1083 books for « sigmund freud »Edit

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‎Schur (Max) sur Sigmund Freud - Brigitte Bost (traduction)‎

Reference : 83851


‎La mort dans la vie de Freud , traduit de l'anglais par Brigitte Bost, dans la collection Connaissance de l'Inconscient (Psychanalyse)‎

‎Gallimard , Connaissance de l'Inconscient Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1975 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur blanche, titre en violet fort et grand In-8 1 vol. - 688 pages‎

‎ service de presse de la première traduction en français, 1975 Contents, Chapitres : Notes sur la documentation, avant-propos d'Helen Schur, Introduction - 1. Per aspera ad astra : Les origines - L'épisode cardiaque de Freud, bataille contre l'addiction à la nicotine - Les premiers temps de l'amitié avec Fliess - L'auto-analyse - Les rêves et la mort - La mort d'une amitié - 2. Vers une Weltanschauung scientifique : Les revenants, l'épisode de l'Acropole - L'immortalité, Gradiva - Disciples et amis, le réveil des anciens conflits - Trois écrits où s'élabore le thème de la mort - La première guerre mondiale - Au-delà du principe de plaisir, la pulsion de mort et la compulsion de répétition - 3. La maladie et la mort : Le cancer - La mort comme problème métapsychologique - L'adaptation à la souffrance et à la maladie - Freud dans l'âge biblique - L'avenir sans illusions - Freud devient mon patient - Malaise dans la civilisation - L'extension des lésions, la lutte avec la prothèse - La Weltanschauung scientifique - L'Allemagne hitlérienne et le fascisme autrichien - Moise et le monothéisme - Le 80eme anniversaire de Freud - Le cancer attaque à nouveau - L'invasion nazie, l'exode - Le dernier chapitre - Appendice : Texte original de lettres de Freud inédites - Références bibliographiques et index - Max Schur, né le 26 septembre 1897 et décédé le 12 octobre 1969, est un médecin et psychanalyste. Il fut notamment le médecin personnel de Sigmund Freud. Né en 1897 à Stanislau (aujourd'hui Ivano-Frankivsk, en Ukraine), il fit des études de médecine à l'Université de Vienne (Autriche). Il s'intéressa à la psychanalyse après avoir assisté aux conférences de Sigmund Freud sur le sujet. Il se fit analyser par Ruth Mack Brunswick et rejoignit ensuite la Société Viennoise de Psychanalyse. Cette double compétence en médecine et en psychanalyse l'amena à devenir, en 1928, le médecin personnel de Sigmund Freud. Il se lia tellement d'amitié avec Freud, qu'il le suivit à Londres avec sa famille pour fuir le nazisme. La veille de la mort de Freud, il quitta Londres pour les États-Unis d'Amérique. Il a notamment publié la biographie de référence sur les derniers jours de Sigmund Freud. (source : Wikipedia) couverture à peine jaunie, avec de légères pliures aux coins des plats, sinon bon état, intérieur propre, papier à peine jauni, cela reste un bon exemplaire - nb : Grand format de l'édition de 1975 dans la collection Connaissance de l'Inconscient chez Gallimard, il ne s'agit pas d'une édition en poche‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR10.00 (€10.00 )

‎Sigmund Freud, Ernest jones‎

Reference : 022997


‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume II 1921 ‎

‎London 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd Cloth ‎

‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume II 1921 Official organ of the International Psycho-analytical Association reprint 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd, London The International Journal of Psychoanalysis is an academic journal in the field of psychoanalysis. The idea of the journal was proposed by Ernest Jones in a letter to Sigmund Freud dated 7 December 1918. The journal itself was established in 1920, with Jones serving as editor until 1939, the year of Freud's death. hard cover With gilded titles on the spine, 22 x 15 cm, 486 pp lightly faded spines, minor shelf wear, all are in fine condition, no internal markings, pages clean, binding firm Overall a very good complete set ‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )

