28 x 21,5 cm, 172 pp, colour & b/w ill., orig. wrapp. with a catalogue of paintings by E. Langui (373 items).
0. Bruxelles, 1936, in-4°, 28 x 23 cm, 48 pp with b/w ill. orig. wrapp. (wrapper dustsoiled and with some stains). Text in French.
Brussels, Aux editions Lumière, collection Témoignages, 1945, 283 pp, index, bibliography, sewn, orig.wrappers.
SMET, Gustave de - Cahier Sélection - Luc & Paul Haesaerts - André de Ridder - P.G. Van Hecke :
Reference : 51774
2. Anvers, éditions Sélection, 1928, 26,5 x 19 cm, 136 pp avec des ill. n/b, broché, couverture originale (couverture souill. et un peu picquée). Numéro spécial de la revue avant-garde Sélection, avec des contributions de Luc & Paul Haesaerts - André de Ridder - P.G. Van Hecke..
Editions Francis Salabert, Paris 1913, 27,6x35,3cm, une feuille rempliée et une libre.
Edition originale de cette partition pour piano, premier plat illustré en couleurs pas Léon Pousthomis. Agréable exemplaire. - Photos sur www.Edition-originale.com -
Phone number : 01 56 08 08 85
2. 30 x 22 cm , 32 pp b/w ill., orig. wrapp. texts by A.de Ridder, R. van Gindertael, G.Marlier.
André de Ridder - Paul-Gustave Van Hecke - Gustave De Smet - Georges Marlier (editors) - [ ] Sélection Chronique de la Vie Artistique :
Reference : 52530
" Bruxelles, éditions Sélection, 1 aôut 1920 - septembre 1927 (= série 1-6, année 1-6), and continuation; Sélection -Cahiers volume 1-14, Bruxelles, mars 1928 - juillet 1933. Added; Tracts I and II of Sélection. (I) P.G. Van Hecke ; Pour réparer le retard et le malentendu (1921). (II) André Salmon ; Le Révélation de Seurat. (1921). All issues in the original untrimmed covers ( as issued). All covers were printed on fragile paper resulting in some damage at the covers and the spines and some traces of manipulation. We summerise here the condition year per year, indicating damages : [1st year] Fine/good copies. Cover of issue 10 with loss of paper (upper righthand corner 5 x 10 cm). [2nd year] Fine copies. [3rd year] Some spines with small loss of paper, a bit more so at issue 1. [4rd year] Fine/good copies, frontcover of issue 1 completely torn in the fold. [5th year] Fine copies. [6th year] Spine of issue 1 reinforced with transparent tape. Issues 6, 8-9 and 10 with damaged spines (loss of paper). [Cahiers 1-14] In fine condition, except for Cahier Baumeister (13) which lacks its original cover. The very rare and complete collection of this Belgian interbellum avant-garde periodical which was devoted to modern art in Europe during this interesting period. It was founded by André de Ridder and Paul-Gustave van Hecke, with Gustave De Smet (who provided the well-known cover design) and Georges Marlier. Each series comprises 10 issues. The covers of the first series (first year) are all done by a different artist in a different color (De Smet , Joostens , Spilliaert , Ramah , Geo Navez , Cantré , Creten , Derain, Fritz van den Berghe , Prosper de Troyer ). Among the contributors we find e.g.; Max Jacob, André Desson , Léon Duesberg , Tristan Tzara , Hubert Dubois , André Salmon , M. Lecomte , Erik Satie , Paul van Ostayen, Jean Cocteau , H. Vandeputte , Nico Rost. Many issues contain original graphic illustrations, woodcuts, drawings etc. by such artists as Masereel, George Grosz , Henri van Straten, Edgar Tytgat , Chagall, Zadkine , Picasso , Man Ray, Raoul Dufy, Léger, R. Guiette....The second series consists of 14 ''Cahiers'' all devoted to a single artist. These are; Dufy , De Smet , Zadkine , Tytgat , Léger , Chagall , Marcoussis , de Chirico , Gromaire , Gargallo , Baumeister , van den Berghe , Wadsworth and Kandinsky. The complete set is kept in 7 uniform purposely made cloth boxes, with red leather labels. A complete set , in original issues, as published; and in this condition is extemely rare. It is unlikely that it could again be assembled in the future.."
