90.00 (€90.00 )

‎[Trévoux] Exemplaire personnel de M. Valentin-Smith, maire de Trévoux, avec de nombreuses annotations de sa main.‎

Reference : 22412


‎Société d'Agriculture, Sciences et Arts de l'arrondissement de Trévoux.- Règlement (et Discours du premier Président, M. Perrier le 15 juin 1820, Tableau des membres). 20 pp. et 1 f.bl. ajouté.- Bulletin de la Société... du N°1, 1829 au N°13 de 1840.‎

‎Trévoux, imprimerie de L. Damptin, 1820-1840 ; et Lyon, Louis Perrin, 1835 (N°4) puis Fred. Dufour 1836 à 38 (N°5 à 10). 20 ; 48 ; 48 ; 36 ; 56 ; 48 ; 42 pp. (2 ff.bl.) ; 48 ; 54 ; 76 ; 68 ; 48 ; 64 ; 72 pp.)Reliés en un volume in-8, demi-maroquin à grains longs, dos lisse à 5 faux nerfs d'un quadruple filet doré horizontal et 2 filets dorés verticaux, pièce de titre havane, Smith doré en queue, nom du maire du Trévoux (reliure de l'époque).‎

‎Editions originales ; importants exposés sur les possibilités d'améliorer l'agriculture notamment par les échanges d'expériences de tout un chacun ; le problème de l'exploitation des étangs de la Dombes et les inconvénients des marais ; la pressante utilité de faire des cours de mathématiques et de sciences accessibles à tous les citoyens pour mettre à niveau les connaissances de tous ; l'étude de l'amélioration de l'agriculture dans la Dombes ; la connaissance des différents sols de l'arrondissement, pour y adapter les cultures ; les engrais, leur connaissance et leur utilisation ; l'élevage des différents bestiaux (chevaux, bovins et ovins) ; la nourriture des vers à soie ; les problèmes de salubrité au pays d'Etangs ; la création du Collège de Trévoux ; les progrès de l'Agriculture : les sols, les engins, les instruments, le choix des cultures, des volailles, troupeaux, etc. ; l'endiguement du Rhône au nord de Lyon ; les grandes inondations de Lyon ; la culture de la vigne ; la suppression des étangs en Bresse et en Dombes ; la culture des muriers, etc. Ex-libris gravé : "Bibliothèque de Beauséjour".Cet ensemble constitue, sur la question des étangs de la Dombes, un corpus de documents absolument important et déterminant pour la politique qui a été menée pendant tous les XIXe et XXe siècles et qui a permis d'assainir la région, d'en protéger la population et d'y developper l'agriculture, les réseaux routiers et de chemins de fer. Indispensable à qui s'intéresse à l'histoire des Pays de l'Ain. A la suite d'une erreur de reliure, la fin du N°4 (p.32) est reliée après la p. 48 du N°7. Bel exemplaire dans l'ensemble, dans une reliure soignée. ‎

Librairie Ancienne Clagahé - Saint Symphorien d’Ozon

Phone number : 06 60 22 21 35

EUR450.00 (€450.00 )

‎Smith (William, Sidney) :‎

Reference : 8087

‎Billet manuscrit, signé.‎

‎Billet in-8 oblong, manuscrit et signé de sa main "les lignes que j'ai écrites sur la porte de ma prison à la Tour du Temple à Paris en 1798 avant mon évasion, pour la réflexion je l'espérais, que ces pensées profiteraient à mon successeur (s'il en peut être jamais). Qui a peur du mal a déjà le mal de la peur. Qui espère le bien a déjà le bien de l'Espérance.".‎

‎Célèbre amiral anglais (Westminster 1764 - Paris 1840). Marin audacieux, il participa à la guerre d'Amérique, puis à plusieurs campagnes au service de la Suède ou de l'Empire Ottoman. Dans la guerre entre l'Angleterre et la France, il revint servir son pays et nous porta des coups redoutables : destruction de l'arsenal de Toulon et de 12 bâteaux en 1793, attaque et prise de plusieurs bâtiments français ; il remonta même la Seine en 1796 pour s'emparer d'un corsaire français mais fut fait prisonnier ; enfermé à la Tour du Temple, il s'en évada grâce à la complicité des royalistes. Il passa ensuite en Egypte bombarda Alexandrie, empêcha Bonaparte de s'emparer de Saint-Jean d'Acre et négocia avec Kleber la convention d'El-Arisch... Il serait trop long d'exposer ici sa brillante carrière, sa dernière campagne fut la création de la Société des Chevaliers libérateurs des esclaves blancs en Afrique, destinée à mettre fin à l'esclavage des victimes des pirates barbaresques.Smith fut, après Nelson, le marin le plus populaire d'Angleterre.Rare et belle pièce. ‎

Librairie Ancienne Clagahé - Saint Symphorien d’Ozon

Phone number : 06 60 22 21 35

EUR450.00 (€450.00 )


Reference : 60523


‎Untersuchung der Natur und Ursachen von Nationalreichthümern, Aus dem Englischen. 2 Bände. - [THE SEMINAL FIRST TRANSLATION OF 'WEALTH OF NATIONS']‎

‎Leipzig, Weidmann, 1776-78. 8vo. Bound in two nice uniform contemporary half calf bindings with five raised bands, black title-label and gilt lettering to spine. Small paper-label to upper compartment (Catalogue-number from an estate-library). Light wear to extremities, otherwise a very nice set. VIII, 632 pp" XII, 740 pp.‎