‎Sigmund Freud, Ernest jones‎

Reference : 022998


‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume III 1922 ‎

‎London 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd Cloth ‎

‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume III 1922 Official organ of the International Psycho-analytical Association reprint 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd, London The International Journal of Psychoanalysis is an academic journal in the field of psychoanalysis. The idea of the journal was proposed by Ernest Jones in a letter to Sigmund Freud dated 7 December 1918. The journal itself was established in 1920, with Jones serving as editor until 1939, the year of Freud's death. hard cover With gilded titles on the spine, 22 x 15 cm,520 pp lightly faded spines, minor shelf wear, all are in fine condition, no internal markings, pages clean, binding firm Overall a very good complete set ‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )

‎Sigmund Freud, Ernest jones‎

Reference : 022999


‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume IV 1923 ‎

‎London 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd Cloth ‎

‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume IV 1923 Official organ of the International Psycho-analytical Association reprint 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd, London The International Journal of Psychoanalysis is an academic journal in the field of psychoanalysis. The idea of the journal was proposed by Ernest Jones in a letter to Sigmund Freud dated 7 December 1918. The journal itself was established in 1920, with Jones serving as editor until 1939, the year of Freud's death. hard cover With gilded titles on the spine, 22 x 15 cm,526 pp lightly faded spines, minor shelf wear, all are in fine condition, no internal markings, pages clean, binding firm Overall a very good complete set ‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )

‎Sigmund Freud, Ernest jones‎

Reference : 023000


‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume V 1924 ‎

‎London 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd Cloth ‎

‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume V 1924 Official organ of the International Psycho-analytical Association reprint 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd, London The International Journal of Psychoanalysis is an academic journal in the field of psychoanalysis. The idea of the journal was proposed by Ernest Jones in a letter to Sigmund Freud dated 7 December 1918. The journal itself was established in 1920, with Jones serving as editor until 1939, the year of Freud's death. hard cover With gilded titles on the spine, 22 x 15 cm,514 pp lightly faded spines, minor shelf wear, all are in fine condition, no internal markings, pages clean, binding firm Overall a very good complete set ‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )

‎Sigmund Freud, Ernest jones‎

Reference : 023001


‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume VI 1925 ‎

‎London 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd Cloth ‎

‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume VI 1925 Official organ of the International Psycho-analytical Association reprint 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd, London The International Journal of Psychoanalysis is an academic journal in the field of psychoanalysis. The idea of the journal was proposed by Ernest Jones in a letter to Sigmund Freud dated 7 December 1918. The journal itself was established in 1920, with Jones serving as editor until 1939, the year of Freud's death. hard cover With gilded titles on the spine, 22 x 15 cm,529 pp lightly faded spines, minor shelf wear, all are in fine condition, no internal markings, pages clean, binding firm Overall a very good complete set ‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )

‎Sigmund Freud, Ernest jones‎

Reference : 023002


‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume VII 1926 ‎

‎London 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd Cloth ‎

‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume VII 1926 Official organ of the International Psycho-analytical Association reprint 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd, London The International Journal of Psychoanalysis is an academic journal in the field of psychoanalysis. The idea of the journal was proposed by Ernest Jones in a letter to Sigmund Freud dated 7 December 1918. The journal itself was established in 1920, with Jones serving as editor until 1939, the year of Freud's death. hard cover With gilded titles on the spine, 22 x 15 cm,537 pp lightly faded spines, minor shelf wear, all are in fine condition, no internal markings, pages clean, binding firm Overall a very good complete set ‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )

‎Sigmund Freud, Ernest jones‎

Reference : 023003


‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume VIII 1927‎

‎London 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd Cloth ‎

‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume VIII 1927 Official organ of the International Psycho-analytical Association reprint 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd, London The International Journal of Psychoanalysis is an academic journal in the field of psychoanalysis. The idea of the journal was proposed by Ernest Jones in a letter to Sigmund Freud dated 7 December 1918. The journal itself was established in 1920, with Jones serving as editor until 1939, the year of Freud's death. hard cover With gilded titles on the spine, 22 x 15 cm,563 pp lightly faded spines, minor shelf wear, all are in fine condition, no internal markings, pages clean, binding firm Overall a very good complete set ‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )

‎Sigmund Freud, Ernest jones‎

Reference : 023004


‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume IX 1928‎

‎London 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd Cloth ‎

‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume IX 1928 Official organ of the International Psycho-analytical Association reprint 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd, London The International Journal of Psychoanalysis is an academic journal in the field of psychoanalysis. The idea of the journal was proposed by Ernest Jones in a letter to Sigmund Freud dated 7 December 1918. The journal itself was established in 1920, with Jones serving as editor until 1939, the year of Freud's death. hard cover With gilded titles on the spine, 22 x 15 cm,518 pp lightly faded spines, minor shelf wear, all are in fine condition, no internal markings, pages clean, binding firm Overall a very good complete set ‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )

‎Sigmund Freud, Ernest jones‎

Reference : 023005


‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume X 1929‎

‎London 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd Cloth ‎

‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume X 1929 Official organ of the International Psycho-analytical Association reprint 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd, London The International Journal of Psychoanalysis is an academic journal in the field of psychoanalysis. The idea of the journal was proposed by Ernest Jones in a letter to Sigmund Freud dated 7 December 1918. The journal itself was established in 1920, with Jones serving as editor until 1939, the year of Freud's death. hard cover With gilded titles on the spine, 22 x 15 cm,565 pp lightly faded spines, minor shelf wear, all are in fine condition, no internal markings, pages clean, binding firm Overall a very good complete set ‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )

‎Sigmund Freud, Ernest jones‎

Reference : 023006


‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume XI 1930‎

‎London 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd Cloth ‎

‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume XI 1930 Official organ of the International Psycho-analytical Association reprint 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd, London The International Journal of Psychoanalysis is an academic journal in the field of psychoanalysis. The idea of the journal was proposed by Ernest Jones in a letter to Sigmund Freud dated 7 December 1918. The journal itself was established in 1920, with Jones serving as editor until 1939, the year of Freud's death. hard cover With gilded titles on the spine, 22 x 15 cm, 529 pp lightly faded spines, minor shelf wear, all are in fine condition, no internal markings, pages clean, binding firm Overall a very good complete set ‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )

‎Sigmund Freud, Ernest jones‎

Reference : 023007


‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume XII 1931‎

‎London 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd Cloth ‎

‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume XII 1931 Official organ of the International Psycho-analytical Association reprint 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd, London The International Journal of Psychoanalysis is an academic journal in the field of psychoanalysis. The idea of the journal was proposed by Ernest Jones in a letter to Sigmund Freud dated 7 December 1918. The journal itself was established in 1920, with Jones serving as editor until 1939, the year of Freud's death. hard cover With gilded titles on the spine, 22 x 15 cm, 526 pp lightly faded spines, minor shelf wear, all are in fine condition, no internal markings, pages clean, binding firm Overall a very good complete set ‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )

‎Sigmund Freud, Ernest jones‎

Reference : 023008


‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume XIII 1932‎

‎London 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd Cloth ‎

‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume XIII 1932 Official organ of the International Psycho-analytical Association reprint 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd, London The International Journal of Psychoanalysis is an academic journal in the field of psychoanalysis. The idea of the journal was proposed by Ernest Jones in a letter to Sigmund Freud dated 7 December 1918. The journal itself was established in 1920, with Jones serving as editor until 1939, the year of Freud's death. hard cover With gilded titles on the spine, 22 x 15 cm, 504 pp lightly faded spines, minor shelf wear, all are in fine condition, no internal markings, pages clean, binding firm Overall a very good complete set ‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )

‎Sigmund Freud, Ernest jones‎

Reference : 023009


‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume XIV 1933‎

‎London 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd Cloth ‎

‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume XIV 1933 Official organ of the International Psycho-analytical Association reprint 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd, London The International Journal of Psychoanalysis is an academic journal in the field of psychoanalysis. The idea of the journal was proposed by Ernest Jones in a letter to Sigmund Freud dated 7 December 1918. The journal itself was established in 1920, with Jones serving as editor until 1939, the year of Freud's death. hard cover With gilded titles on the spine, 22 x 15 cm, 525 pp lightly faded spines, minor shelf wear, all are in fine condition, no internal markings, pages clean, binding firm Overall a very good complete set ‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )

‎Sigmund Freud, Ernest jones‎

Reference : 023010


‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume XV 1934‎

‎London 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd Cloth ‎

‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume XV 1934 Official organ of the International Psycho-analytical Association reprint 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd, London The International Journal of Psychoanalysis is an academic journal in the field of psychoanalysis. The idea of the journal was proposed by Ernest Jones in a letter to Sigmund Freud dated 7 December 1918. The journal itself was established in 1920, with Jones serving as editor until 1939, the year of Freud's death. hard cover With gilded titles on the spine, 22 x 15 cm, 534 pp lightly faded spines, minor shelf wear, all are in fine condition, no internal markings, pages clean, binding firm Overall a very good complete set ‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )

‎Sigmund Freud, Ernest jones‎

Reference : 023012


‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume XIX 1938‎

‎London 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd Cloth ‎

‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume XIX 1938 Official organ of the International Psycho-analytical Association reprint 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd, London The International Journal of Psychoanalysis is an academic journal in the field of psychoanalysis. The idea of the journal was proposed by Ernest Jones in a letter to Sigmund Freud dated 7 December 1918. The journal itself was established in 1920, with Jones serving as editor until 1939, the year of Freud's death. hard cover With gilded titles on the spine, 22 x 15 cm, 523 pp lightly faded spines, minor shelf wear, all are in fine condition, no internal markings, pages clean, binding firm Overall a very good complete set ‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )

‎Sigmund Freud, Ernest jones‎

Reference : 023013


‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume XX 1939‎

‎London 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd Cloth ‎

‎The International Journal of Psycho-analysis Volume XX 1939 Official organ of the International Psycho-analytical Association reprint 1953 Wm. Dawson & Sons ltd, London The International Journal of Psychoanalysis is an academic journal in the field of psychoanalysis. The idea of the journal was proposed by Ernest Jones in a letter to Sigmund Freud dated 7 December 1918. The journal itself was established in 1920, with Jones serving as editor until 1939, the year of Freud's death. hard cover With gilded titles on the spine, 22 x 15 cm, 497 pp lightly faded spines, minor shelf wear, all are in fine condition, no internal markings, pages clean, binding firm Overall a very good complete set ‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR49.00 (€49.00 )

‎Andreas-Salomé (Lou) sur Sigmund Freud - Dominique Miermont, Agnès Lagny, et Marie Moscovici eds.‎

Reference : 82716


‎Lettre ouverte à Freud , Traduction de Dominique Miermont avec la collaboration d'Agnès Lagny, préface de Marie Moscovici (Correspondance, lettres, psychanalyse)‎

‎Editions Lieu Commun , Essai Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1983 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur bleu marine et blanc, illustrée d'une composition en couleurs avec les photographies de Lou Andreas-Salomé et Freud en médaillon grand In-8 1 vol. - 143 pages‎