Reference : 56622
, Anvers, ditions S lection, 1927 Original publishers paper-covered boards, in-8 , 150 pages illustre. Texte en Francais .
S lection. Chronique de la vie artistique et litt raire. Sixi me Ann e . N 10 septembre 1927 : with original wrapper ( woodcut design by Gustave De Smet. Original issue of this Belgian avant-garde art periodical
André de RIDDER - Paul-Gustave VAN HECKE - Gustave DE SMET - Georges MARLIER (editors) - [ ] Sélection Chronique de la Vie Artistique :
Reference : 57519
" Bruxelles, éditions Sélection, 1 aôut 1920 - septembre 1927 (= série 1-6, année 1-6), Complete.series (all published) The series is composed as follows: [1st year] Published with fragile coloured wrappers. Stapled issues of ca. 40 pp. In fine condition, protected by transparent paper covers. Only cover of issue 10 is discoloured and with some water stains at the inner marging of the cover only. Cover or 3 issues with some minor soiling due to corrosion of the staples, [2nd year] Presented bound in a publisher's decorated cloth cover. Fine copy.. Both 1st and 2nd year together in a blue slipcase with leather title label on spine. [3rd year] Issues 1-5 in the blue publisher's cloth binding, With decoration and lettering in white ink (lettering partially disappeared due to poor ink quality). Issues 6 - 10 loose as issued. [4rd year] & [5th year] & [6th year] bound per year in the original blue publisher's cloth. Binding with minimal wear at extremities, white ink decoration and lettering on spine and frontcovering finely preserved (except for spine of vol. 4 which shows some wear). In all a very good set of this very periodical..We add the 3 tracts published by Sélection (the last one in photostat). A rare complete set this Belgian interbellum avant-garde periodical which was devoted to modern art in Europe during this interesting period. It was founded by André de Ridder and Paul-Gustave van Hecke, with Gustave De Smet (who provided the well-known cover design) and Georges Marlier. Each series comprises 10 issues. The covers of the first series (first year) are all done by a different artist in a different color (De Smet , Joostens , Spilliaert , Ramah , Geo Navez , Cantré , Creten , Derain, Fritz van den Berghe , Prosper de Troyer ). Among the contributors we find e.g.; Max Jacob, André Desson , Léon Duesberg , Tristan Tzara , Hubert Dubois , André Salmon , M. Lecomte , Erik Satie , Paul van Ostayen, Jean Cocteau , H. Vandeputte , Nico Rost. Many issues contain original graphic illustrations, woodcuts, drawings etc. by such artists as Masereel, George Grosz , Henri van Straten, Edgar Tytgat , Chagall, Zadkine , Picasso , Man Ray, Raoul Dufy, Léger, R. Guiette..."
HECKE, Paul-Gustave van - André de Ridder - Gustave De Smet - Georges Marlier (editors) - [ ] SÉLECTION - Armand Salacrou - Robert Vivier - ( contributors ) :
Reference : 51936
"0. Anvers, éditions Sélection, 1926, in-8°, original issue as published, ca 80 pp, sewn, original wrapper ( woodcut design by Gustave De Smet). Original wrapper a bit discolored, spine with damage and loss of paper. ( wrapper was printed on paper which has become brittle by now). Small blindstamp of a library. Still a good copy. Texts in French. Complete copy of an original issue of this Belgian avant-garde art periodical. Contains articles by e.g. Armand Salacrou ( Les trente tombes de Judas) ; Dr. Saxer on Hermann Scherer. De Ridder on Gustave de Smet. ..Exemplaire complet d'un numéro original de cette revue d'avant-garde belge."
JACOB (Max). KIM (Jean-Jacques). MEYRINCK (Gustave). PONGE (Francis). RIVET (René). SMET (Michel de). TIECK (Ludwig).
Reference : 44607
Paris - Limoges, directeurs : Marcel Béalu et René Rougerie. Un volume 22,5x14cm broché de 156 pages. Tirage ordinaire à 1000 exemplaires sur bouffant. Couverture décolorée sinon bon état.