‎First German edition, also being the very first overall translation, of Adam Smith's ground-breaking main work, the ""Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations"". This seminal first translation of the work was undertaken by J.F. Schiller, who finished the first part of the translation in time for it to appear as soon as 1776, the same year as the original English edition. The second part appeared in 1778, the same year as the exceedingly scarce first French translation. This first German translation has been of the utmost importance to the spreading of Smith's ideas throughout Europe, and, after the true first, this must count as the most important edition of the work.""The influence of the Wealth of Nations [...] in Germany [...] was so great that 'the whole of political economy might be divided into two parts - before and since Adam Smith"" the first part being a prelude, and the second a sequel."" (Backhouse, Roger E., The Methodology of Economics: Nineteenth-Century British Contributions, Routledge, 1997.)""The first review of the translation, which appeared in the Göttingische gelehrte Anzeigen for March 10, 1777, by J. G. H. Feder, professor of Philosophy at the University of Göttingen, was very favorable. In the words of the reviewer: ""It is a classic"" very estimable both for its thorough, not too limited, often far-sighted political philosophy, and for the numerous, frequently discursive historical notes,"" but the exposition suffers from too much repetition."" (Lai, Cheng-chung. Adam Smith Across Nations: Translations and Receptions of The Wealth of Nations, Clarendon Press, UK, 2000).Until 1797, [...], the work of Adam Smith received scant attention in Germany. While Frederick II was living, Cameralism held undisputed sway in Prussia, and the economic change which began with the outbreak of the French Revolution had still not gained sufficient momentum to awake the economic theorists from their dogmatic slumber."" (Lai, Cheng-chung. Adam Smith Across Nations: Translations and Receptions of The Wealth of Nations, Clarendon Press, UK, 2000).Various German economist read the german translations and was inspired by it.""Christian Garve, [...], must be considered as among the important contributors to the spread of Smith's views. Himself a popularizer of philosophical doctrines, he was early attracted by the Scotch writers and became one of their foremost exponents in Germany."" In 1791 Garve began a second translation of the Smith's work and in the introduction to the the translation he wrote: ""It (Smith's work) attracted me as only few books have in the course of my studies through the number of new views which it gave me not only concerning the actual abject of his investigations, but concerning all related material from the philosophy of civil and social life"". Georg Sartorius, August Ferdinand Lueder and, perhaps the most important economist of the period, Christian Jacob Kraus, were all important figures in the spread of Smith's thought. ""The most significant of Kraus' works and that also which shows his conception of economic science most clearly is the five-volume work entitled State Economy. The first four volumes of this work are little more than a free paraphrase of the Wealth of Nations"". Kraus was: ""to a large extent responsible for the economic changes which took place in Prussia after 1807, in so far as they can be ascribed to Smithan influence."" (Lai, Cheng-chung. Adam Smith Across Nations: Translations and Receptions of The Wealth of Nations, Clarendon Press, UK, 2000).Kraus wrote of the present volume: ""[T]he world has seen no more important book than that of Adam Smith.... [C]ertainly since the times of the New Testament no writing has had more beneficial results than this will have.... [Smith's doctrines form] the only true, great, beautiful, just and beneficial system."" (Fleischacker, Samuel , A Third Concept of Liberty, Princeton University Press, 1999.)_____________Hailed as the ""first and greatest classic of modern thought"" (PMM 221), Adam Smith's tremendously influential main work has had a profound impact on thought and politics, and is considered the main foundation of the era of liberal free trade that dominated the nineteenth century. Adam Smith (1723-1790) is considered the founder of Political Economy in Britain, mainly due to his groundbreaking work, the ""Wealth of Nations"" from 1776. The work took him 12 years to write and was probably in contemplation 12 years before that. It was originally published in two volumes in 4to, and was published later the same year in Dublin in three volumes in 8vo. The book sold well, and the first edition, the number of which is unknown, sold out within six months, which came as a surprise to the publisher, and probably also to Smith himself, partly because the work ""requires much thought and reflection (qualities that do not abound among modern readers) to peruse to any purpose."" (Letter from David Hume, In: Rae, Life of Adam Smith, 1895, p. 286), partly because it was hardly reviewed or noticed by magazines or annuals. In spite of this, it did evoke immense interest in the learned and the political world, and Buckle's words that the work is ""in its ultimate results probably the most important book that has ever been written"", and that it has ""done more towards the happiness of man than has been effected by the united abilities of all the statesmen and legislators of whom history has preserved an authentic account"" (History of Civilisation, 1869, I:214) well describes the opinion of a great part of important thinkers then as well as now. Kress S. 2567Goldsmith 11394Menger 521Not in Einaudi‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK65,000.00 (€8,717.93 )


Reference : 47455


‎Undersøgelse om National-Velstands Natur og Aarsag. Af det Engelske oversat og med nogle Anmærkninger oplyst af Dræbye. 2 Deele. [Anden Deel:] Hertil er føiet Gourvenør Pownals Brev til Forfatteren i hvilket nogle af de i dette Værk fremsatte Læresætn... - [FIRST DANISH EDITION OF ""THE WEALTH OF NATIONS""]‎

‎Kiøbenhavn [Copenhagen], 1779-80. 8vo. Two very nice contemporary brown half calf bindings with raised bands, gilt ornamentations and gilt leather title- and tome-labels. Volume two with a bit of wear to upper capital. Corners slightly bumped. Pencil annotations to verso of title-page in volume one" title-page in volume two mounted to cover up a small hole caused by the removal of an old owner's name. Internally very clean and bright. All in all a very nice, clean, fresh, and tight copy. Engraved (by Weise, 1784) armorial book plate to inside of front boards (Gregorius Christianus Comes ab Haxthausen). (12), 575" (8), 775, (3, - errata) pp.‎

‎The extremely scarce first Danish edition of Adam Smith's seminal main work, ""the first and greatest classic of modern economic thought"" (PMM 221), the main foundational work of the era of liberal free trade. This publication constitutes the first Danish work worth mentioning in the history of economic thought - in spite of the great interest in political economy that dominated Danish political thought in the last quarter of the 18th century. The value of Smith's work was not immediately recognized in Denmark at the time of its appearance and a quarter of a century had to go by for its importance to be acknowledged and for Danish political economy to adapt the revolutionizing theories of Adam Smith. Few copies of the translation were published and sold, and the book is now a great scarcity. As opposed to for instance the German translation of the work, Smith concerned himself a great deal with this Danish translation. As is evident from preserved correspondence about it, he reacted passionately to it and was deeply concerned with the reaction to his work in Scandinavia (see ""Correspondence of Adam Smith"", Oxford University Press, 1977).- As an example, Smith writes in a letter to Andreas Holt on Oct. 26th, 1780: ""It gives me the greatest pleasure to hear that Mr. Dreby has done me the distinguished honour of translating my Book into the Danish language. I beg you will present to him my most sincere thanks and most respectful Compliments. I am much concerned that I cannot have the pleasure of reading it in his translation, as I am so unfortunate as not to understand the Danish language."" The translation was made by Frants Dræby (1740-1814), the son a whiskey distiller in Copenhagen, who mastered as a theologian and was then hired by the great Norwegian merchant James Collett as tutor to his son. There can be no doubt that Dræbye's relation to the Collett house had a great impact upon his interest in economics. In the middle of the 1770'ies, Dræbye accompanied Collett's son on travels throughout Europe, which took them to England in the year 1776, the same year that the ""Wealth of Nations"" was published for the first time. Through the Colletts, Dræbye was introduced to the mercantile environment in England and here became thoroughly acquainted with English economics and politics at the time. It is presumably here that he gets acquainted with Adam Smith's freshly published revolutionary work. When Dræbye returned to Denmark at the end of 1776, he was appointed chief of the Norwegian secretariat of the Board of Economics and Trade. He began the translation of the ""Wealth of Nations"" that he brought back with him from England immediately after his return.""WN [i.e. Wealth of Nations] was translated into Danish by Frants Dræbye and published in 1779 (three years after the first English edition). The translation was initiated by Andreas Holt and Peter Anker, who were acquainted with Smith. Dræbye was a Dane who lived mainly in Norway, reflecting the fact that Norway was much more British-oriented than Denmark proper (Denmark and Norway were united until 1814, when Sweden took Norway away from the Danes"" in 1905 Norway became an independent state). Norwegian merchants lived from exporting timber to Britain and tended on the whole to be adherents of a liberal economic policy, whereas the absolutist government in Copenhagen was more German-oriented and had economic views similar to those in contemporary Prussia."" (Cheng-chung Lai (edt.): ""Adam Smith Across Nations"", p. (37)). The last quarter of the eighteenth century in Denmark was dominated by a lively discussion of monetary policy and the institutional framework best suited to realize that policy. There was a vital interest in questions of economic concern, and contemporary Danish sources refer to the period as ""this economic age"" and state things such as ""never was the world more economically minded"" (both from ""Denmark and Norway's Economic Magazine""). During this period, Smith's revolutionary ideas did not play a major role, however, and only at the beginning of the 19th century did Danish politicians and economists come to realize the meaning of Smith's views. ""Without exaggeration it can essentially be said that a quarter of a century was to pass from the time of the publication of the book in Denmark before Danish political economy fully made Adam Smith's theories and points of view its own. It took so long a time because the economic conditions as a whole in the years from 1780-1800 did not make desirable or necessary the changing of their concepts. That glorious commercial period had to pass before it was understood that we had altogether too little help in our own natural resources and that a different course was, therefore, necessary. Only when one had come so far could the new thinking find a nourishing soil so that it could develop strength with which to push aside the old ideas.""(Hans Degen: ""On the Danish Translation of Adam Smith and Contemporary Opinion Concerning It."" Translated by Henrietta M. Larson. In: Adam Smith Across Nations, p. 51). This first Danish translation is one of the very earliest translations of ""Wealth of Nations"""" it is only preceded by the German (1776-78) and the extremely scarce French (1778-79). As a comparison, the Italian translation does not appear until 1790-91, the Spanish 1792, the Swedish 1800-1804, the Russian 1802, etc.Adam Smith Across Nations: A4 - nr. 1. ""All five books were translated"" appears to be a complete translation. The long letter from Governor Pownall to Adam Smith (25 Sept. 1776) is added as the Appendix (vol. 2, pp. 683 ff.).""(PMM 221 - first edition)‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK65,000.00 (€8,717.93 )