‎ 1ere traduction en francais, 1983 Contents, Chapitres : Lou Andreas-Salomé, née Louise von Salomé (12 février 1861 à Saint-Pétersbourg - 5 février 1937 à Göttingen), est une femme de lettres allemande d'origine russe. Romancière, essayiste, nouvelliste, psychanalyste, cette figure même de l'égérie a déchaîné de nombreuses passions amoureuses. - Sa rencontre avec Sigmund Freud, en 1911, durant les années de naissance de la psychanalyse, est également marquante. Lou Andreas-Salomé devient lamie de la fille du psychanalyste, Anna Freud. Lou entretient une correspondance avec le médecin de Vienne. Elle soppose d'ailleurs à lui au sujet de la religion qui intéresse Freud à la fin de son uvre. (source : Wikipedia) couverture à peine jaunie, avec une legere trace de pliure au coin supérieur gauche du plat inférieur, l'intérieur est sinon frais et propre, papier à peine jauni, cela reste un bon exemplaire - nb : grand format de la première traduction en français, 1983, il ne s'agit pas d'une édition en poche‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR7.00 (€7.00 )

‎Wunenburger (Jean-Jacques) sur Sigmund Freud‎

Reference : 79245


‎Sigmund Freud - Une vie, une époque, une uvre‎

‎Editions Balland , Phares Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1985 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur blanche et bleu ciel, illustrée d'un portrait de Freud en médaillon In-8 1 vol. - 428 pages‎

‎ 1ere édition Contents, Chapitres : Introduction - Une vie - Freud en son temps - L'uvre : La psychologie analytique : Du chimiste à l'alchimiste - L'art d'interpréter ou le labyrinthe des rêves - Les racines sexuelles de l'homme et la tragédie familiale - La métapsychologie ou l'architecture de la psyché - Les jeux du langage ou les anamorphoses fantasmagoriques - L'anthropologie culturelle ou la civilisation narcotique - L'oeuvre et son temps - Polémiques - Bibliographie - NB : avec des extraits thématiques des textes de Freud couverture à peine jaunie, avec une legere trace de pliure au coin du plat inférieur, sinon bon état, intérieur frais et propre, papier à peine jauni‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR7.00 (€7.00 )

‎Rom (Paul) sur Sigmund Freud‎

Reference : 85111


‎Qui était Sigmund Freud ? , traduction d'Hélène Dilhan, dans la collection Pensée (Psychanalyse)‎

‎Editions Privat , Pensée Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1971 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur vert pale, illustrée d'un portrait de Freud en noir et blanc In-8 1 vol. - 110 pages‎

‎ 1ere édition, 1971 Contents, Chapitres : Préface et introduction - La vie de Freud, 1856-1939 - L'édifice théorique de la psychanalyse - Disciples et adversaires - La psychologie des profondeurs après Freud - Table chronologique, notes, brève bibliographie couverture à peine jaunie avec quelques micro petites taches discretes, sinon intérieur frais et propre, papier à peine jauni, cela reste un bon exemplaire‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR7.00 (€7.00 )

‎Jalley (Emile) sur Henri Wallon, Sigmund Freud et Jean Piaget‎

Reference : 85765


‎Wallon lecteur de Freud et Piaget - Trois études suivies des textes de Wallon sur la psychanalyse et d'un lexique des termes techniques (Psychologie)‎

‎Editions Sociales , Terrains Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1981 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture à rabats imprimée éditeur vert foncé, illustrée d'une chouette noire fort et grand In-8 1 vol. - 562 pages‎

