Truchy Paris 1838 Petit in-12 ( 150x90 mm ) demi veau blond. Filets dorés et à froid sur dos lisse. Titre doré sur pièce de basane noire.203 pages.The School for scandal, a Comedy in five ects.With a biographical sketch,critical notice, vocabulary of difficult words.A key to the proper names of the dramatis personae, and of those mentioned in the course of the paly by J.W. LAKE.And for the first time, Critical and Explanotory Notes in French by J. SHORT.
London Charles Dilly 1783, second edition, in-8, (2)-348 pages. Basane fauve époque, dos orné, tranches rouges; légères épidermures et griffures sur les plats.(520 gr)-(LXVIII).