Reference : 50523


‎Undersøgelse om National-Velstands Natur og Aarsag. Af det Engelske oversat og med nogle Anmærkninger oplyst af Dræbye. 2 Deele. [Anden Deel:] Hertil er føiet Gourvenør Pownals Brev til Forfatteren i hvilket nogle af de i dette Værk fremsatte Læresætn... - [FIRST DANISH EDITION OF ""THE WEALTH OF NATIONS""]‎

‎Kiøbenhavn [Copenhagen], 1779-80. 8vo. Two nice contemporary half calf bindings with four raised bands and gilt leather title label to spines. Volume one lacking one cm of upper part of spine. Volume two with a small tear to lower part of spine. Both volumes with light brown spotting throughout, however, mainly affecting first and last five leaves of both volumes. A fine set. (12), 575"" (8), 775, (3, - errata) pp.‎

‎The extremely scarce first Danish edition of Adam Smith's seminal main work, ""the first and greatest classic of modern economic thought"" (PMM 221), the main foundational work of the era of liberal free trade. This publication constitutes the first Danish work worth mentioning in the history of economic thought - in spite of the great interest in political economy that dominated Danish political thought in the last quarter of the 18th century. The value of Smith's work was not immediately recognized in Denmark at the time of its appearance and a quarter of a century had to go by for its importance to be acknowledged and for Danish political economy to adapt the revolutionizing theories of Adam Smith. Few copies of the translation were published and sold, and the book is now a great scarcity. As opposed to for instance the German translation of the work, Smith concerned himself a great deal with this Danish translation. As is evident from preserved correspondence about it, he reacted passionately to it and was deeply concerned with the reaction to his work in Scandinavia (see ""Correspondence of Adam Smith"", Oxford University Press, 1977).- As an example, Smith writes in a letter to Andreas Holt on Oct. 26th, 1780: ""It gives me the greatest pleasure to hear that Mr. Dreby has done me the distinguished honour of translating my Book into the Danish language. I beg you will present to him my most sincere thanks and most respectful Compliments. I am much concerned that I cannot have the pleasure of reading it in his translation, as I am so unfortunate as not to understand the Danish language."" The translation was made by Frants Dræby (1740-1814), the son a whiskey distiller in Copenhagen, who mastered as a theologian and was then hired by the great Norwegian merchant James Collett as tutor to his son. There can be no doubt that Dræbye's relation to the Collett house had a great impact upon his interest in economics. In the middle of the 1770'ies, Dræbye accompanied Collett's son on travels throughout Europe, which took them to England in the year 1776, the same year that the ""Wealth of Nations"" was published for the first time. Through the Colletts, Dræbye was introduced to the mercantile environment in England and here became thoroughly acquainted with English economics and politics at the time. It is presumably here that he gets acquainted with Adam Smith's freshly published revolutionary work. When Dræbye returned to Denmark at the end of 1776, he was appointed chief of the Norwegian secretariat of the Board of Economics and Trade. He began the translation of the ""Wealth of Nations"" that he brought back with him from England immediately after his return.""WN [i.e. Wealth of Nations] was translated into Danish by Frants Dræbye and published in 1779 (three years after the first English edition). The translation was initiated by Andreas Holt and Peter Anker, who were acquainted with Smith. Dræbye was a Dane who lived mainly in Norway, reflecting the fact that Norway was much more British-oriented than Denmark proper (Denmark and Norway were united until 1814, when Sweden took Norway away from the Danes"" in 1905 Norway became an independent state). Norwegian merchants lived from exporting timber to Britain and tended on the whole to be adherents of a liberal economic policy, whereas the absolutist government in Copenhagen was more German-oriented and had economic views similar to those in contemporary Prussia."" (Cheng-chung Lai (edt.): ""Adam Smith Across Nations"", p. (37)). The last quarter of the eighteenth century in Denmark was dominated by a lively discussion of monetary policy and the institutional framework best suited to realize that policy. There was a vital interest in questions of economic concern, and contemporary Danish sources refer to the period as ""this economic age"" and state things such as ""never was the world more economically minded"" (both from ""Denmark and Norway's Economic Magazine""). During this period, Smith's revolutionary ideas did not play a major role, however, and only at the beginning of the 19th century did Danish politicians and economists come to realize the meaning of Smith's views. ""Without exaggeration it can essentially be said that a quarter of a century was to pass from the time of the publication of the book in Denmark before Danish political economy fully made Adam Smith's theories and points of view its own. It took so long a time because the economic conditions as a whole in the years from 1780-1800 did not make desirable or necessary the changing of their concepts. That glorious commercial period had to pass before it was understood that we had altogether too little help in our own natural resources and that a different course was, therefore, necessary. Only when one had come so far could the new thinking find a nourishing soil so that it could develop strength with which to push aside the old ideas.""(Hans Degen: ""On the Danish Translation of Adam Smith and Contemporary Opinion Concerning It."" Translated by Henrietta M. Larson. In: Adam Smith Across Nations, p. 51). This first Danish translation is one of the very earliest translations of ""Wealth of Nations"""" it is only preceded by the German (1776-78) and the extremely scarce French (1778-79). As a comparison, the Italian translation does not appear until 1790-91, the Spanish 1792, the Swedish 1800-1804, the Russian 1802, etc.Adam Smith Across Nations: A4 - nr. 1. ""All five books were translated"" appears to be a complete translation. The long letter from Governor Pownall to Adam Smith (25 Sept. 1776) is added as the Appendix (vol. 2, pp. 683 ff.).""‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK60,000.00 (€8,047.32 )