‎ 1ere édition, 1981 "Contents, Chapitres : 1. Wallon et la psychanalyse : Convergences - Méthode comparative - Histoire - Wallon lecteur de Freud - 2. La méthode dialectique dans la psychologie de Wallon - 3. La formation et l'uvre de Jean Piaget - Pour une lecture comparée de Piaget et de Wallon - 4. Textes de Wallon sur la psychanalyse - Lexique des termes techniques, bibliographie et index - Émile Jalley (né en 1935) est un épistémologue, psychologue et philosophe français. ""Wallon, lecteur de Freud et Piaget"" est le premier texte d'importance publié par Jalley en 1981. En 2013-2014, il publie le résultat d'années d'études dans son livre La crise de la philosophie en France au XXIe siècle, DHéraclite et Parménide à Lacan. Il y décrit, comment le paradigme de la dialectique, qui est d'origine judaïque et qui est passé par les philosophies grecques, françaises et germaniques, a, sous l'influence d'un hyperempirisme anglo-américain, d'abord été réduit à ne plus être que la forme d'une pensée dialectique, et que même cette forme de pensée dialectique serait, dans l'après-1968, abandonné par les philosophes français qui auraient pris une position « antidialectique », qui serait allé de pair avec un désintérêt concernant la pensée marxiste et la psychanalyse. Parmi les philosophes français contemporains, seul Lacan aurait su se distraire par la suite, grâce à ses travaux cliniques, qui lui ont permis de maintenir ferme le paradigme dialectique selon laxe Hegel-Marx. - Henri Wallon, né le 15 juin 1879 à Paris, où il meurt le 1er décembre 1962, est un psychologue, médecin et homme politique français. Il est directeur d'études à l'École pratique des hautes études et professeur au Collège de France. - En insistant sur la discontinuité et la notion de crise qui sous-tend cette discontinuité, Henri Wallon se montrait fidèle aux thèses hégéliennes de la dialectique. Il se distingue en cela de Jean Piaget, qui valorise plutôt, dans sa propre description des stades du développement infantile, les interactions au détriment des ruptures. Émile Jalley remarque par ailleurs qu'Henri Wallon a été en interactions avec la psychanalyse : selon cet auteur, Wallon a repris certaines observations ou concepts de Sigmund Freud dans ses développements théoriques. Une observation faite par Wallon, publiée en 1931 sous l'intitulé « Comment se développe chez l'enfant la notion de corps propre », a inspiré le concept de « stade du miroir », que le psychanalyste Jacques Lacan a ensuite particulièrement développé. (source : Wikipdia)" dos à peine insolé, tres legeres petites taches discretes au coin supérieur gauche du plat supérieur, sans gravité, sinon bon état, intérieur propre, papier à peine jauni, cela reste un bon exemplaire‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR12.00 (€12.00 )

‎Belgion (Montgomery) sur Bernard Shaw - André Gide - Sigmund Freud - Bertrand Russell‎

Reference : 191


‎Notre foi contemporaine - Bernard Shaw - André Gide - Sigmund Freud - Bertrand Russell‎

‎Gallimard , Documents Bleus Malicorne sur Sarthe, 72, Pays de la Loire, France 1934 Book condition, Etat : Bon broché, sous couverture imprimée éditeur blanche grand In-8 1 vol. - 312 pages‎

‎ Contents, Chapitres : 1. Introduction : La question qui se pose - Le propagandiste inconscient - 2. D'après Bernard Shaw : Le socialisme et le surhomme - L'évangile de l'empoigne - Le crime - Le mariage - La force vitale ou l'évolution créatrice - La prétention d'être inspiré - 3. D'après André Gide : Les cas déconcertants - Le maquis épais de l'homme - L'appel au bonheur - Non pas le christianisme mais le Christ - Le bien et le mal - La fatalité - Le corydon - La preuve par expérience - 4. D'après le docteur Sigmund Freud : La naissance des dieux - Morale et désirs - Bonheur et intelligence - Faire face à la réalité - Pourquoi réduire le nombre des règles - 5. D'après le comte Bertrand Russell : Un message - Modification de la nature humaine - La théorie de la connaissance de M. Russell - L'harmonie dans les désirs - 6. Conclusion : Les croyances d'après lesquelles nous agissons - La personnalité - L'éternel devenu temporel - Post-scriptum sur André Gide ‎

Librairie Internet Philoscience - Malicorne-sur-Sarthe
EUR7.00 (€7.00 )

‎Sigmund Freud, Otto Rank, Hanns Sachs‎

Reference : 022983


‎Imago Zeitschrift für Anwendung der Psychoanalyse auf die Geisteswissenschaften band II 1913‎

