Sieveking, Hinrich: L'Age d'or du Romantisme allemand: Aquarelles et dessins à l'Ãpoque de Goethe. Exhibition: Paris, MusÃe de la Vie Romantique, 2008. 346pp. Hardback. 25x18cms. Presents a collection of German Romantic watercolours and drawings from landscapes to portraits. With a resource of graphic arts, literature, music and philosophy it celebrates the creativity of the age of Goethe. Text in French.
Presents a collection of German Romantic watercolours and drawings from landscapes to portraits. With a resource of graphic arts, literature, music and philosophy it celebrates the creativity of the age of Goethe. Text in French
2008 Paris musée Reliure cartonnée éditeur, jaquette, 320p. Très bon état.
Aquarelles et dessins à l'époque de Goethe.Nombreuses reproductions couleurs.
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