Reference : 42376


‎Recherches sur la Nature et les Causes de la Richesse des Nations. Traduit de l'Anglois de M. Smith [by Blavet]. 2 Tomes.‎

‎Londres, Pierre J. Duplain, 1788. 8vo, Two nice uniform contemporary full calf bindings with gilt spines. Some loss of leather to back hinge and lower capital of volume one and minor loos of leather to spine of volume two, all due to worming. Worming is not bad and does not affect anything but outer layer of small parts of the bindings. Apart from the worming a very nice, fresh and clean copy indeed. (8), IV, 503" (4), 496 pp. With both half-titles, the advertisment, both prefaces and the table of contents.‎

‎Rare early French translation of Adam Smith's political and economic classic, the ""Wealth of Nations"". Translated by Blavet. The present edition constitutes the third reprint of the second French translation. The second French translation was done by Blavet and is the first translation into French of which the translator and publisher are known. ""The reprint of Blavet's version appeared at Yverdon in 1781 in 6 volumes 12mo, and at Paris in the same year in 3 volumes 12mo, and again at London and Paris in 1788 in 2 volumes 8vo [the present edition], and revised and corrected, with Blavet's name as translator, at Paris An, ix (1800-01) in 4 volumes 8vo.He [Blavet] had no intention of publishing it until his friend M. Ameilhon happened to complain of scarcity of interesting articles for his Journal de l'Agriculture, du Commerce, des Arts et des Finances, which had just come under the control of the Mercantilist. It struck him that he might offer it to him which he did, with the explanation that it was far from perfect. It was accepted, and appeared in the issues of the Journal between January, 1779, and December 1780. He did not anticipate that it would go further. The edition of 1788 likewise appeared without his knowledge or consent, and was still more marred by errors than that of Yverdon"". (Lai, Cheng-chung. Adam Smith Across Nations: Translations and Receptions of The Wealth of Nations, Clarendon Press, UK, 2000). Hailed as the ""first and greatest classic of modern thought"" (PMM 221), Adam Smith's tremendously influential main work has had a profound impact on thought and politics, and is considered the main foundation of the era of liberal free trade that dominated the nineteenth century. Adam Smith (1723-1790) is considered the founder of Political Economy in Britain, mainly due to his groundbreaking work, the ""Wealth of Nations"" from 1776. The work took him 12 years to write and was probably in contemplation 12 years before that. It was originally published in two volumes in 4to, and was published later the same year in Dublin in three volumes in 8vo. The book sold well, and the first edition, the number of which is unknown, sold out within six months, which came as a surprise to the publisher, and probably also to Smith himself, partly because the work ""requires much thought and reflection (qualities that do not abound among modern readers) to peruse to any purpose."" (Letter from David Hume, In: Rae, Life of Adam Smith, 1895, p. 286), partly because it was hardly reviewed or noticed by magazines or annuals. In spite of this, it did evoke immense interest in the learned and the political world, and Buckle's words that the work is ""in its ultimate results probably the most important book that has ever been written"", and that it has ""done more towards the happiness of man than has been effected by the united abilities of all the statesmen and legislators of whom history has preserved an authentic account"" (History of Civilisation, 1869, I:214) well describes the opinion of a great part of important thinkers then as well as now. Considering the groundbreaking views presented in ""Wealth of Nations"", it comes as no surprise that the work was considered part of the revolutionary cultural development in France. As Adam Smith's friend, the Marquis of Lansdowne, said after quoting Smith's work: ""With respect to French principles, as they had been denominated, those principles had been exported from us to France, and could not be said to have originated among the population of the latter country."" (Quoted in: Rae, p. 291). The ideas of Adam Smith were often considered so dangerously closely connected with French ideas at the time that the term ""political economy"" almost became synonymous with questions concerning the constitution of governments. ""The French Revolution seems to have checked for a time the growing vogue of Smith's book and the advance of his principles in this country, just as it checked the progress of parliamentary and social reform, because it filled men's mind with a fear of change, with a suspicion of all novelty, with an unreasoning dislike of anything in the nature of general principle."" (Rae, p. 293). There can be no question that this seminal work greatly influenced French opinion at the time.‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK6,200.00 (€831.56 )

‎Valentin-Smith, J.E. :‎

Reference : 1490


‎Fouilles dans la vallée du Formans (Ain) en 1862. Documents pour servir à l'histoire de la campagne de Jules César contre les Helvètes.‎

‎Lyon, Auguste Brun, 1888 ; in-8 ; demi-chagrin maroquiné vert foncé, dos à nerfs soulignés à froid, titre doré, couverture conservée (reliure de l'époque) ; VII-153 pp., trois cartes et plan hors-texte en couleurs, 11 planches hors-texte.‎

‎Très bel exemplaire dans une élégante reliure en parfait état. ‎

Librairie Ancienne Clagahé - Saint Symphorien d’Ozon

Phone number : 06 60 22 21 35

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )

‎Valentin-Smith :‎

Reference : 6761


‎Souvenirs d'un ancien magistrat. Portraits et impressions d'audience.‎

‎Lyon, Mougin-Rusand, 1888 ; in-8 ; demi-chagrin maroquiné fauve à coins, dos à nerfs décorés rouge et or, pièce de titre grenat, dents de rat dorées sur les plats, tête dorée (reliure de l'époque) ; VIII, 184, (2) pp., (1) f. blanc.‎

‎Bel exemplaire bien relié, le dos est légèrement passé. ‎

Librairie Ancienne Clagahé - Saint Symphorien d’Ozon

Phone number : 06 60 22 21 35

EUR150.00 (€150.00 )

‎Valentin-Smith, M. :‎

Reference : 9596


‎De la Statistique. Suivi de : Quelques mots sur l'histoire et la nécessité de la statistique.‎

‎Lyon, Imprimerie F. Dumoulin, 1854 ; in-4, broché ; 70 pp., couverture rose édulcorée.‎

‎Ouvrage tout à fait intéressant sur l'état de la société dans la première moitié du XIXe siècle et sur l'art de gouverner les hommes. Plusieurs données concernent l'Ain. Petites salissures à la couverture et petites rousseurs disséminées, sinon bon exemplaire. ‎

Librairie Ancienne Clagahé - Saint Symphorien d’Ozon

Phone number : 06 60 22 21 35

EUR60.00 (€60.00 )