‎Leipzig und Wien 1913 Hugo Heller Cloth ‎

‎Tmago: Zeitschrift für Anwendung der Psychoanalyse auf die Geisteswissenschaften band II 1913 The name goes back to Carl Spitteler's autobiographical novel Imago, published in 1906. By publishing the magazine, Freud wanted to establish psychoanalysis as a way of seeing and thinking that also plays a role outside of medicine in understanding culture and society and in the arts. The magazine achieved this goal through both the choice of topics and the selection of authors. In addition to doctors, psychologists and lay analysts, these also included theologians, sociologists, anthropologists, philosophers, cultural scientists and writers.[3] The magazine was aimed at both specialist audiences and interested laypeople and became the publisher's most successful medium until the publisher was dissolved due to the influence of the National Socialists. The magazine was continued in 1939 by Hanns Sachs and with the collaboration of Anna Freud in the USA under the name American Imago and by merging it with the International Journal of Psychoanalysis, which is still published quarterly today.[4] The changing subtitles show the shift in the focus or interest of the editors: the years up to 1926 had the addition of Journal for the Application of Psychoanalysis to the Humanities, and from 1927 to 1932 the subtitle was: Journal for the Application of Psychoanalysis to the Natural and Natural Sciences Humanities and, from 1933, journal for psychoanalytic psychology, its border areas and applications. From 1933 onwards there was a section of literature reviews in which, in addition to psychoanalytic specialist literature, a wide range of works from the border areas were also included. In addition to the three editors themselves, the international authors included Karl Abraham, Alice and Michael, Willy Bardas, Marie Bonaparte, Max Deri, Helene Deutsch, Sándor Ferenczi, Otto Fenichel, Eduard Hitschmann, Hermine Hug-Hellmuth, Ernest Jones, Ernst Kris, René Laforgue, Thomas Mann, Oskar Pfister, Hans Prinzhorn, Theodor Reik, Lou Andreas-Salomé, Herbert Silberer, Sabina Spielrein, René Spitz, Dorothy Tiffany Burlingham, Nelly Wolffheim, Hans Zulliger and Stefan Zweig. bimonthly magazine, complete volume of year 1913, six parts hard cover With gilded titles on the spine, 24,5 x 18 cm, 612 pp lightly faded spines, minor shelf wear, all are in fine condition, no internal markings, pages clean, binding firm Overall a very good complete set ‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR175.00 (€175.00 )

‎Sigmund Freud, Otto Rank, Hanns Sachs‎

Reference : 022984


‎Imago Zeitschrift für Anwendung der Psychoanalyse auf die Geisteswissenschaften band III 1914‎