La revue, dont la librairie de Marcel Béalu, Le Pont traversé, était le point principal de diffusion parisienne, a paru de 1955 à 1971. Elle compte au total 42 numéros en 34 livraisons. Excellent sommaire : Max Jacob, Sacrifice impérial - Jean-Jacques Kim, Trois récits - Gustav Meyrinck, Les vampires voleurs de temps - Francis Ponge, Le soleil placé en abîme - Renée Rivet, L’ouvrière du temps - Michel de Smet, Histoires - Ludwig Tieck, Le chat botté.
HECKE, Paul-Gustave van - André de Ridder - Gustave De Smet - Georges Marlier (editors) - [ ] SÉLECTION - Max Jacob - L.P. Haesaerts - A. Gangontena .. ( contributors ) :
Reference : 51920
"0. Anvers, éditions Sélection, 1924, in-8°, original issue as published, ca. 110 pp, sewn, original wrapper ( woodcut design by Gustave De Smet). Original wrapper a bit dustsoiled and completely detached, spine damaged with loss of paper, margins of wrapper a bit frayed and discolored. ( wrapper was printed on paper which has become brittle by now). Texts in French. Complete copy of an original issue of this Belgian avant-garde art periodical. Contains e.g. articles by Max Jacob ( Les Tabar ) ;L.P. Haesaerts on Gustave van de Woestijne. ; A. Gangontena ( Boisson Trouble )...Exemplaire complet d'un numéro original de cette revue d'avant-garde belge, couverture légèrement abimée."
HECKE, Paul-Gustave van - André de Ridder - Gustave De Smet - Georges Marlier (editors) - [ ] SÉLECTION :
Reference : 52247
7. Bruxelles, éditions Sélection, 1921-1922, in-8°, 23,5 x 15,5 cm, 10 original numbers in 5 physical issues, as published. Continuous pagination , 312 pp + publicity leaves. Bound in the original publisher's buckram, cover with the famous design of G. De Smet. The soft cover of the first issue ( juin 1922) has been bound in. Original cloth covered boards with some slight soiling of the cloth. These issues of the complete second year were bound in by the publishers after they failed to sell the loose issues during the running year. Complete copy of the second year of this Belgian avant-garde art periodical. Issue 4-5-6 contains an article by André De Ridder on wood engraving and is illustrated by many original wood blocks by e.g. G. De Smet, O. Zadkine , Fritz Van Den Berghe , Jozef Cantré, A. Mambour, P. Flouquet, J. Laboureur, E. TytgatV. Van Uytvanck , Joris Minne, Daragnès.... Exemplaire complet de la seconde année de cette revue d'avant-garde belge.
SATIE Erik - Sélection - André de Ridder - Paul-Gustave Van Hecke - Gustave De Smet - Georges Marlier (editeurs) -
Reference : 51769
"2. Anvers, éditions Sélection, 1924, grande in-8°, 24,5 x 16 cm, 112 pp, le numéro 6 de la troisième année (avril 1924). Fascicule comme sortie de la presse, exemplaire de luxe sur papier de haute qualité. La couverture contient le dessin de Gustave de Smet. Très bon état. Ce numéro contient deux articles d'Erik Satie : ''L'Esprit musical '' et ''Spleen'' ( pages musicales) ; et un article de Paul Collaer sur Satie. Parmi les autres articles il y a un texte d'André de Ridder sur Edgard Tytgat.."
SÉLECTION - André de Ridder - Paul-Gustave Van Hecke - Gustave De Smet - Georges Marlier (editors) :
Reference : 51759
10. Bruxelles, , éditions Sélection, 1926-1927, grande in-8°, 25,5 x 18 cm, 868 pp, avec titre et index séparé, avec des ill. noir/blanc hors-texte. Avec des bois originaux de Frans Masereel, Henri Van Straten, Edgar Tytgat, Cantré..Année complet, 9 numéros physique comme sortie de la presse (le nr. 8-9 est nr. double). La couverture est illustrée par Gustave de Smet. Ceci est la publication de la dernière année du revue fait par Sélection après l'arrêt du revue. Depuis ils ne publient que des ''Cahiers''. Très beaux exemplaires, en parfait état.