‎[Louis Charrat] - ‎ ‎Valentin-Smith, Alise :‎

Reference : 9603


‎Vrai (Le) visage.‎

‎Lyon, Audin, 1944 ; in-8, broché ; 120 pp., 9 illustrations hors-texte dont 8 par Louis Charrat, couverture rempliée rose illustrée.‎

‎Tirage à 50 exemplaires numérotés. Couverture un peu défraichie avec des rousseurs. ‎

Librairie Ancienne Clagahé - Saint Symphorien d’Ozon

Phone number : 06 60 22 21 35

EUR100.00 (€100.00 )

‎GALLAGHER Stuart - SMITH Helen - [Automobile]‎

Reference : 1486


‎PORSCHE Une fabuleuse histoire ‎

‎ 2003 Paris ML Editions 2003 Un volume grand in°4 34x27 cm reliure cartonnée éditeur sous jaquette 192 pages Très riche iconographie photographique en couleur. LR25‎

‎ Très bon état Envoi en Mondial Relay pour la France Métropolitaine, l'Allemagne, l'Autriche, Belgique, Espagne, Italie, Luxembourg, Pays-Bas et PortugalPour l'étranger, envoi en tarif "livres et brochures" pour les commandes inférieures à 50 , au dessus en colissimo international.‎

Le Roi Lire - Pau

Phone number : 07 77 03 09 94

EUR15.00 (€15.00 )


Reference : 53615


‎""Om Beskatning"" (+) ""Om Jordbrukets förfall i Europa, efter Romerska Väldets undergäng"" (+) ""Om Handelsbalancen"" (+) ""Om Jordbruks-systemet I en Rikshushållning, samt om Economisterne I Frankrike"" (+) ""Om Pappers-myntet I Norr-Amerika Kolonierne, före... - [""THE EARLIEST APPEARANCE IN SWEDISH OF A NUMBER OF TRANSLATIONS FROM ADAM SMITH""]‎

‎Stockholm, Henrik A. Nordström, 1797-1801. 8vo. Uncut, partly unopened in the original wrappers. In 22 volumes as issued. Last volume name written on title-page, otherwise an exceptionally fine, clean and untouched set rarely seen in this condition. (4),102 pp." (2),182 pp. (2),107 pp. (2),157,(1) pp. (2),176,(4) pp. (4),138,(2) pp. (2),205,(1) pp. + 1 folded table (2),188 pp (2),190 pp. (2),89,(4) pp. (4),135,(1) pp. (2),116,(1) pp. (2),157 pp. (2),120 pp. (2),151,(1 blank,10) pp. + 1 folded map (2),215 pp. + 1 folded table (2),131,(5) pp. (4),207 pp. (2),183,(1) pp. + 1 folded table (2),218 pp. (2),144,(4) pp." (6),449,(1) pp. + 5 folded plates.""Om Beskatning"", Part: 36, 37, 38:Pp. 145-177""Om Jordbrukets förfall i Europa, efter Romerska Väldets undergäng"", Part: 27, 28. Pp. 93-120""Om Handelsbalancen"", Part: 25,26. Pp. 92-114""Om Jordbruks-systemet I en Rikshushållning, samt om Economisterne I Frankrike"", Part: 25-26. Pp. 43-92""Om Pappers-myntet I Norr-Amerika Kolonierne, före Revolutionen"". Part: 27-28. Pp.57-62""Om Krono-jord"". Part: 29,30,31. Pp 139-146.""Theorien för statsskulder"". Part: 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 & 50. Pp. 151-161.‎

‎First, however partial, translation of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations in Swedish rarely seen in this condition, thus making it the very first opportunity for Swedish speakers to study Adam Smith. A more lengthy translation was made in 1909 - 1911 but to this day a full Swedish translation has not been made.""Von Schulzenheim [nobleman, physician, country squire and politician] also published shorter articles in the review 'Läsning I blandade ämnen', an organ of the opposition to the absolutist and obscurantist regime of Gustavus IV Adolphus. The editor of the review was count Georg Adlersparre, an army officer and a political writer who in 1809 was to become one of the prime-movers behind the dethronement of the king. Adlersparre to was an admirer of Adam Smith. In 1799-1800 he published in the 'Läsning' his own Swedish translation of several selections from Wealth of Nations. In some cases Adlersparre added footnotes, making it easier for the readers to apply Smith's ideas to Swedish conditions. Those translations, to the best of my knowledge, were the first ones of Wealth of Nations in Sweden. They were followed by translations of other parts of Wealth of Nations, published in 1800 amd 1808. This time the translator was Erik Erland Bodell, an official of the Swedish Customs and thus, if you like, a colleague of Adam Smith."" ( Cheng-chung, Adam Smith Across Nations). Despite the comparatively late translation into Swedish, it still had a profound influence, not on economists since they were well aware of the original work in English, but upon politics and public opinion in general: ""There are few things more striking to the modem student of the history of ideas in Sweden than the negative phenomenon that Sweden was almost entirely uninfluenced by this fact and thus remained almost unaffected by English economic thought during a period when its superiority was most evident. As far as I am acquainted with the Swedish economic discussion and our popular economic literature of the 1860's and 1870's, there is almost no trace of any influence from English writers. [...]Of Adam Smith we have still only one abbreviated translation of his famous work and that was published as late as during this century"" and, as far as I know, nothing of Ricardo's or Malthus' exists in Swedish, nor do any of the major economic works of J.S. Mill."" (Heckscher, A survey of economic thought in Sweden, 1875-1950).The journal was preceded by Adlersparre's ""Läsning för landtmän"" 1795-96. The content is a mixture of literature, agriculture, law, philosophy and politics. Apart from the many contributions by Swedish authors, ""Läsning i blandade ämnen"" also contains texts by Kant, Gibbon and De Lolme OCLC lists copies at Yale, Minnesota, and Texas. ‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK25,000.00 (€3,353.05 )

‎SMITH, Josh (Joshua. 1976-)‎

Reference : 32843



‎New York l'artiste 2008 In-8 illustré, n.p. Couverture à rabats d'après une affiche de l'exposition réalisée par Smith. Notes manuscrite sur les rabats de la couverture : Display Copy et 3/2008. ‎

‎:: Livre d'artiste composé de photocopies de pages des carnets de Josh Smith et divers. Dans cette expo, Smith présentait une pièce composée de : Bookcase with set of 74 artist's books and two stools. Un feuillet de texte présente le projet, feuillet intercalé à quelques reprises dans le bouquin : "This book in your hands was intended to give an idea of what the books are like and about. This book was made for this Exhibition..." Dans la présentation de cette oeuvre le MoMA explique que l'artiste "compiled pages selected from throughout the collection into two volumes for visitors to look through." Il s'agirait ici, de l'un des 2 "Display copy", :: L'affiche est composée de ce texte peint : MARCH 26 / JULY 7 2008 / BOOK SHELF / Paul J. Sachs / prints + books gallery / 2nd floor / Museum of / modern art NY. C'est également un tableau de Josh Smith, "Untitled". :: Exposition collective : Featuring works that transform books through a variety of mediums, Book/Shelf stresses an expanded notion of the illustrated book. The exhibition begins with a documentation of Marcel Duchamp’s Unhappy Readymade (1919)... Finally, the exhibition surveys several artists who have created installations that display books in public contexts, including Brian Belott, Allen Ruppersberg, Josh Smith, and Lawrence Weiner." (https://www.moma.org/calendar/exhibitions/70) :: Reliure japonaise. Bon état. ‎