‎Leipzig und Wien 1914 Hugo Heller Cloth ‎

‎Imago Zeitschrift für Anwendung der Psychoanalyse auf die Geisteswissenschaften band III 1914 The name goes back to Carl Spitteler's autobiographical novel Imago, published in 1906. By publishing the magazine, Freud wanted to establish psychoanalysis as a way of seeing and thinking that also plays a role outside of medicine in understanding culture and society and in the arts. The magazine achieved this goal through both the choice of topics and the selection of authors. In addition to doctors, psychologists and lay analysts, these also included theologians, sociologists, anthropologists, philosophers, cultural scientists and writers.[3] The magazine was aimed at both specialist audiences and interested laypeople and became the publisher's most successful medium until the publisher was dissolved due to the influence of the National Socialists. The magazine was continued in 1939 by Hanns Sachs and with the collaboration of Anna Freud in the USA under the name American Imago and by merging it with the International Journal of Psychoanalysis, which is still published quarterly today.[4] The changing subtitles show the shift in the focus or interest of the editors: the years up to 1926 had the addition of Journal for the Application of Psychoanalysis to the Humanities, and from 1927 to 1932 the subtitle was: Journal for the Application of Psychoanalysis to the Natural and Natural Sciences Humanities and, from 1933, journal for psychoanalytic psychology, its border areas and applications. From 1933 onwards there was a section of literature reviews in which, in addition to psychoanalytic specialist literature, a wide range of works from the border areas were also included. In addition to the three editors themselves, the international authors included Karl Abraham, Alice and Michael, Willy Bardas, Marie Bonaparte, Max Deri, Helene Deutsch, Sándor Ferenczi, Otto Fenichel, Eduard Hitschmann, Hermine Hug-Hellmuth, Ernest Jones, Ernst Kris, René Laforgue, Thomas Mann, Oskar Pfister, Hans Prinzhorn, Theodor Reik, Lou Andreas-Salomé, Herbert Silberer, Sabina Spielrein, René Spitz, Dorothy Tiffany Burlingham, Nelly Wolffheim, Hans Zulliger and Stefan Zweig. bimonthly magazine, complete volume of year 1914, six parts hard cover With gilded titles on the spine, 24,5 x 18 cm,544 pp lightly faded spines, minor shelf wear, all are in fine condition, no internal markings, pages clean, binding firm Overall a very good complete set ‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR175.00 (€175.00 )

‎Sigmund Freud, Otto Rank, Hanns Sachs‎

Reference : 022986


‎Imago Zeitschrift für Anwendung der Psychoanalyse auf die Geisteswissenschaften band IX 1923‎

‎Leipzig Wien Zurich 1923 Internationaler Psychoanalytischer Verlag Cloth ‎

‎Imago Zeitschrift für Anwendung der Psychoanalyse auf die Geisteswissenschaften band IX 1923 The name goes back to Carl Spitteler's autobiographical novel Imago, published in 1906. By publishing the magazine, Freud wanted to establish psychoanalysis as a way of seeing and thinking that also plays a role outside of medicine in understanding culture and society and in the arts. The magazine achieved this goal through both the choice of topics and the selection of authors. In addition to doctors, psychologists and lay analysts, these also included theologians, sociologists, anthropologists, philosophers, cultural scientists and writers.[3] The magazine was aimed at both specialist audiences and interested laypeople and became the publisher's most successful medium until the publisher was dissolved due to the influence of the National Socialists. The magazine was continued in 1939 by Hanns Sachs and with the collaboration of Anna Freud in the USA under the name American Imago and by merging it with the International Journal of Psychoanalysis, which is still published quarterly today.[4] The changing subtitles show the shift in the focus or interest of the editors: the years up to 1926 had the addition of Journal for the Application of Psychoanalysis to the Humanities, and from 1927 to 1932 the subtitle was: Journal for the Application of Psychoanalysis to the Natural and Natural Sciences Humanities and, from 1933, journal for psychoanalytic psychology, its border areas and applications. From 1933 onwards there was a section of literature reviews in which, in addition to psychoanalytic specialist literature, a wide range of works from the border areas were also included. In addition to the three editors themselves, the international authors included Karl Abraham, Alice and Michael, Willy Bardas, Marie Bonaparte, Max Deri, Helene Deutsch, Sándor Ferenczi, Otto Fenichel, Eduard Hitschmann, Hermine Hug-Hellmuth, Ernest Jones, Ernst Kris, René Laforgue, Thomas Mann, Oskar Pfister, Hans Prinzhorn, Theodor Reik, Lou Andreas-Salomé, Herbert Silberer, Sabina Spielrein, René Spitz, Dorothy Tiffany Burlingham, Nelly Wolffheim, Hans Zulliger and Stefan Zweig. bimonthly magazine, complete volume of year 1923, six parts hard cover With gilded titles on the spine, 24,5 x 18 cm,360 pp lightly faded spines, minor shelf wear, all are in fine condition, no internal markings, pages clean, binding firm Overall a very good complete set ‎

(CLAM, )

Phone number : +32(0)496 80 81 92

EUR175.00 (€175.00 )
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