SÉLECTION - André de Ridder - Paul-Gustave Van Hecke - Gustave De Smet - Georges Marlier (editors) :
Reference : 51761
0. Anvers, éditions Sélection, 1925-1926, grande in-8°, 25,5 x 18 cm, 10 fascicules de ca. 45 pp ( 444 pp en total). Les numéros comme publiés, avec la couverture originale ( dessin de Gustave de Smet). Les numéros en bel état. Année complet de cette revue belge d'art avant-garde. En total 6 années fûrent publiées. Ceci est l'avant dernier année.
SÉLECTION - André de Ridder - Paul-Gustave Van Hecke - Gustave De Smet - Georges Marlier (editors) - S2 :
Reference : 51766
0. Bruxelles, éditions Sélection, 1921-1922, grande in-8°, 24,5 x 16 cm, 312 pp, numéros 1-10 ( 5 fascicules - qq. nr. en double ou triple). Numéros comme sortie de la presse. Le nr. 10 contient l'index. Les couvertures sont parfois pouss. ou légèrement souill.. Avec nombreuses illustrations noir/blanc hors-texte et quelques bois originaux. Le nr. 4-5-6 contient des bois originaux. Les couvertures sont illustrée par Gustave de Smet..
HECKE, Paul-Gustave van - André de Ridder - Gustave De Smet - Georges Marlier (editors) - [ ] SÉLECTION - Paul Neuhuys - Georges Marlier - Max Jacob Waldemar George ...( contributors ) ::
Reference : 51907
2. Bruxelles, éditions Sélection, 1923, in-8°, original issue as published, 110 pp, sewn, original wrapper ( woodcut design by Gustave De Smet). Original wrapper completely loose, margins of wrapper a bit frayed and discolored , spine missing. ( wrapper was printed on paper which has become brittle by now). Texts in French. Complete copy of an original issue of this Belgian avant-garde art periodical. Contains e.g. a large article by Waldemar Georges on Picasso. Exemplaire complet d'un numéro original de cette revue d'avant-garde belge, couverture détachée.
HECKE, Paul-Gustave van - André de Ridder - Gustave De Smet - Georges Marlier (editors) - [ ] SÉLECTION - Jean COCTEAU - Paul van Ostayen - E.L.T.Mesens...( contributors ) :
Reference : 51908
2. Anvers, éditions Sélection, 1923, in-8°, original issue as published, ca. 120 , sewn, original wrapper ( woodcut design by Gustave De Smet). Original wrapper completely loose, margins of wrapper a bit frayed and discolored , spine missing. ( wrapper was printed on paper which has become brittle by now). Texts in French. Complete copy of an original issue of this Belgian avant-garde art periodical. Contains e.g. poems by Jean Cocteau, an article of E.L.T.Mesens on music , Paul van Ostayen on Heirich Campendonck, Léon Duisberg on Paul Valéry.... Exemplaire complet d'un numéro original de cette revue d'avant-garde belge, couverture détachée.
HECKE, Paul-Gustave van - André de Ridder - Gustave De Smet - Georges Marlier (editors) - [ ] SÉLECTION - Paul Neuhuys - Fernand Léger - Jozef Cantré ...( contributors ) ::
Reference : 51910
2. Anvers, éditions Sélection, 1924, in-8°, original issue as published, ca. 110 pp, sewn, original wrapper ( woodcut design by Gustave De Smet). Original wrapper a bit loose and dustsoiled, spine damaged, margins of wrapper a bit frayed and discolored. ( wrapper was printed on paper which has become brittle by now). Texts in French. Complete copy of an original issue of this Belgian avant-garde art periodical. Contains e.g. article by Fernand Léger ( La Machine) , Paul Neuhuys ( Du Roman), an original woodcut by Jozef Cantré....Exemplaire complet d'un numéro original de cette revue d'avant-garde belge, couverture détachée ou abimée.