Phone number : 1 514 820 2324

CAD250.00 (€163.79 )

‎SMITH, John Thomas.‎

Reference : 4576


‎Umbrellas to mend ‎

‎London J.T. Smith 1816 Belle gravure sur cuivre représentant un vieux vendeur ambulant proposant la réparation de parapluies cassés. Non colorée (telle qu'elle a été publiée). Légère trace d'eau sur le bord droit et un peu d'assombrissement sur les bords, mais dans l'ensemble en très bon état. La plaque mesure 17 cm x 12 cm. La feuille mesure 25,5 cm x 16,5 cm. Une pièce rare. Collection Wellcome 44003i. Smith, John Thomas, (1766-1833). Également connu sous le nom d'Antiquity Smith, était un peintre, graveur et antiquaire anglais. Il fut également conservateur des estampes au British Museum.‎

‎Beautiful copperplate engraving of an old traveling salesman offering to repair broken umbrellas. Uncolored (as published). Slight water mark on the right edge and some darkening around the edges, but overall in very good condition. The plate measures 17 cm x 12 cm. The sheet measures 25.5 cm x 16.5 cm. A rare piece. Wellcome Collection 44003i. Smith, John Thomas, (1766-1833). Also known as Antiquity Smith, was an English painter, engraver and antiquarian. He was also curator of prints at the British Museum. First Edition. .‎


Phone number : +33 7 84 03 12 53

EUR240.00 (€240.00 )


Reference : 23048

‎Recherches sur la nature et les causes de la richesse des Nations.‎

‎A Neuchatel, 1792. Cinq tomes reliés en trois volumes in-12. 406, 400, 437, 432 .Premier tome : faux-titre, titre, table, adresse, avertissement, 384 pages . Puis 406 pp., 400 pp., 437 pp., 432 pp. Chaque tome ayant un titre et une table. Traduction de l'anglois par M. Roucher. Bon état intérieur . Demi-percaline vert foncé chagrinée du XIXème, dos lisse orné de sept larges filets or en creux. En bon état.‎

‎Précieuse édition de la deuxième traduction française (après celle de Blavet) du célèbre ouvrage classique publié par Smith en 1776, l'un des jalons de la pensée économique moderne. Le traducteur M. Roucher (1743-1794) était un érudit très estimé Edition neuchâteloise établie sur celle parue à Paris chez Buisson en 1790-1791. Adam Smith, philosophe écossais et écrivain célèbre, fondateur du système d'économie politique généralement admis aujourd'hui. Selon Adam Smith, l'Economie politique, considérée comme une branche des connaissances du législateur et de l'homme d'Etat, se propose deux objets distincts : le premier, de procurer au peuple un revenu ou une substance abondante, ou, pour mieux dire, de le mettre en état de se procurer lui-même ce revenu et cette subsistance abondante ; le second, de fournir à l'Etat ou à la communauté un revenu suffisant pour le service public : elle se propose d'enrichir à la fois le peuple et le souverain. En écrivant ses Recherches sur la nature et les causes de la richesse des nations (1776), Adam Smith ne se doutait pas que son ouvrage serait de ceux qui, en décrivant le monde, contribuent à le créer. Comprenant la nation concept éminemment politique comme espace de marché, c'est-à-dire comme surface d'échange, Adam Smith est le théoricien d'une modernité qui, deux siècles après, est toujours la nôtre. ‎


Phone number : 02 35 70 79 96

EUR450.00 (€450.00 )

‎( Rock - Littérature en Anglais - Photographies ) - Patti Smith - Claire Alexandra Hatfield.‎

Reference : 5564


‎M. Train. ( Exemplaire signé par Patti Smith ).‎

‎ Editions Borzoi Book. Published by Alfred A. Knopf 2015. In-8 reliure éditeur de 254 pages au format 20,5 x 13,5 cm. Complet de la jaquette illustrée par une photographie de Patti Smith par Claire Alexandra Hatfield. Souvenirs de la poétesse et rockeuse accompagné de 55 photographies en noir et blanc de Patti Smith. Edition originale en état de neuf. Rare exemplaire signé par Patti Smith.‎

‎ Site Internet : Http://librairie-victor-sevilla.fr.Vente exclusivement par correspondance. Le libraire ne reçoit, exceptionnellement que sur rendez-vous. Il est préférable de téléphoner avant tout déplacement.Forfait de port pour un livre 7 €, sauf si épaisseur supérieure à 3 cm ou valeur supérieure ou égale à 100 €, dans ce cas expédition obligatoire au tarif Colissimo en vigueur. A partir de 2 livres envoi en colissimo obligatoire. Port à la charge de l'acheteur pour le reste du monde.Les Chèques ne sont plus acceptés.Pour destinations extra-planétaire s'adresser à la NASA.Membre du Syndicat Lusitanien Amateurs Morues‎

Phone number : 06 80 26 72 20

EUR175.00 (€175.00 )

‎( Rock - Littérature en Anglais - Photographies ) - Patti Smith.‎

Reference : 29184


‎A Book of Day. ( Exemplaire signé par Patti Smith ).‎

‎ Editions Random House, New York 2022. Fort in-12 relié de 388 pages au format 18,5 x 3,5 x 13,5 cm. Couverture avec titre imprimé. Dos rond avec titre. Complet de la jaquette illustrée d'une photographie de Patti Smith. Plats et intérieur frais. Préface de l'auteure. Recueil de photographies en couleurs et en noir, légendées, de Patti Smith. Superbe état général, proche du neuf. Edition originale. Précieux exemplaire signé par Patti Smith.‎

‎ Site Internet : Http://librairie-victor-sevilla.fr.Vente exclusivement par correspondance. Le libraire ne reçoit, exceptionnellement que sur rendez-vous. Il est préférable de téléphoner avant tout déplacement.Forfait de port pour un livre 7 €, sauf si épaisseur supérieure à 3 cm ou valeur supérieure ou égale à 100 €, dans ce cas expédition obligatoire au tarif Colissimo en vigueur. A partir de 2 livres envoi en colissimo obligatoire. Port à la charge de l'acheteur pour le reste du monde.Les Chèques ne sont plus acceptés.Pour destinations extra-planétaire s'adresser à la NASA.Membre du Syndicat Lusitanien Amateurs Morues‎

Phone number : 06 80 26 72 20

EUR175.00 (€175.00 )


Reference : 58766


‎En Undersökning av Folkens Välstånd dess Natur och Orsaker. Översättning av D:r Emil Sommarin. 2 volumes. - [FIRST SWEDISH EDITION OF ""THE WEALTH OF NATIONS""]‎