HECKE, Paul-Gustave van - André de Ridder - Gustave De Smet - Georges Marlier (editors) - [ ] SÉLECTION - Max Jacob - René Crével - Marcel Ardand ...( contributors ) ::
Reference : 51911
2. Anvers, éditions Sélection, 1924, in-8°, original issue as published, ca. 110 pp, sewn, original wrapper ( woodcut design by Gustave De Smet). Original wrapper a bit loose and dustsoiled, spine damaged, margins of wrapper a bit frayed and discolored. ( wrapper was printed on paper which has become brittle by now). Texts in French. Complete copy of an original issue of this Belgian avant-garde art periodical. Contains e.g. articles by Max Jacob, René Crevel, Georges Thialet.....Exemplaire complet d'un numéro original de cette revue d'avant-garde belge, couverture abimée.
HECKE, Paul-Gustave van - André de Ridder - Gustave De Smet - Georges Marlier (editors) - [ ] SÉLECTION - Max Jacob - René Crével - Marcel Ardand ...( contributors ) ::
Reference : 51912
0. Anvers, éditions Sélection, 1924, in-8°, original issue as published, ca. 110 pp, sewn, original wrapper ( woodcut design by Gustave De Smet). Original wrapper dustsoiled, spine slightly damaged, margins of wrapper a bit frayed and discolored. ( wrapper was printed on paper which has become brittle by now). Texts in French. Complete copy of an original issue of this Belgian avant-garde art periodical. Contains e.g. articles by Max Jacob, René Crevel, Georges Thialet.....Exemplaire complet d'un numéro original de cette revue d'avant-garde belge, couverture légèrement abimée.
HECKE, Paul-Gustave van - André de Ridder - Gustave De Smet - Georges Marlier (editors) - [ ] SÉLECTION - Gille Anthelme - Odilon-Jean Périer - Pierre Bourgeois - René Crevel ( contributors ) :
Reference : 51914
2. Anvers, éditions Sélection, 1924, in-8°, original issue as published, ca. 110 pp, sewn, original wrapper ( woodcut design by Gustave De Smet). Original wrapper a bit dustsoiled, spine slightly damaged, margins of wrapper a bit frayed and discolored. ( wrapper was printed on paper which has become brittle by now). Texts in French. Complete copy of an original issue of this Belgian avant-garde art periodical. Contains e.g. articles by René Crevel on Giorgio de Chirico , André De Ridder on Ossip Zadkine...Exemplaire complet d'un numéro original de cette revue d'avant-garde belge, couverture légèrement abimée.
HECKE, Paul-Gustave van - André de Ridder - Gustave De Smet - Georges Marlier (editors) - [ ] SÉLECTION - G. Thialet - René Guiette .... ( contributors ) :
Reference : 51915
0. Anvers, éditions Sélection, 1924, in-8°, original issue as published, ca. 110 pp, sewn, original wrapper ( woodcut design by Gustave De Smet). Original wrapper a bit dustsoiled, spine slightly damaged, margins of wrapper a bit frayed and discolored. ( wrapper was printed on paper which has become brittle by now). Texts in French. Complete copy of an original issue of this Belgian avant-garde art periodical. Contains e.g. articles by G. Thialet on Max Jacob, M. Lecomte on Jean Paulhan , van Hecke on Fritz van den Berghe....Exemplaire complet d'un numéro original de cette revue d'avant-garde belge, couverture légèrement abimée.
HECKE, Paul-Gustave van - André de Ridder - Gustave De Smet - Georges Marlier (editors) - [ ] SÉLECTION - Robert Poulet - André Salmon - Marcel Sauvage .... ( contributors ) :
Reference : 51916
"0. Anvers, éditions Sélection, 1924, in-8°, original issue as published, ca. 110 pp, sewn, original wrapper ( woodcut design by Gustave De Smet). Original wrapper a bit dustsoiled, spine slightly damaged, margins of wrapper a bit frayed and discolored. ( wrapper was printed on paper which has become brittle by now). Texts in French. Complete copy of an original issue of this Belgian avant-garde art periodical. Contains e.g. articles by Robert Poulet ; André Salmon ( poèmes) ; G. Marlier on Jozef Cantré G. Thialet on Max Jacob, M. Lecomte on Jean Paulhan , van Hecke on Fritz van den Berghe....Exemplaire complet d'un numéro original de cette revue d'avant-garde belge, couverture légèrement abimée."