‎Lund, C. W. K. Gleerups förlag, 1909 & 1911. 8vo. Bound with the original wrappers of volume 1 in one contemporary half blue cloth binding with red leather titel label with gilt lettering to spine. A fine and clean copy. XVI,191, (4), 179 pp.‎

‎First edition of the first Swedish translation of Adam Smith's ground-breaking main work, the ""Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations"". Smaller parts of the book had previously been translated into Swedish (in 1800, 1804 and 1869), but the present translation is considered the first actual translation of the work (even though some parts have been excluded by translator Emil Sommarin, who based his translation the 5th English edition, the last edition to be supervised by Adam Smith himself). It is to this date the only Swedish translation of the work, which tells us a lot about the history of Swedish economics. Despite the comparatively late translation into Swedish, it still had a profound influence, not on economists since they were well aware of the original work in English, but upon politics and public opinion in general: ""There are few things more striking to the modem student of the history of ideas in Sweden than the negative phenomenon that Sweden was almost entirely uninfluenced by this fact and thus remained almost unaffected by English economic thought during a period when its superiority was most evident. As far as I am acquainted with the Swedish economic discussion and our popular economic literature of the 1860's and 1870's, there is almost no trace of any influence from English writers. [...]Of Adam Smith we have still only one abbreviated translation of his famous work and that was published as late as during this century"" and, as far as I know, nothing of Ricardo's or Malthus' exists in Swedish, nor do any of the major economic works of J.S. Mill."" (Heckscher, A survey of economic thought in Sweden, 1875-1950).Translator Emil Sommarin (1874-1955) was a student of Knut Wicksell, arguably the most influential Swedish economist, and Sommarin succeeded Wicksell's professorship in national economics. Wicksell ""came to know his classics very well and became and remained an admirer of Adam Smith. Around 1910 he also assisted his former student and successor as economics professor in Lund, Emil Sommarin, with the translation of WN, still the most complete we have in Sweden. In this connection he wrote to a friend in Uppsala, ""It is almost unbelievable that we have been denied this masterpiece for 125 years and our economic policy is a result of the omission"" (Cheng-Chung Lai, Adam Smith Across Nations, p. 384).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK22,500.00 (€3,017.74 )


Reference : 58833


‎En Undersökning av Folkens Välstånd dess Natur och Orsaker. Översättning av D:r Emil Sommarin. [i.e. Swedish ""Wealth of Nations""]. 2 volumes. - [FIRST SWEDISH EDITION OF ""THE WEALTH OF NATIONS""]‎

‎Lund, C. W. K. Gleerups förlag, 1909 & 1911. 8vo. Both volumes in the original printed wrappers. Light wear to spines, otherwise a very fine and clean set. XVI,191, (4), 179 pp.‎

‎First edition of the first Swedish translation of Adam Smith's ground-breaking main work, the ""Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations"". Smaller parts of the book had previously been translated into Swedish (in 1800, 1804 and 1869), but the present translation is considered the first actual translation of the work (even though some parts have been excluded by translator Emil Sommarin, who based his translation the 5th English edition, the last edition to be supervised by Adam Smith himself). It is to this date the only Swedish translation of the work, which tells us a lot about the history of Swedish economics. Despite the comparatively late translation into Swedish, it still had a profound influence, not on economists since they were well aware of the original work in English, but upon politics and public opinion in general: ""There are few things more striking to the modem student of the history of ideas in Sweden than the negative phenomenon that Sweden was almost entirely uninfluenced by this fact and thus remained almost unaffected by English economic thought during a period when its superiority was most evident. As far as I am acquainted with the Swedish economic discussion and our popular economic literature of the 1860's and 1870's, there is almost no trace of any influence from English writers. [...]Of Adam Smith we have still only one abbreviated translation of his famous work and that was published as late as during this century"" and, as far as I know, nothing of Ricardo's or Malthus' exists in Swedish, nor do any of the major economic works of J.S. Mill."" (Heckscher, A survey of economic thought in Sweden, 1875-1950).Translator Emil Sommarin (1874-1955) was a student of Knut Wicksell, arguably the most influential Swedish economist, and Sommarin succeeded Wicksell's professorship in national economics. Wicksell ""came to know his classics very well and became and remained an admirer of Adam Smith. Around 1910 he also assisted his former student and successor as economics professor in Lund, Emil Sommarin, with the translation of WN, still the most complete we have in Sweden. In this connection he wrote to a friend in Uppsala, ""It is almost unbelievable that we have been denied this masterpiece for 125 years and our economic policy is a result of the omission"" (Cheng-Chung Lai, Adam Smith Across Nations, p. 384).‎


Phone number : +45 33 155 335

DKK28,000.00 (€3,755.42 )

‎ Louis H. Boileau, Henri Chailleux, André Chevallier et Armand Picard, Charles et Marcel Dalmas, Claude Delolme, Octave Evard, Pierre Koemptgen, Jacques et H. Lachaud, Charles Letrosne, Paul Marozeau, René Ollivon, René Barré, Georges Gasse, L. Quételard, E . Ringuet et Cie, Jean Ségui, Smith, Smith & Wynn, Raoul Jourde‎

Reference : 104335



‎Paris Librairie de la Construction Moderne 1925 Volume II : Paris, Librairie de la Construction Moderne, vers 1925-1930, 250x330mm, 8 pages de titre et tables avec les notes d'Antony Goissaud et 60 planches imprimées en phototypie par Faucheux, en feuilles sous chemise de l'éditeur, vignette de couverture en couleurs de F. Jobbé-Duval. Ouvres de Louis H. Boileau, Henri Chailleux, André Chevallier et Armand Picard, Charles et Marcel Dalmas, Claude Delolme, Octave Evard, Pierre Koemptgen, Jacques et H. Lachaud, Charles Letrosne, Paul Marozeau, René Ollivon, René Barré, Georges Gasse, L. Quételard, E . Ringuet et Cie, Jean Ségui, Smith, Smith & Wynn, Raoul Jourde. De célèbres tables comme le Lutétia, La Taverne, le Pot au Feu, Le Royal à Paris, le Harry's Bar et le Normandy au Touquet, le Palais de la Méditerranée à Nice ou le Country Club à Monte Carlo y figurent. Les deux volumes. (104335) ‎

‎ Pas de jaquette Portefeuilles De L'éditeur ‎

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EUR250.00 (€250.00 )

‎[SMITH, Elisha] [Exemplaire relié aux armes d'un descendant de la famille Von Basta, comte de Hust] ‎

Reference : AMO-4509


‎The Cure of Deism : or, The Mediatorial Scheme by Jesus Christ The Only True Religion. In Answer to the Objections started and, to the very imperfect Account of The Religion of Nature, and of Christianity, given by the Two Oracles of Deism, the Author of Christianity as old as the Creation ; and the Author of the Characteristicks. With An Application to Papists, Quakers, Socinians, and Scepticks. And An Appendix, in Answer to a Book entitled, The Moral Philosopher, or a Dialogue between a Christian Deist and a Christian Jew. In Two Volumes. The Second Edition, corrected and improved with large Additions. In a New Method. By a Country Clergyman [Elisha smith].‎

‎London, Printed for the Author ; and sold by W. Innys and R. Manby, 1737 3 parties reliées en 2 volumes in-8 (23,6 x 15 cm) de (13)-XXXII-431-(1 bl.) et (10)-352 pages, suivi de "An Appendix in Answer to a Book, etc." en pagination séparée de 85-(27) pages. Reliure strictement de l'époque plein maroquin noir, dos à nerfs richement ornés aux petits fers dorés, large dentelle dorée en encadrement des plats, armoiries dorées au centre des plats, roulette dorée sur les coupes et en encadremen intérieur des plats, doublures et gardes de papier peigne, tranches dorées. Légères marques aux reliures, sans gravité. Petits manques aux pièces de titre et sur un bord de coiffe (coiffe supérieure du premier volume), coins légèrement frottés ou usés, sans gravité, armoirires dorées sur le premier plat du premier volume légèrement frottées. Intérieur en bon état, imprimé sur beau papier fort à grandes marges (large paper).‎

‎Deuxième édition parue en juillet 1737. Cette deuxième édition parait quelques mois seulement après la première qui parait en 1736. L'Appendice est ici en édition originale. L'ouvrage connaîtra le succès et sera réédité encore en 1739 (troisième édition) puis encore en 1740. De notre édition de 1737 il existe deux tirages, l'un proposé à 6 shillings sur papier ordinaire et l'autre imprimé sur grand papier de Hollande et proposé à 10 shillings (notre exemplaire - le prix de vente est indiqué au bas de la page de titre du premier volume). "Smith's Cure of Deism is an able work, and frequently quoted by Bp. Van Mildert in his Boyle's Lectures. It controverts the notions of Herbert, Hobbes, Toland, Tindal, Collins, Mandeville, Woolston, Morgan, Chubb, and others, and has been translated into the German language. In the preface he alludes to Morgan." Dans la Bibliothèque raisonnée des ouvrages savants de l'Europe, volume 17 (année 1736), on lit : "Un Théologien anonyme [Elisha Smith] a publié un ouvrages, qu'il regarde comme un remède infaillible contre le Déisme. The Cure of Deism, etc., c'est à dire : Moyen de guérir le Déisme, en faisant savoir que le système du médiateur Jésus-Christ est la seule véritable Religion. Pour servir de réponse aux objections qu'on fait naître, et à l'idée très imparfaite de la relifion naturelle et du christianisme, que nous donnent les deux oracles du Déisme, l'Auteur du Christianisme aussi ancien que le Monde, et l'Auteur des Caractéristiques, divisé en deux volumes : écrit selon une nouvelle méthode. Par un ministre de la Campagne. L'auteur des Caractéristiques, que ce théologien n'a pas voulu nommer, c'est le défunt Comte de Shaftsbury [Shaftesbury] ; et il le met à la tête des Déistes. "Le noble auteur des Caractéristiques, diit-il, le premier en date, et le plus en vogue, lance plusieurs traits contre les Miracles, comme s'ils ne prouvaient rien. Il s'est mis à la tête des Déistes modernes pendant plusieurs années, et c'est peut-être le plus subtil Adversaire qui ait écrit contre la Religion Chrétienne. Son pernicieux dessein a été formé d'une manière si couverte et si artificieuse, qu'il n'y a que les personnes initiées qui le comprennent ; on s'y trompe ordinairement, il est même quelquefois applaudi par de très bons Chrétiens, etc." Du reste, il soutient que le Déisme et le Papisme se produisent réciproquement, et qu'il n'y a qu'un pas à faire de l'un à l'autre." La troisième édition donnée en 1739 donne le nom de l'auteur : Elisha Smith, Rector of Tidd S. Giles in the Isle of Ely, and Castle-Rising, in Norfolk. On a de cet auteur plusieurs sermons et ouvrages de théologie. Smith luttait contre les idées développées par les Déistes. Le déisme en Angleterre vers 1730 était une perspective religieuse qui émergea pendant le Siècle des Lumières. Les déistes croyaient en un Dieu créateur, mais ils rejetaient souvent les dogmes religieux traditionnels, les miracles et les manifestations surnaturelles. Ils préconisaient une approche rationaliste de la foi, soulignant la raison plutôt que la révélation divine. Certains déistes influents de l'époque comprenaient John Locke, Anthony Collins et Matthew Tindal. Les déistes soutenaient souvent la séparation de l'Église et de l'État, prônant la liberté de pensée et de conscience. Ils étaient critiques envers l'autorité religieuse établie et mettaient en avant l'idée que la compréhension de Dieu pouvait être atteinte par la raison et l'observation de la nature plutôt que par la foi aveugle. Le déisme a eu une influence significative sur la pensée philosophique et politique de l'époque, contribuant à la formation de la laïcité et de la tolérance religieuse en Occident. Bien que le déisme ait été une force importante au XVIIIe siècle, il a progressivement cédé la place à d'autres mouvements intellectuels et religieux au cours du XIXe siècle. Provenance : Exceptionnel exemplaire relié aux armes d'un membre de la famille Von Basta (Flandres), comtes de Hust ou Hulst, comtes du Saint Empire. Le premier membre de la lignée est Giogio Basta (1544-1607). Annobli en 1605, fait comte du Saint Empire, son titre est transmissible « à tous ses enfants et descendants légitimes de l'un et de l'autre sexe ». Hust est alors une petite ville de la Ruthénie (petite région montagneuse d’Europe centrale située à cheval sur les Carpates ukrainiennes, polonaises et slovaques, aujourd'hui à l'extrême-ouest de l'Ukraine). Le ou La Von Basta qui nous intéresse ici vécut dans la première moitié du XVIIIe siècle, la reliure étant strictement d'époque, autour de 1737. Le nom de notre possesseur doit se trouver dans l'ouvrage intitulé : Basta, Comte d'Hust, sa vie, sa famille et sa descendance (Paris, 1968, par D. Labarre de Raillicourt). Se référer également à l'ouvrage d'Octave Le Maire intitulé : Les Comtes d'Hust et du Saint-Empire, descendants du Général comte Basta (1550-1607). Bruxelles, 1966. Notre exemplaire contient une intéressante note manuscrite d'analyse de l'ouvrage rédigée en français et placée à la fin du deuxième volume, au verso du dernier feuillet blanc. Cette note rédigée vraisemblablement à l'époque par le premier possesseur du volume, est donc de la main de celui a qui appartiennent ces armes. Ex libris L. Froissart (Ludovic Froissart). Sa bibliothèque fut vendue en janvier 1977. L. Froissart possédait plusieurs beaux spécimens de reliures décorées armoriées du XVIIIe siècle. Bel exemplaire tiré en grand papier relié à l'époque en maroquin aux armes d'un comte du Saint Empire Romain Germanique descendant de Georgio Basta, comte de Hust.‎

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